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Well I just got screwed...


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I got the shaft at work yesterday. I have been working at the same golf course for 4 years now. I am the senior cart staff member. There are 2 positions to work there, carts, and the grill.


7-2 Carts-pull up carts from the basement until we are out of tee times. Wash and store any carts that finish, no tips here


2-close carts-Wash all carts that finish, blow off the parking area, get up all the trash and take it to the dumpster, spray off the area where we wash carts. no tips at all


7-2 grill-get hotdogs ready, stock condiments, stock napkins, straws, keep tables and drink machine clean, keep restocking snacks and bottled drinks. oh and make tips


2-close grill-keep grill open til 5ish then close it down, wash everything in the grill, vacuum proshop, clean and mop bathrooms. not many tips on this shift.


So when I started It was consensus that the new guys started working carts mostly to close.

The veteran workers got to choose there hours and if they wanted to work in the grill.


I have gotten to the point were my boss was letting me work 2 days a week 7-2 in the grill.


Its the perfect shift. You sell food and make tips. Its the easiest shift a cart guy can work.


Now that the summer is starting he asked me what hours I wanted to work..


Well I am saving for a lp custom so I said I wanted to work wed-sat 7-2 in the grill.

He said that would be fine.


Yesterday we had a staff meeting to get the hours finally figured out. then he tells us that the owner wants to hire a new "grill lady" to work in the grill mon-fri.


All of our hours get cut, I dont get the work in the grill but once a week and Im only getting to work 2 and 12 days instead of the 4 days I was promised.


Did I get screwed or am I being unfair here?

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Did I get screwed or am I being unfair here?




You got screwed by having your hours cut at all because they hired an additional person. IMO, if they have enough coverage with the number of current employees, then they don't need to hire anyone else.


On the other side...


Perhaps they're trying to increase sales at the grill and figure that a consistent face there will attract more customers on a regular basis. That said, I don't know how much more money they think they're going to make off of hotdogs compared to what their membership and/or greens fees must be.

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Oh I forget to mention I make minimum wage. I started on minimum wage and in the last 4 years I havent gotten a raise. No one has.


If you were making some tips along with your hourly wage, that might not be so bad but you said you get tips only when working the grill. That said... No raise in four years? That's a very long time, especially at minimum wage.


Have you ever asked for a raise? I don't mean demanding a raise, I mean sitting down with your boss, reminding him how long you've been there and pointing out how good of a job you do. Conduct yourself in a professional manner.

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Perhaps they're trying to increase sales at the grill and figure that a consistent face there will attract more customers on a regular basis.


Ah, but i was that guy. I was gonna be in there 4 days a week. I know probably half the people who play there, I have played with probably 20-30 of them. Everyone knows me by name, and I them.

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Be a team player. Offer to help train the new grill lady. Keep your job.



Use the off days to seek gainful employment elsewhere if you can't meet your goals, financially. No one has ever gotten pissed at me for leaving to better myself.


Good Luck!

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Ah' date=' but i was that guy. I was gonna be in there 4 days a week. I know probably half the people who play there, I have played with probably 20-30 of them. Everyone knows me by name, and I them. [/quote']


I don't know then, man. Maybe it's the lack of boobs on your part or perhaps somebody's wife/daughter/niece/whoever needed a job so they created a position.

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I don't mean demanding a raise' date=' I mean sitting down with your boss, reminding him how long you've been there and pointing out how good of a job you do.



I have not. The consensus there is if you want to get paid more it will be at another job. The boss always says 'I got plenty of applications in there, if you dont wana do it I got 30 more people who do"

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I don't know then' date=' man. Maybe it's the lack of boobs on your part or perhaps somebody's wife/daughter/niece/whoever needed a job so they created a position.



Thats what my dad thinks. Hes trying to get a friend a job. or trying to push me away...

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Be a team player. Offer to help train the new grill lady. Keep your job.



Use the off days to seek gainful employment elsewhere if you can't meet your goals' date=' financially. No one has ever gotten pissed at me for leaving to better myself.


Good Luck![/quote']


That is about the best advice I can think of. Stick it out and, if you want to make more money, look for something else while keeping at it with your current job. It's tough out there right now so there aren't a lot of options but keep looking and eventually you will find something better.

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Oh I forget to mention I make minimum wage. I started on minimum wage and in the last 4 years I havent gotten a raise. No one has.


That's when you quit. 4 years and you're still making minimum wage? You'd make more at McDonald's.

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Im already looking for a job working with computers.


A couple of questions...


How old are you? Still in highschool or in college?


If still in highschool, are you planning to go to college or a vocational school?


If yes, here are some considerations:


You've been there for four years and that's a good thing. Eventually, after getting out of school and looking for your first "real" job, the four years you put in that place are going to look very good on your resume as it shows commitment to a job and potential employers are going to like that. It costs a lot of money to bring in a new hire so companies like to hire people who are going to stick around for a few years rather than job hop every two years.


On the other hand, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a little diversity under your belt when it comes to jobs. If this is the only place you've worked, it would do you some good to show that you've have experience in working at more than one company.


This all aside from the money issues; I know you want that new guitar. If I were you, I'd stick with what ChanMan said and be a trooper - suck it up for now and continue to work hard for the golf course, but look for something else. And, don't make it something else that just pays a little more; if you're serious about computers, do what you said and find something related to that. Golf carts and hotdogs might get you closer to the guitar in the immediate time, but branching into something that will help you in the future is going to be a good move. Besides, you can't really make much less than minimum wage as long as you can get some decent hours.

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A couple of questions...


How old are you? Still in highschool or in college?


If still in highschool' date=' are you planning to go to college or a vocational school?


If yes, here are some considerations:





Im 20.


Im finishing up a 2 year degree in IT, then Im going to a 4 year school to get a bachelors in IT.

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Then I definitely think you should look for something in the IT field, even if it's not directly the kind of work you're being trained for; it can only help in the long run and you'll definitely make more money. Stick with your current job until you find another one.

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I would think this would be a cool position to be in with all the individuals that you would meet and have a chance to speak with. Loads of networking meeting people' date=' rubbing elbows; that would be the perfect place to meet your new boss. [/quote']


+1000 That'll become abundantly clear as graduation nears.

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