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Joe the (not real) plumber speaks.


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My solution would be to follow the LAW and FREE Market principles. let the company go into bankruptcy' date=' force the UAW, the company and the creditors to rewrite ALL contracts and make Chrysler come up with a business plan that WORKS. If the groups can't work it out, then let the company be sold off to pay back the LEGAL SECURED LOANS.


We used to have a barrel making industry, a wagon wheel industry, etc, etc, etc. We didn't continue to prop up these industries, and the towns and cities that supported them eventually moved on to support other industries. Change the laws in your state and in Michigan to make them RIGHT TO WORK states, lower the corporate tax rates and get some new industry into your area...don't put all your eggs in one basket...[/quote']


News Flash!


We did just renegotiate our contract. We and our retirees took the biggest hit in benefits in 25 years. I sure it makes you happy to know that on average we now make less money then the non-union transplant auto makers.


Happy days. the UAW and unions at large are about to collapse. I'm sure KSG will sleep well.

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You just hate organized labor even though with out it we (most of us) would be working in Chinese style sweat shops.


Hey don't you work on the coolers to help the plant run cooler? How could it be a sweat shop if your on the job keeping things cool?

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News Flash!


We did just renegotiate our contract. We and our retirees took the biggest hit in benefits in 25 years. I sure it makes you happy to know that on average we now make less money then the non-union transplant auto makers.


Happy days. the UAW and unions at large are about to collapse. I'm sure KSG will sleep well.



News flash!


I read your bargaining agreement and all of the crap that your union put out in the public domain...I'm not impressed with your "hit in benefits"...If something isn't working' date=' why keep it going? Why in the world, would we want to give a 55% stake in Chrysler to the very union ( for 0$) that helped push the company into bankruptcy?O:)


Thanks for the change O[b']bong[/b]a!

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News Flash!


...the UAW and unions at large are about to collapse.




I hope this trend continues.




millions of people lose their jobs' date=' communities dissolve into anarchy' date=' organized labor, Chinese style sweat shops. [/quote'']


Doom! Doom! Doom!:-

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Hey don't you work on the coolers to help the plant run cooler? How could it be a sweat shop if your on the job keeping things cool?


I work on all things powerhouse. As for coolers, they are actually Carrier 2250 ton refrigeration machines that are two stories high and about 25 feet long. There are 5 of them for a plant that occupies 67 acers under one roof of which all, 2500 people are laid off. Except me and 4 other people.

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You morons


"I'm not ready to play nice."


I am awake and lucid.


Hey dipsh1t.

Hey D!ck Head!

Welcome back!





I suppose your solution is to see millions of people lose their jobs and then watch all those communities dissolve into anarchy. I.E. Flint.
Democrats own every bit of this.

The entire burden of responsibility lies on their shoulders.

Keep right on voting for them....




You just hate organized labor
Hate is an awfully strong word.

Contempt? That's more like it!




even though with out it we (most of us) would be working in Chinese style sweat shops.

Litigation in American courts has taken the place of the labor unions' date=' usually Democrats filing the suits.

Tell me what a labor union has done to affect my job in the last 30 years...

I can type for hours about the bullsh!t we now tolerate now due to lawsuits.





I've been away. I'm making up for lost time.
No sh!t....

Good job!




We did just renegotiate our contract. We and our retirees took the biggest hit in benefits in 25 years. I sure it makes you happy to know that on average we now make less money then the non-union transplant auto makers.






Happy days. the UAW and unions at large are about to collapse. I'm sure KSG will sleep well.


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News flash!


I read your bargaining agreement and all of the crap that your union put out in the public domain...I'm not impressed with your "hit in benefits"...If something isn't working' date=' why keep it going? Why in the world, would we want to give a 55% stake in Chrysler to the very union ( for 0$) that helped push the company into bankruptcy?:-


Thanks for the change O[b']bong[/b]a!


The reason your not impressed is because you don't care about your fellow human. You and your cohorts are only about your selves. That's one of the reasons your party is failing. You would see all of us out on the streets just so long as you had your pound of flesh. I pity you.

