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Why are people mad at Obama for shaking hands with Chavez?

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Love the part about churches too. Can you imagine if they dared to put something from the Koran or Torah on money or in a government building somewhere? These people would be crapping a brick. But dont you dare touch their Ten Commandment statues.


I'm thinking of changing my name to "Krishna Is Dead In My Attic."

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Allah just means God in Arabic so i think you will be taking the piss out of every religous person out there be more specific.


How about "Mohamed is dead at a daycare"?


Ah but the difference it that the god of Islam is not the same as the God of the Bible so it would only offend someone who is islamic

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Ah but the difference it that the god of Islam is not the same as the God of the Bible so it would only offend someone who is islamic



I have talked to many Christian Arabs and they tell me that many Christians in the Middle East call "God" Allah, Its like Hesus and Jesus they are not two different people but instead referring to the same guy in two different languages.

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I have talked to many Christian Arabs and they tell me that many Christians in the Middle East call "God" Allah' date=' Its like Hesus and Jesus they are not two different people but instead referring to the same guy in two different languages.[/quote']


yes perhaps from a pure language point of view. However, if one studies the theology of Allah from the koran and God of the Bible you would see they cannot be the same.

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Ah but the difference it that the god of Islam is not the same as the God of the Bible so it would only offend someone who is islamic


Ironically it is the things that you feel differentiate you from those who are Islamic that make you exactly the same.

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How old are you?


JIDIMB is only about 18, and he makes about $100/week. So we can deduce that his wisdom doesn't come from years of education, study or practical experience...and his lack of income MIGHT have something to do with his love of other people paying taxes...Just sayin...

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Ironically it is the things that you feel differentiate you from those who are Islamic that make you exactly the same.


Interesting point and nice to see for once the ironically used properly. It really annoys me when people use it like Alanis' song Ironic..."it's just like rain on your wedding day.." etc that is not bloody irony that is coincidence!!!!!






ps why are people getting all personal?

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Ironically' date=' you are incorrect.[/quote']


I really didn't expect you to understand the point. Most people who have closed minds can't be expected to open them up for a brief moment of clarity or tolerance.

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Throw a little ego' date=' arrogance and anger into your bubbling pool and your already drowning in it my friend...[/quote']


How loosely you use the words friend and brother at times. I'm a bit more choosy with those that I call friend.


I think perhaps I will just get a SCUBA and take a swim rather then leave the pool. Wonder what pearls I'll find in this seemingly bottomless decent.

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JIDIMB is only about 18' date=' and he makes about $100/week. So we can deduce that his wisdom doesn't come from years of education, study or practical experience...and his lack of income MIGHT have something to do with his love of other people paying taxes...Just sayin...[/quote']


Krishna is dead in my attic, These are the kinds of conservative i speak to you about the ones that tell you how to live your life the ones that tell you what to believe or automatically assume what you believe.


The ones that Judge you on what you make or how old you are the ones that tell you to stay quite and do not speak your mind.


KSG_Standard is a prime example on why you never see protest on college campuses anymore.


Whats wrong with paying Taxes? Its funny how KSG_Standard is supposely the adult but acts like a pugnacious four year old child.

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Krishna is dead in my attic' date=' These are the kinds of conservative i speak to you about the ones that tell you how to live your life the ones that tell you what to believe or automatically assume what you believe.



[b']Believe what you want young one, as we all do...[/b]


The ones that Judge you on what you make or how old you are the ones that tell you to stay quite and do not speak your mind.


I can only judge your statements and ideas, based upon what I know about you...You are as welcome to speak your mind as anyone else...no one is trying to stop you...


KSG_Standard is a prime example on why you never see protest on college campuses anymore.


I finished college, the first time, before you were even born...we didn't have too many protests when I was in school either. Are you thinking of organizing a college protest? If so, good luck to you.


Whats wrong with paying Taxes?


What do you know about taxes? By your own admission, you make about $100 per week.


Its funny how KSG_Standard is supposely the adult but acts like a pugnacious four year old child.


I have socks older than you...

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