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Pelosi reshapes her image - I ain't buying it.


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No sh!t? Welcome to REALITY.

Funny how nobody has the time' date=' patience or inclination to talk "politics" until it becomes real all of a sudden.

Where the fxck were YOU over the last 15 years when this little soap opera was unfolding?

What did you even know about Kim Jong Il before yesterday?




Been right here saying the same thing for the last 15 years.


What about our FOUR children? You only have two' date=' and they're not even your own flesh.

I got you trumped there.

Don't hear you asking what YOU can do for the well-being of MY kids Homz.....

Maybe you can start right NOW.[/quote']


GREAT point!!! I forgot all about how we can't *possibly* care as much about our kids or anyone else's because they didn't pop out of my body.


*I* don't treat my children any different because they aren't my "own flesh." They don't think of themselves are less than my own children. So why do YOUR kids trump mine?


If you don't hear us asking what we can do for *your* kids, then you just aren't listening.

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You wouldn't know a racist if he had it tattooed on his forehead.

Assuming you did' date=' I have severe doubts concerning your actions in dealing with somebody who hates with his first breath in the morning. I bet they would be REALLY scared of you.....




Does this kind of subterfuge actually work to divert attention away from your racially charged statements. Must work.

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I honestly can't understand how some racism is deemed acceptable and the stuff like buddy light's comments is jumped all over. I don't see the the difference. Does it really matter if he is talking about Muslims or any other singled out group.


Since Neo occasionally makes us laugh I suppose were supposed to indulge his ignorant statements and gross generalizations on every grouping of people who are not like him. Seriously, how is this different from the out of the closet racist. At least the buddy light types are out in the open and honest about their near phobic reactions to everyone not like them.


How about we compile a list of people who you think closeted racists can openly make sport of. We might as well officially accept the racist comments. Either that or some of you should stand up to this bully punk.

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Either that or some of you should stand up to this bully punk.



Because YOU can't.


You're a PU55Y, Homz.


Start sh!t, no matter how far-fetched or stupid - and then run.

You CREATE bullies, I can easily imagine you being chased home from school every day, and now you're probably teaching your own children to hide behind the teacher's skirt until you pick them up safely from school.

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Just curious, do you hate all Muslims? I mean, I think there are something like 2 million that also think themselves Americans, are they not real Americans?

I have an issue with ANY person who stands up - anywhere in the world - and shouts "Death to America!"

I have an issue with ANY person who might like to kill me - for ANY reason.


There are MILLIONS of Muslims in worlds afar who preach just that.

Even better, I've stood on a street corner in Houston Texas and watched them shout it out myself.

On September 10th, 2001.

Think about THAT for a minute, D!ck Head....


Yes, they were protesting an appearance by Salmon Rushdie, and got really excited about killing him.

They had signs, the whole bit. Didn't take long for them to lump the rest of America in there too.

A mere 18 hours before the first plane hit the first WTC tower.


The police stood politely by and let them exercise their "rights" as long as nothing got out of hand.

Reminds me an awful lot of YOU with your BATTLESHIP MOUTH and your ROWBOAT ***.


Someday when we have time, I'll tell you about the conversation I had with a reporter for the Houston Chronicle.

His story on the "demonstrations" ran in the paper the morning of 9/11.

Interesting perspective he had.....



You wanna label me a racist or a hater, you need better glue than that to make it stick.


Just for the record, those people telling me I need to get used to the idea of them using nukes for Allah?

It warms my heart to think of a .308 slug going thru their skull at 2,000 feet per second - courtesy of the US military.


Get mad, D!ck Head.

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It's not satire when it is perceived that you really think that way.

Ah yes....


YOUR perception - being so keen and wise - makes all the difference in the world.



You're a fool Homz.

Always and forever.

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Does this kind of subterfuge actually work to divert attention away from your racially charged statements. Must work.


Wow, Homz!