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I work on all things powerhouse. As for coolers' date=' they are actually Carrier 2250 ton refrigeration machines that are two stories high and about 25 feet long. There are 5 of them for a plant that occupies 67 acers under one roof of which all, 2500 people are laid off. Except me and 4 other people. [/quote']


Wow... imagine the energy it must take to run those powerplants.:-

What about the cost?

What are they run on, nuclear, natural gas, or coal?

Wonder how that's going to fit in with the plan?

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Wow... imagine the energy it must take to run those powerplants.:-

What about the cost?

What are they run on' date=' nuclear, natural gas, or coal?

Wonder how that's going to fit in with the plan?[/quote']


Pray for guidance. That will get ya some answers. Doh!

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The reason your not impressed is because you don't care about your fellow human. You and your cohorts are only about your selves. That's one of the reasons your party is failing. You would see all of us out on the streets just so long as you had your pound of flesh. I pity you.



Wow! Let's follow your STELLAR logic here...


1) KSG thinks that the UAW is corrupt and is part of the problem with the US Automakers

2) KSG isn't happy that his tax money is going to be used to pay for Chrysler to be given as a gift to the UAW and Fiat

3) KSG isn't happy that his OWN retirement funds are on the line to pay for this Obongadoggle

4) KSG is upset that the Obonga government is subverting the law to move this bankruptcy to a previously chosen endgame.

5) Therefore' date=' KSG must not care about his fellow humans

6) Therefore, KSG and his "cohorts" must only care about themselves

7) Therefore, that is why the republican party is "failing"



You are freakin BRILLIANT Homz!:-


Maybe O[b']bong[/b]a should make you the new CEO of ChrUAWsler!

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Wow! Let's follow your STELLAR logic here...


1) KSG thinks that the UAW is corrupt and is part of the problem with the US Automakers

2) KSG isn't happy that his tax money is going to be used to pay for Chrysler to be given as a gift to the UAW and Fiat

3) KSG isn't happy that his OWN retirement funds are on the line to pay for this Obongadoggle

4) KSG is upset that the Obonga government is subverting the law to move this bankruptcy to a previously chosen endgame.

5) Therefore' date=' KSG must not care about his fellow humans

6) Therefore, KSG and his "cohorts" must only care about themselves

7) Therefore, that is why the republican party is "failing"



You are freakin BRILLIANT Homz!=D>


Maybe O[b']bong[/b]a should make you the new CEO of ChrUAWsler!


It's not just your response to labor unions. You do this on nearly every issue. You show how arrogant and intolerant of others you are all the time.


The funny and perhaps the most insane thing about this is that no matter how I talk about you or other from the right I would still do anything I possible could to help you. I am what I claim to be.


You have no compassion.

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Oh... ooh... just like a liberal minded' date=' anti-God, American you are.

Wouldn't expect anything less from you Homz.[/quote']


I'm not anti-god or religion. I am anti-many of the morons that follow him/her/it.

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I was wondering if this "Joe the (not real) plumber" is sort of like "Obama the (not real) President" that I've heard so much about? You know since he will not produce a "real" birth certificate and stuff. I'm just wondering if its sort of the same?

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I want to help the helpless' date=' the people that are hurting through no fault of their own, the people that just need a hand up...I do NOT want to help the STUPID or the LAZY.



You have no logic.[/quote']


My logic is perfect. You and and the other Neoconman fan club (hence forth known as 'The Army of Darkness') members are arrogant perpetrators of hate.

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I was wondering if this "Joe the (not real) plumber" is sort of like "Obama the (not real) President" that I've heard so much about? You know since he will not produce a "real" birth certificate and stuff. I'm just wondering if its sort of the same?


Still really ? =D>

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My logic is perfect. You and and the other Neoconman fan club (hence forth known as 'The Army of Darkness') members are arrogant perpetrators of hate.


You, my friend are in a league of your own when it comes to perpetrating stupidity! Congrats!=D>

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