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Peeling Oranges...

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I'm on a grapefruit kick, at least one a day. Sometimes I peel them and break apart the segments but only when I feel like making a complete mess and squirting juice in my eyes. Most of the time I slice into wedges. If the conditions are right I can peel the skin off the wedges, other times I cut the skin away with a knife. I work with some engineer types and they see me use a different method every day, sometimes varying, sometimes combining, sometimes doing one half different than the other.


I'm constantly changing ways and never finding the most efficient way to peel and eat. It drives them completely bat sh*t.


Yes, I do it just for that reason.

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There is a right way and a wrong way to peel an orange... I know the right way. I will do a photo documentation on how its done and post it when I get a chance.... You will never have a hard time peeling an orange again... I promise.

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