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Wow... An Explanation For Liberal Thinking

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A normal state of a healthy person whose brain developed under the caring guidance of the progressive establishment. As opposed to the rigid and bigoted Republican/Capitalist/Conservative brain, a Liberal/Socialist/Democrat brain is hard to map because it undergoes perpetual reshuffling of its centers and synapses. Generally it can be characterized by a compassionate concern for not taxing the rich enough, combined with generosity in spending other people's money. A liberal brain is known to have a well-developed "blame-America" synapse, a benign "Smarter Than Thou" tumor, a Global Warming Panic Center, the Entitlement Synapse, Moral Relativity Gray Area, and a "P.C. Lobe" responsible for speech codes, multiculturalism, racial quotas, and alternative lifestyles. The underdeveloped areas of a Liberal Brain usually include those that handle common sense, personal responsibility, sense of humor, patriotism, and work ethics. The eternal motivational force that keeps a liberal going is typically a daily doze of Starbucks coffee combined with the dialectical struggle of the opposites - the feeling of being a victim of oppression and the feeling of guilt for oppressing the others at the same time. =D>

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I get it now. The Republican Party is in Ruin, it has nor direction or leadership. So in an effort to pull themselves up by the Boot Straps they make Mad Magazine-esque drawing of a Brain with Silly Nonsense all over it. Funny, if a bit Irrelevant.

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I get it now. The Republican Party is in Ruin' date=' it has nor direction or leadership. So in an effort to pull themselves up by the Boot Straps they make Mad Magazine-esque drawing of a Brain with Silly Nonsense all over it. Funny, if a bit Irrelevant.[/quote']


Good try!:D


But the drawing had been around for YEARS...

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I always liked the Winston Churchill quote that if one is not a liberal as a youth, one has no heart. If one is not a conservative in maturity, one has no brain.


As one on born just as the "boomer" generation was about to burst on the world scene, I'd add that I find it somewhat amusing how that generation may have taken drugs, gotten totally horrid and counterproductive in politics and tried to find the limits of various ... activities ... But, when they actually determined to have children, they tended to seek the most conservative type of family life possible.


That, of course, was difficult because they often didn't talk with their spouses or made lousy choices and ended up with ... problems. On the other hand, they often discovered their parents weren't all that different. That latter may be the big chortle. The more things change, the more they remain the same.


"The Times are a'changin'?" Yeah, well ask today's 60-something if they enjoy little grandchildren around and yet don't think their kids and grandkids' music and politics always make sense.


That all makes me laugh, just as watching the old bluesmen wearing suits or tuxes, then their modern emulators dressing like they planned to clean out the septic tank, makes me laugh.


Consider this, too: How many rock freak parents/grandparents nowadays are considered just as old fashioned and "conservative" in musical tastes as their own grandparents appeared to them?


How many '60s druggies want their kids - or grandkids - to have a Meth "habit" or practices that lead to STDs?


"Conservative" and "liberal" to me, by the way, are somewhat outmoded terms. Frankly compared to the politics I covered as a news writer in the mid 1960s, all are rather different. I'd say today the Republicans should be considered "social democrats" and the Democrats as "socialist-greens." And on top of that, a lot of the national politicians aren't well labeled since a lot of "Democrats" are more "Republican" than a lot of "Republicans" and vice versa.


Democrat Harry Truman nowadays would be considered an arch conservative. And consider that in lifestyle choices, a lot of outright socialists are extremely "conservative."


I love it.


And yes, frankly I think that there IS a major music connection to all of this political stuff.

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I have a friend about a year and a half younger than I am and we've discussed this subject - and sometimes almost discussed it to death.


Bottom line is that it's really funny how some of the baby boom generation's most leftist individuals end up with quite a prosaically "conservitive" sort of adult family life - or at least hope they might have had such - and some of the more "conservative" folks of that era are among the more socially "liberal" in some ways and not in others.


Many would consider me "conservative," but frankly I don't see much wrong with polygamy and I'm not at all certain that in today's medical world marriage of agreeable adult siblings or cousins is all that bad. And yet I am almost shocked by the way "gay marriage" - an ontological impossibility - is touted today and yet not even the ancient Greeks considered a same-sex lover a "spouse."


Perhaps my major conservatism is in semantics, I dunno. I really don't care much who does what with whom as long as it remains in a certain degree less than obviously criminally assault and isn't out of human meanness. I heartily dislike human meanness.


I think a lot of drug use is pretty awful, too, especially since I've had more than a few friends screwed up or dead because of it.


So,I look at today's political wordsmiths and I guess changing the meaning of words to fit one's political agenda is kinda the way things have come to be - especially since Goebbels and the well-defined difficulties Orwell noted in 1984.


Absit omen.

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I have a friend about a year and a half younger than I am and we've discussed this subject - and sometimes almost discussed it to death.


Bottom line is that it's really funny how some of the baby boom generation's most leftist individuals end up with quite a prosaically "conservitive" sort of adult family life - or at least hope they might have had such - and some of the more "conservative" folks of that era are among the more socially "liberal" in some ways and not in others.


Many would consider me "conservative' date='" but frankly I don't see much wrong with polygamy and I'm not at all certain that in today's medical world marriage of agreeable adult siblings or cousins is all that bad. And yet I am almost shocked by the way "gay marriage" - an ontological impossibility - is touted today and yet not even the ancient Greeks considered a same-sex lover a "spouse."


Perhaps my major conservatism is in semantics, I dunno. I really don't care much who does what with whom as long as it remains in a certain degree less than obviously criminally assault and isn't out of human meanness. I heartily dislike human meanness.


I think a lot of drug use is pretty awful, too, especially since I've had more than a few friends screwed up or dead because of it.


So,I look at today's political wordsmiths and I guess changing the meaning of words to fit one's political agenda is kinda the way things have come to be - especially since Goebbels and the well-defined difficulties Orwell noted in 1984.


Absit omen.[/quote']




In my experience, there are a lot of people who were somewhat "conservative" in their youth who have grown to appreciate more liberal ideas.


Where I grew up in the red, slave state of Georgia, there is nothing worse than some fool who still clings to the conservative ideals from the 50s or early 60s.


BTW -- There is considerable doubt that Churchill made the overused quote you posted earlier. You might want to look it up. In any event, "conservatism" in the fiscal sense is one thing. The kind of "conservatism" common in this country (and on this board) is something else.

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You were born before 1865?


Feels like it sometimes.


But, I refer to the block of states that Repulbicans won and the millions in Georgia (and elsewhere) who are greedy, callous, warmongering fools who still dream of the good old days where they had the "state rights" to discriminate and treat minorities and the poor as they please. You know, all those things that have been part of the "conservative" creed in recent years.

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Feels like it sometimes.


But' date=' I refer to the block of states that Repulbicans won and the millions in Georgia (and elsewhere) who are greedy, callous, warmongering fools who still dream of the good old days where they had the "state rights" to discriminate and treat minorities and the poor as they please. You know, all those things that have been part of the "conservative" creed in recent years.[/quote']


What color is the sky in your world Hoyt?

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The New Fashion Rage In Mug Shots

These are actual Police Photos...too funny. untitled.jpg



Just think about this for a second: Did you ever see anyone arrested wearing a Bush T-shirt, or for you older folks, an Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan,





Nixon, or even a Bob Dole shirt??? No?? Hmmm, imagine that???


There MUST be a message here, but I can't quite grasp it, or possibly I'm afraid to.

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