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Why are people mad at Obama for shaking hands with Chavez?

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I am not an Obama supporter did not even vote for anyone in this Election but followed the Debates closely and i seem to remember hearing Obama saying he will meet with Americas Enemies, So what is so surprising about Obama shaking hands with Chavez?


Nobody complained when the Taliban was sitting in the white house with Ronald Reagan i also seem to recall Ronald Reagan calling the Taliban "Freedom Fighters" What about Donald Rumsfield shaking hands and laughing with Saddam?


Thats why i stay away from political ideologies and parties because they are filled with ****** people that have a broom so far up their *** it is ridiculous.


Hannity "Oh no Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia this is surely a sign of the apocalypse."


Glenn Beck "They are surrounding us i hear them in my head when i sleep, Obama stop reading my thoughts".

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People that pay attention to the news and have read some history are mad at Obama, because he allowed himself to be photographed looking like an idiot. He's the President of the US, the "Leader" of the free world, the elected leader of the last remaining superpower and he allowed himself to be photographed buddying up to a third world dictator. Chavez is a fool, a hard core Socialist and a wannabe dictator who worships Fidel Castro. Chavez is buying weapons from Russia, spreading socialism in South America and he helped to fund the FARQ rebels in Columbia. Chavez was presenting Obama with an anti-American book and using the opportunity to show the world how strong and important he is.


And for your information, when Obama BOWED to the King of Saudi Arabia, that was the first time in US history, that a US President has bowed to a foreign King. There's 200 + years of tradition, and a lot of people that believe that an elected President of a free people, should not bow to an unelected Leader of a country of subjects.


It's not too late for you to learn something, do some research and learn a little bit about the subject matter and see if you still feel the same way.

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People that pay attention to the news and have read some history are mad at Obama' date=' because he allowed himself to be photographed looking like an idiot. He's the President of the US, the "Leader" of the free world, the elected leader of the last remaining superpower and he allowed himself to be photographed buddying up to a third world dictator. Chavez is a fool, a hard core Socialist and a wannabe dictator who worships Fidel Castro. Chavez is buying weapons from Russia, spreading socialism in South America and he helped to fund the FARQ rebels in Columbia. Chavez was presenting Obama with an anti-American book and using the opportunity to show the world how strong and important he is.


And for your information, when Obama BOWED to the King of Saudi Arabia, that was the first time in US history, that a US President has bowed to a foreign King. There's 200 + years of tradition, and a lot of people that believe that an elected President of a free people, should not bow to an unelected Leader of a country of subjects.


It's not too late for you to learn something, do some research and learn a little bit about the subject matter and see if you still feel the same way.[/quote']


KSG Where did you get those talking points? Fox.com?


Who gives a **** whether he bowed or not? It does not affect me and i am pretty sure it does not affect you.


I like Cheneys reply when asked on what he thought about the majority of Americans opposing their administrations decisions "So?" i think Obama should take Cheney as a role model and tell all you sour grapes to "Go **** yourself."

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And for your information' date=' when Obama BOWED to the King of Saudi Arabia, that was the first time in US history, that a US President has bowed to a foreign King. There's 200 + years of tradition, and a lot of people that believe that an elected President of a free people, should not bow to an unelected Leader of a country of subjects.




So then this this must have been the first time in US history a president made out with a foreign king.


Bush takes stroll with the king

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So' date=' to follow KSB's logic, Nixon should never have met with China's leaders; Reagan should never have met with Soviet leaders.[/quote']


There is no logic to his thoughts. There is only talking points on one of a half dozen web sites of dubious origins. I personally think he has come up with his own material on only two occasions. To my knowledge.


In contrast, for all his errors in logic at the very least Neo does have some funny stuff from time to time. Probably more often then I give him credit for.

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There is no logic to his thoughts. There is only talking points on one of a half dozen web sites of dubious origins. I personally think he has come up with his own material on only two occasions. To my knowledge.


In contrast' date=' for all his errors in logic at the very least Neo does have some funny stuff from time to time. Probably more often then I give him credit for. [/quote']


I'd like to have a beer with both of them...assuming we didn't talk politics.

