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An Inferno Rages On In Santa Barbara

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This is the fourth major fire Santa Barbara County has experienced in the last three years.

This is as bad as the Tea Fire we had last year. Many homes will be lost. Many lives forever changed by this one.

I've driven by this area many times on my way into Santa Barbara.

Please remember us in you prayers and thoughts.

This one's going to be huge. The mandatory evacuation order effects hundreds if not thousands of people tonight.

If anybody has google earth and can post something, I'd love to see it.

Thanks again.

Remember us.

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I'm in Santa Maria, about 75 miles north of the fire.

I had planned to go into Santa Barbara this week to do some shopping but no way now.

This fire's too big, too unpredictable.

I just got this update from the paper I used to write for,


Fire has damaged or destroyed a total of 75 homes as of 8 p.m.


Ten firefighters have been injured, three seriously; no law-enforcement personnel have been hurt.


About 3,500 homes and 100 businesses are threatened by flames.


Burned acreage has been estimated at 2,730 acres after an assessment was completed later Thursday evening.


Containment has been estimated at 10 percent as of about 8 p.m.


Some 1,400 personnel have been assigned to the incident, many pouring in from throughout California.


More than 5,900 homes are under mandatory evacuation orders, and residents of another 5,700 have been warned to be ready to leave their homes on a moment’s notice.


Ten air tankers and 14 helicopters are involved in the fire fight, along with 177 engines and 35 hand crews.


“And those numbers will go up,” said Joe Waterman, and incident commander for Cal Fire, the state’s firefighting agency.

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Caliman Im sorry that happend I know living here in Nother Cal I watch all the fire trucks from around here rush down south.


Those house are built on a evironment that are supposed to burn. Thats how the seeds split up.

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As a resident of Melbourne Australia, we do appreciate what you are going through Californiaman.


These incidents are getting worse every year - the droughts get worse and the fires are more intense and vicious.


The destruction of peoples lives and families, the destruction of innocent wildlife is sickening.


We are reviewing the 'Decide to Stay or Leave" philosophy here now, because the firestorms are too big. I think ultimately people will be forced to evacuate next time


Take care and I know your communities will support those who are losing now.

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Lived in Santa Barbara, while attending Brooks Institute, in the late 70's and experienced a similar fire,

at that time. People in Montecito,were checking into the Biltmore Hotel, down at the beach, while their mansions burned.

It's a "risk" when you live in Southern California, unfortunately. Just like Mudslides (especially in Malibu), and earthquakes. Quite a lot of the fires, unfortunately, are "man made" (arson or accidental). And, with the dry condtions, and the large amount of Eucalyptus trees, in the SB area...(which go up like torches), it can get out of control very easily.

Sad, though, none the less.



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The evacuation order is widening.

This is a real bad fire.


Good luck Cali'man

God be with ya'll.



Possible Arson? Who would do such a dumb as$ thing?



Lets hope they get it as under control as they can as quickly as possible


Some 2,300 firemen are battling the blaze, with Santa Barbara County Fire Chief Tom Franklin admitting that they are "running pretty thin on equipment".


The rapidly-moving blaze has already burned nearly 3,000 acres (1,214ha).


Some 12,000 more residents have been ordered to leave their homes, bringing the total number of evacuees to 30,000



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