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Special Dark Miniwax Paste Wax.

duane v

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My poor 1995 500/1 bass that I purchased about 3 months ago does not look like 27 year old bass. It looked like a bass for the 60's and the finish was just in bad shape.... No luster and the nitro finish just looked tired out.

So I spent half the Sunday buffing out the bass with the Special Dark Miniwax Paste Wax, and also decided to do the Jazz bass. And what great results on both basses especially the Hofner..... Gave both a nice amber hue to them. 












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2 minutes ago, Big Bill said:

Wow! That shines almost as bright as my bald head.

Did you use a buffing wheel?

Dude..... LMAO.

Hand buff.... I initially used the wax on my all rosewood tele with great results.... So I thought what the heck 

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22 hours ago, Big Bill said:

Wow! That shines almost as bright as my bald head.

Did you use a buffing wheel?

[lol]  I'm gonna digress a bit here, but this reminded me of an old family story.....

Back in 1950, when my dad hired into the Cadillac main plant in Detroit, he was being shown around  by a huge African-American worker who my Dad said reminded him of Ezzard Charles and the man took my Dad to the finishing line where then, in the days before they used buffing wheels, the Caddies were hand buffed by a team of workers.

Seeing all those new Cadillacs under those bright lights and fresh buffed he was dazzled.   So much so he forgot where he was(and with who) and blurted out; "Man!  Those cars shine like a ni***er's a$$!"  [omg]  [blink]  

Soon as he said it he realized his gaffe.  Turning his head ever so slightly and shifting his eyes as far as possible in the other man's direction to gauge his response, he said he noticed the man was shaking with laughter.

My Dad turned to him to apologize but was stopped by the man's replying, "Yeah, they DOES has a nice shine about 'em, DON'T they?"  He then turned to my stammering Dad and said, "Hey, don't worry about it.  Think about it.  You just gave all our black asses a compliment!"   [biggrin]  Over the years he and my Dad came to be good friends.   All I remember was his first name was Terry and his nickname was "drums" because he moonlighted as a drummer for a local jazz band.

Anyway.....   That IS a nice shine on those axes.  [wink]


Edited by Whitefang
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