Your vocabulary and usage have increased dramatically since I started showcasing what a moron you are when you type!


Great job!!!


Now, it's your epileptic schizoid thought processes we need to work on next....


Still wanna jump into a thread where everybody is getting along fine and start sh!t?

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Homz, let's go back to where you first typed stupid sh!t in this thread.


She should share a cell with the rest of those subhuman pigs that utilize torture.

Nobody here was talking about torture, subhumans or pigs until YOU showed up.


Subterfuge, eh?




The American soldiers and agents you would so eagerly incarcerate would maybe fill the Mayberry Jail.

Barney Fife could keep an eye on them.

You served in the Navy, Homz.

Wonder if you ever had any captives aboard your ship?

Wonder if you ever even had any fellow seamen locked up for disciplinary reasons aboard ship?

If so, I want you arrested and interrogated until the air is cleared of the stench of YOUR hypocrisy.


Will you encourage YOUR children to serve in the Armed Forces as you did?

I doubt it.

You are the Poster Child for the Entitlement Mindset, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme....

You will teach your children Socialism - though they survived and escaped it.

You will teach your children Protectionism by equating labor unions with job security - how's THAT working out for you?

You will teach your children that the most important part of learning is knowing something somebody else does not.


You will teach your children that American service men and women are latent criminals and evil at heart - and given a chance they will injure, wound, maim and mangle people just for sport and say they were following orders.

Waterboard three people and you call ALL OF THEM subhuman.



Meanwhile, tell me this.

How many American prisoners have the Muslims (that you seem so concerned with) captured?

How many survived?


Have you shown THAT to your children?


There are NO American soldiers being held by Muslims BECAUSE THEY KILL THEM!



To rid ourselves (as a nation) of immediate danger, the number of radical Islamic Fascists we would have to lock up would fill Guantanamo MANY times over. The number is in the millions.

Do you want to pay to house them in SuperMax prison facilities in the United States?


MILLIONS of them?


Where are you gonna put 'em?

I got an idea....


I hear there are lotsa industrial facilities no longer used by American manufacturers in Indiana.

Call out some unemployed union ironworkers and boilermakers to weld up some partitions and dividers....


Sound familiar?

Evidently, you missed it the first time.


How about answering a few of my questions before you start making demands, eh?

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Homz' date=' let's go back to where you first typed stupid sh!t in this thread.



Nobody here was talking about torture, subhumans or pigs until YOU showed up.


Subterfuge, eh?



No, you were talking about Nancy Pelosi and Homz pointed out that he had no more use for her than anyone else who allowed torture. How is that stupid ****? If *you* had typed it, there would've been at least 3 or 4 cheerleaders applauding you.



You served in the Navy, Homz.

Wonder if you ever had any captives aboard your ship?

Wonder if you ever even had any fellow seamen locked up for disciplinary reasons aboard ship?

If so, I want you arrested and interrogated until the air is cleared of the stench of YOUR hypocrisy.


Will you encourage YOUR children to serve in the Armed Forces as you did?

I doubt it.


How does having fellow seamen locked up for discipinary reasons equate to torture? Torture violates the Geneva Convention. If you violate the terms of the treaty you've signed onto, then you should be disciplined. Saying that the "other side" is doing worse doesn't excuse your own behavior.


You are the Poster Child for the Entitlement Mindset, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme....

You will teach your children Socialism - though they survived and escaped it.

You will teach your children Protectionism by equating labor unions with job security - how's THAT working out for you?

You will teach your children that the most important part of learning is knowing something somebody else does not.


You will teach your children that American service men and women are latent criminals and evil at heart - and given a chance they will injure, wound, maim and mangle people just for sport and say they were following ordersWaterboard three people and you call ALL OF THEM subhuman.


No. We will teach them that humans have inherent value. We will teach them (as we already have) that during times of war, atrocities are committed by *both* sides. Our daughter grew up in a family that was decidedly anti-American and believed that American soldiers took everything they had. She "escaped" a country that provided for her every need to come to one where the prevailing thought is "if you don't have it, you must not have worked hard enough for it."