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People that pay attention to the news and have read some history are mad at Obama' date=' because he allowed himself to be photographed looking like an idiot. He's the President of the US, the "Leader" of the free world, the elected leader of the last remaining superpower and he allowed himself to be photographed buddying up to a third world dictator. Chavez is a fool, a hard core Socialist and a wannabe dictator who worships Fidel Castro. Chavez is buying weapons from Russia, spreading socialism in South America and he helped to fund the FARQ rebels in Columbia. Chavez was presenting Obama with an anti-American book and using the opportunity to show the world how strong and important he is.




I agree.


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I am not an Obama supporter did not even vote for anyone in this Election but followed the Debates closely and i seem to remember hearing Obama saying he will meet with Americas Enemies' date=' So what is so surprising about Obama shaking hands with Chavez?


Nobody complained when the Taliban was sitting in the white house with Ronald Reagan i also seem to recall Ronald Reagan calling the Taliban "Freedom Fighters" What about Donald Rumsfield shaking hands and laughing with Saddam?


Thats why i stay away from political ideologies and parties because they are filled with ****** people that have a broom so far up their *** it is ridiculous.


Hannity "Oh no Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia this is surely a sign of the apocalypse."


Glenn Beck "They are surrounding us i hear them in my head when i sleep, Obama stop reading my thoughts".[/quote']



Too many people of color smiling for the right wingers. Makes em wanta caress their assault weapons.


Shoot, the right wingers didn't complain when bush kissed the Saudi King square on the lips, held his hand and led him into the Crawford bedroom not to emerge for 10 hours. That was OK, but Obama acknowledging a Latino is a "sin" according to the right wingers.

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Too many people of color smiling for the right wingers. Makes em wanta caress their assault weapons.


Shoot' date=' the right wingers didn't complain when bush kissed the Saudi King square on the lips, held his hand and led him into the Crawford bedroom not to emerge for 10 hours. That was OK, but Obama acknowledging a Latino is a "sin" according to the right wingers.[/quote']


Its called a Double Standard the Right wing is notorious for it.

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Too many people of color smiling for the right wingers. Makes em wanta caress their assault weapons.


Shoot' date=' the right wingers didn't complain when bush kissed the Saudi King square on the lips, held his hand and led him into the Crawford bedroom not to emerge for 10 hours. That was OK, but Obama acknowledging a Latino is a "sin" according to the right wingers.[/quote']




Follow my link a few posts up the page.

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Maybe it's about time that America stops acting like a bully. We've spent years building a reputation for being the "boss" because we had the biggest guns. Maybe it's about time we act like a member of the family and not some overbearing tyrant.The way America has been reminds me of some of the school yard bullies when I was in grade school in the mid 50's. 3 or 4 of them would lock arms and march through the playground with a goose step type march chanting, "Hey, hey, get out of my way. I belong to the USA" and would tromp over some small group on the playground, usually girls, and rarely was their behavior disciplined. The US has been acting like these bullies for far too long and maybe Obama realizes that and shows it by not acting as if the world has to kiss our feet. Those folks who interperet this respect as "bowing down" represent the worst of American arrogance, a trait that has only created more enemies for us and has weakened our influence in the world.

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Maybe it's about time that America stops acting like a bully. We've spent years building a reputation for being the "boss" because we had the biggest guns. Maybe it's about time we act like a member of the family and not some overbearing tyrant.The way America has been reminds me of some of the school yard bullies when I was in grade school in the mid 50's. 3 or 4 of them would lock arms and march through the playground with a goose step type march chanting' date=' "Hey, hey, get out of my way. I belong to the USA" and would tromp over some small group on the playground, usually girls, and rarely was their behavior disciplined. The US has been acting like these bullies for far too long and maybe Obama realizes that and shows it by not acting as if the world has to kiss our feet. Those folks who interperet this respect as "bowing down" represent the worst of American arrogance, a trait that has only created more enemies for us and has weakened our influence in the world.[/quote']



Grampa, exactly.


We've been throwing our weight around -- in the name of America's interest -- for too many years. Time we realize that despite our size, wealth, etc., we are still one of many countries in this world. Until we start living with our neighbors and working together when we can, we'll always be fighting someone (which is what some seem to want).

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