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ES-339 Bigsby question.


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I have a ES-339 (vintage burst). I am considering installing a bigsby vibrato bar on it. My question is being fairly new to the electric guitar. Will I regret this down the road. I realize that no one can predict my future, my question really is, has anyone had one installed that they later regretted due to drilling holes and if so what worked out or didnt work out? Thanks. I am not a collector but I would like to keep the value intact down the road. Thanks

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I have a ES-339 (vintage burst). I am considering installing a bigsby vibrato bar on it. My question is being fairly new to the electric guitar. Will I regret this down the road. I realize that no one can predict my future' date=' my question really is, has anyone had one installed that they later regretted due to drilling holes and if so what worked out or didnt work out? Thanks. I am not a collector but I would like to keep the value intact down the road. Thanks







I have four ES-335 models going back to 1963. Lucky me. Two have Bigsbys. The 63 is factory. I put one on my 2006 myself. They look nice, but they are designed for subtle use really, and in the downward motion for accent. So they are not, "yankers" when used as intended. Having said that, and purely as my opinion; if I only owned one ES model and it did not come factory Bigsby, I would leave it just as it came until I got a second model. My only reason for saying so is maybe a wait and then one of each would be the best of both worlds. So, just food for thought. Good luck.

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Thanks for the advice. It makes sense, I dont have a great reason for wanting a bigsby because I dont know what they contribute to the overall sound. More sustain possibly? I ve been a fan of Neil Youngs for some time and thought it might add to the sonic possibilites of the guitar. I dont want to put holes in my guitar on a hunch. I have come across the Vibramate that allows you to install one without drilling holes which is an interesting option. I wonder if anyone here has tried it on a 339?

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I'm an old 60ies freak, so Neil Young and his equipment are familiar to me. His Les Paul, Blackie, has a Bigsby and he has a million specific sound tricks, both electric and acoustic. On your ES, the word would be a Bigsby and it's mass increases sustain based on that mass. I don't notice that 'twixt my have & have nots AT ALL. I have never looked into the Vibramate, but there are a few folks on this and/or the other two electric forums who have utilized one for mounting. You might ask the question on the Paul, SG and this forum each in specific and see if you get an answer, or try a general search under vibrato and another under Vibramate. I'm certain at least one person did so and posted happy results. Just be careful, and be certain of your advice if you go that way. You may get a million suggestions and how to's.


* If your avatar is your 339 ? ..... I would leave it as is, for that is one beautiful guitar. All, just my opinion again. Best wishes.

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Yea, that's it Groper, looks just like mine.


knuckles, Wiley, or "somebody" in this forum has done it. Do a search, or they'll see this eventually.


I remember it being done.




I'm crazy.



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Wouldn't a bigsby contraption dwarf the body? Might look too obvious like a big chunk of hardware on a little guitar. The proportions are perfect the way it is, I wouldn't do it. Besides if it's sustain you're after, think about heavier or lighter tailpiece (Gotoh aluminum changes the sound a little, maybe more articulate on the attack with a little less fruit on the nose .... oh hell just try it and see if you like the difference - it's reversible). Also think about a Tone Pros bridge if you want different mass or coupling effect. Those things are reversible easily but the bigsby is not. Unless the vibrato arm is necessary to your playing style I would avoid it, or relegate it to a different axe.

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Thanks guys. That is my 339 in my avatar. I did some research on the vibramate/bigsby combo and have decided against it. Although it doesn put holes I have read that it has some issues due to the short distance between the bigsby and bridge. I am honestly now leaning against adding the bigsby to my 339. I liked some of the suggestions for adding more sustain with a bridge change. My inital thought was that a bigsby could add more colors to the pallette, but now I am starting to think maybe I will keep my eye out for a les paul with a bigsby on it already and keep the 339 essentially stock. Thanks again for the advice. It was actually this forum that helped me decide on the 339 to begin with and that worked out fantastic.

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Yes I did do it and thanks for remembering guys. It's not for all and ....well you gotta live with it when your done, these are the main guitars, as you can see, I have room for a bigsby and why not the es 339 . works good, looks killer, not stock, reversing won't be hard. Beside , they are tools for the music, a hint of delay , the bigsby, nice.









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Thanks for the pictures. I have been looking for 339 bigsby images on line but I was never sure if it was a 335 bigsby or not. I really wated to see the proportions on the 339 before comitting. Thanks. It makes me think I need another 339 so I can have one with and one without.

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I have been looking for 339 bigsby images on line but I was never sure if it was a 335 bigsby or not. I really wated to see the proportions on the 339 before comitting.

A quick way to tell if it's a 339 or a 335 is to look for the input jack. The 339 is on the side while the 335 is top mounted (there are other exceptions to this rule' date=' so it's only a quick guideline).


If it's just a matter of checking out the proportions, the CS-359 is he same size as the 339 and was available with a factory Bigsby.



It makes me think I need another 339 so I can have one with and one without.

More guitars is never a bad idea. spend.gif

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You know I was going to take my Bigsby off, but looking at it her, I'll leave it on. I like it , was just gonna do it for something to do.Not hard to reverse, but I'll spend the time playing it instead.

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