I will teach my children that war is something to be avoided at all costs---not something to go into on a LIE. I will teach them that war brings out the worst of human nature.


My son understands that his great-grandfather was a soldier in WWII. He has always considered him a hero. He was proud to be named after him and to see the full military honors given him at his funeral. He knows that my father and *all* of his brothers have served in the armed forces (7 of them--only family in the area to have so many people in the military). We have *never* said that there was anything wrong with joining any branch of the military. HOWEVER, we still expect those basic beliefs about the value of human life to be followed. And we would not excuse torture even if our own children were the perpetrators.


Having principles means you don't make exceptions when your side breaks those principles. And I'm pretty sure that was the point being made when Homz said he had no use for Nancy Pelosi or her kind. Doesn't matter if only a few people have broken those rules, everyone responsible should be punished. The soldiers directly responsible have been tried, but nobody has bothered to go up the chain of command to figure out who gave the order. THAT is hypocrisy.



Meanwhile, tell me this.

How many American prisoners have the Muslims (that you seem so concerned with) captured?

How many survived?


Have you shown THAT to your children?


There are NO American soldiers being held by Muslims BECAUSE THEY KILL THEM!



To rid ourselves (as a nation) of immediate danger, the number of radical Islamic Fascists we would have to lock up would fill Guantanamo MANY times over. The number is in the millions.

Do you want to pay to house them in SuperMax prison facilities in the United States?


MILLIONS of them?


Where are you gonna put 'em?

I got an idea....


I hear there are lotsa industrial facilities no longer used by American manufacturers in Indiana.

Call out some unemployed union ironworkers and boilermakers to weld up some partitions and dividers....


Sound familiar?

Evidently, you missed it the first time.


How about answering a few of my questions before you start making demands, eh?


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First sh!t talking on this thread was right here.



Homz wrote:

Just curious, do you hate all Muslims? I mean, I think there are something like 2 million that also think themselves Americans, are they not real Americans?


Don't start any sh!t on the forum and there won't BE any sh!t on the forum.



Homz wrote:

I really want to know


I don't care what YOU want.


Homz wrote:

because we are currently involved in a possible hostile situation with North Korea


No sh!t? Welcome to REALITY.

Funny how nobody has the time, patience or inclination to talk "politics" until it becomes real all of a sudden.

Where the fxck were YOU over the last 15 years when this little soap opera was unfolding?

What did you even know about Kim Jong Il before yesterday?


Homz wrote:

and my kids look more like them



Yeah, I forgot. It's all about YOU.

What about our FOUR children? You only have two, and they're not even your own flesh.

I got you trumped there.

Don't hear you asking what YOU can do for the well-being of MY kids Homz.....

Maybe you can start right NOW.


Homz wrote:

then they do like us fat white guys.


An enemy of this nation is an enemy REGARDLESS of their skin/hair color or facial structure.

You're beginning to get on my nerves with this reversed racism bullsh!t.

Are my 4 caucasian, all-American mutt-looking everyday normal kids somehow worth LESS in this nation than YOURS?

Fxxx off.



Homz wrote:

Are they going to have someone telling them they are not real Americans soon.


I have no idea. There are over 300 million people in this nation, plus another 20 million illegals mostly from Mexico.

Who knows what they will see and hear.

I don't plan on returning to Indiana, and unless you send them to the open deserts west of Phoenix it's unlikely they will encounter ME. On the outside chance that they do encounter me, I might just mention that my step-mother is a 65 year old Japanese woman, and my 37 year old little sister looks an awful lot like her.

Seems you may have forgotten THAT LITTLE NUGGET since you ALWAYS have your head so far up your ***.


Homz wrote:

Is that what they have to look forward to?


You're the parent.

