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Legalize Marijuana.

Steven Tari

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Okay' date='

Here's one.


Wanna keep counting?


I would also venture a guess that the cabin occupants FM speaks of (if so well-heeled) would not be in favor of legalization.

Many of them might see the cons clearly enough to leave the laws as they are.


A friend of mine fits that, he has a nice place with a home studio and plays gigs often.

He's retired and has no money issues, also seen two of his kids go thru rehab.

I'll cast a vote for him to cancel this one.



Sorry, but you are wasting your time thinking a forum post will erase 40 years of experience.

You do it your way, keep it quiet and stay out of jail - I don't care.

Bring that sh!t to my house and you'll leave handcuffed to an ambulance gurney.


Ask our oldest son.



Weren't the last 4 American presidents (Or Presidantees as the French would call them) all pot heads?


Although Ronald McDonald Duck Reagan must have been on some LSD with his Alien Fantasies.

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Weren't the last 4 American presidents (Or Presidantees as the French would call them) all pot heads?


Although Ronald McDonald Duck Reagan must have been on some LSD with his Alien Fantasies.


You're an idiot.


Have I mentioned that?

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Murph' date=' did I hear you say he was an idiot?


Good job avoiding the profanity that must be swirling in your head, stupid m@therfxcker is all I got...




Only swirling in yours Neo. Along with assorted other marbles.


Do they rattle when you shake your head like, I know you do, during the rocking part of "Bohemian Rhapsody"?

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Is "Idiot" the Code word NeoConDom gave you to get off his sex leash?

Murph, I'll have to let you handle this *** wipe on your own.

Stuff to do.


I'm no match for such rapier wit and stellar intellect, the likes of which I last saw in 6th grade.

Incredible, truly incredible...

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Okay' date='

Here's one.


Wanna keep counting?


I would also venture a guess that the cabin occupants FM speaks of (if so well-heeled) would not be in favor of legalization.

Many of them might see the cons clearly enough to leave the laws as they are.


A friend of mine fits that, he has a nice place with a home studio and plays gigs often.

He's retired and has no money issues, also seen two of his kids go thru rehab.

I'll cast a vote for him to cancel this one.



Sorry, but you are wasting your time thinking a forum post will erase 40 years of experience.

You do it your way, keep it quiet and stay out of jail - I don't care.

Bring that sh!t to my house and you'll leave handcuffed to an ambulance gurney.


Ask our oldest son.



I thought I was answering your challenge, Neo. I thought you wanted someone who was in favor of legalization and DIDN'T fit the stereotype you so desperately need. First you ask for a response then, when you get one, you refuse to accept it. No surprises for me, though.


And I can't imagine a good reason why I'd ever be at your house so your very manly warning is well-heeded, yes sir! +:-@

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