You're SUPPOSED to be all-knowing and all-wise, or at least fake it while they're young.

They are DEPENDING on you until they at least reach the Age Of Majority (that's 18 in case you didn't know) and can legally fend for themselves. Please, God, tell me your kids will have their heads out of their asses before then and can say they truly have role models more effective than what YOU have displayed here.


Is that what they have to look forward to?








Homz wrote:

Especially when I get a hold of one of them racists.


You wouldn't know a racist if he had it tattooed on his forehead.

Assuming you did, I have severe doubts concerning your actions in dealing with somebody who hates with his first breath in the morning. I bet they would be REALLY scared of you.....



Just say'n

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Neo you started this thread and you threw out the first insult. You call out homes for starting political threads however his usually aren't blatant jabs as this one. His tend to have a conversational purpose at the start. When asked a question that you don't like you start the mud flinging almost instantly.


There was a thread the other day where you started making fun of a member for prescription drugs he took as a kid. You teased him about it for absolutely no reason what so ever. Why ?


It has gotten pathetic.

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Here your calling him out for the same thing your doing




Are we gonna go back to political and ideological skirmishes here in the forum' date=' Homz?

I thought that was over, everybody pretty much agreeing it was a good idea overall.


Here you come pissing on the rug and wiping your *** on the drapes [i']one more time[/i]....

As a guest, I would rank you with a plague of locusts.



I have posted few political threads on this forum throughout its 3 iterations since I first became a member.

Being accused of such is laughable, since most of my "political/bigoted/racist/chauvinistic" posts have been to counter Left-leaning bullsh!t other people post on this forum, you be being the worst offender with DOZENS of threads started like this one simply for your own entertainment.

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Here is your statement to who you Changed his name where you quoted him to Ritilinboy



You tell me, I don't take any sh!t like that - never have.


I don't know.

Why do you take it - just for sympathy in forums viewed by the entire world?

You tell me.






Thats real nice Neo.

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Neo you started this thread and you threw out the first insult. You call out homes for starting political threads however his usually aren't blatant jabs as this one. His tend to have a conversational purpose at the start. When asked a question that you don't like you start the mud flinging almost instantly.


There was a thread the other day where you started making fun of a member for prescription drugs he took as a kid. You teased him about it for absolutely no reason what so ever. Why ?


It has gotten pathetic.

Its easy to constantly put down or want to kill/torture others when you dehumanize them. Neo seems to think that people who dont think exactly as he does (especially politically) and DARE to question what he thinks are brainless America-haters and arent people worthy of any respect. Then he tries to convince himself that he doesnt think this way by constantly saying "I respect anyone with strong convictions". He has been trying to convince himself of that for a LOOOONG time. The man seems completely incapable of ever doubting anything he does or thinks. He likes to get all bent out of shape and start insulting me when I say this, but he really has a serious ego problem.


I was the one who he deemed "Ritalin Kid". Its cool though, I probably violated one of his little standards by accepting medication the doctor prescribed and my parents had me take as a youth. It probably has something to do with "those damned liberals". =P~ . Funny how KSG can disagree with me so much politically but still not have to get into the personal insulting 99% of the time (we have both slipped up when it comes to that) <---admission of wrongdoing (try it sometime Neo, doesnt hurt) O:)

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Neo you started this thread and you threw out the first insult.

Mick' date=' I feel no need to smack you down but maybe you should read..... never mind, most of it is now deleted.

Good job, you get an AttaBoy for going back and digging up my "offensive" post.

I don't care.

I stand by my statements, and if you expect to "illustrate" my lack of compassion, then POST THE ENTIRE THREAD.

Pulling words out of context is bullsh!t and you know it.


Starting this thread, I posted a few pics I figured would be deemed humorous by ALL, since Pelosi has been thrown under the bus and is now hated by the Democrats as much as **** Cheney. We can ALL enjoy the humor, eh?


Homz made the post about torture - Why?

Because that's what he does.


I have no patience with his stupidity, and I will rock him back every time he wants to show his ***.

HE can avoid it all by thinking before he types.



You call out homes for starting political threads however his usually aren't blatant jabs as this one. His tend to have a conversational purpose at the start.
No, they usually don't.



When asked a question that you don't like you start the mud flinging almost instantly.
With Homz? Yes.



There was a thread the other day where you started making fun of a member for prescription drugs he took as a kid. You teased him about it for absolutely no reason what so ever. Why ?
If you actually read the entire thread' date=' you would get it. Well' date=' you [i'']should[/i] get it. I dunno.

How would I know he takes mood/behavior-altering drugs?




It has gotten pathetic.
You're right. It has. It's amazing the stupid sh!t some people will post.

Almost like this forum is some sort of confessional, or a big squishy Grandma t!t to snuggle up to for sympathy.

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Its easy
The only way you can operate' date=' eh?



to constantly put down or want to kill/torture others when you dehumanize them. Neo seems to think that people who dont think exactly as he does (especially politically) and DARE to question what he thinks are brainless America-haters and arent people worthy of any respect.
Okay, I'll agree with you there.

Very good observation.



Then he tries to convince himself that he doesnt think this way by constantly saying "I respect anyone with strong convictions". He has been trying to convince himself of that for a LOOOONG time. The man seems completely incapable of ever doubting anything he does or thinks.
When I encounter some one worthy of that respect' date=' I give it willingly.

Usually, it's sh!t-stirring trouble makers who want to take a stand and have no clue what they are talking about.

If they insist on pissing on my shoes and don't get the hint, they get a virtual Wedgie.





He likes to get all bent out of shape and start insulting me when I say this' date=' but he really has a serious ego problem.[/quote']Lord, it's hard to be humble when you have the cerebral capacity I have.

To paraphrase my hero Rush Limbaugh, I do this forum with half my brain tied behind my back - just to make it fair.




I was the one who he deemed "Ritalin Kid". Its cool though' date=' I probably violated one of his little standards by accepting medication the doctor prescribed and my parents had me take as a youth.[/quote']

Why you would disclose that in a public forum, especially as some sort of pathetic defense of your actions, is beyond me.





It probably has something to do with "those damned liberals". :- . Funny how KSG can disagree with me so much politically but still not have to get into the personal insulting 99% of the time (we have both slipped up when it comes to that) <---admission of wrongdoing (try it sometime Neo' date=' doesnt hurt) =P~ [/quote']

I'm never wrong, remember?

I'll say it again, don't start any sh!t and there won't be any sh!t.

Think before you type "Is this really stupid and offensive?"

You'll be better off, especially since you have little capability to form a lucid opinion and back it with any facts.

I mean that in the nicest, constructive way.





I'll tell anybody here, on the sidewalk, in a parking lot, in a restaurant, at work, and in government office the same thing.


This will go the same way every time.


If you have something sensible and articulate to say - say it!

If you simply want to cry, whine, b!tch and moan with no particular direction or solution - go somewhere else.


If you don't get the hint and insist on wearing out your welcome, you'll get your *** kicked one way or another.

Don't run crying to the playground teacher and tell her how mean I am, you'll gain nothing.


If you're stupid enough to stick your hand on the stove, it's YOUR OWN DAMNED FAULT you got burned.

I can do this using the Dr. Jekyl or Mr. Hyde method, I don't care which.



If ALL of this doesn't work for you - then CLICK ELSEWHERE!

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Thanks for the support guys. That makes me feel better about getting all riled up.


As for the thread, I agreed with the premise of Pelosi as an undesirable. I simply said why. If you wish to say that makes me the instigator then I am guilty as charged. I did not; however, make any blanket statements that condemn an entire group of people because they worship differently then I. Nor did I make a comment about a community in Michigan that has a large population of people who happen to be Muslim. BTW they are Americans too.

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