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Epididymitis compicated by Prostatitis

The Mick

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If you read enough and widely about herbal therapies, you'll likely come to the conclusion, like I did, that a lot of it is witch doctor mumbo-jumbo. But of all the herbs that seem to really live up to their claims, saw palmetto for prostate problems may have the most going for it. I asked my urologist several years ago about saw palmetto, and he said, "It won't hurt you." A couple of years later, I asked him again just to see if he would say the same. He said, "Well, I take it."

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My RN mother told me about the saw palmetto earlier today as well some other stuff she recommends. However right now it's ciprofloxacin and prednisone I've been down this road but it helped at first so I'll do it and than get some of the natural things.

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I had a severe case of prostatitis. They put me on Bactrim for a month. I thought it was gone but it came back.

I was getting up at crazy hours in the middle of the night to piss. Plus my stream was now like a fire hose. Wide spray and a drip!

A blood test revealed that my PSA was 2.6 which is good.

After a trip to UCLA I'm now on cipro.

I have a follow up apt. scheduled for a later time.

Funny side story: According to the Dr. he says I also have some narrowing going on with my unit.

He referred me to one of the other doctors in the group. Her name is Dr. Anger! Like I want a woman doctor, whose name is Anger touching my unit!

Oh well, at least her name isn't Dr. Slaughter or Hacker.

It could have been a lot worse, Dr. Lorena Bobbitt.

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My RN mother told me about the saw palmetto earlier today as well some other stuff she recommends. However right now it's ciprofloxacin and prednisone I've been down this road but it helped at first so I'll do it and than get some of the natural things.



River over at MLP swears by the Saw Palmetto.

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My RN mother told me about the saw palmetto earlier today as well some other stuff she recommends. However right now it's ciprofloxacin and prednisone I've been down this road but it helped at first so I'll do it and than get some of the natural things.


Oh, yeah, saw palmetto is definitely not a cure but sure might help prevent a recurrence. Right now, you need that cipro and prednisone.

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Have you ever tried Bio-Feedback? I've used the techniques for migraines and some of the symptoms of my MS and believe it or not it works.

i'll have to look into what that is. MS jeez dude I had no idea. you seem as if you have it under control.

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I have had pain in my right leg almost non-stop for 7 years...I get intravenous treatments of Solu-Medrol (methylprednisolone) sometimes, but not too often as the side effects are pretty harsh, and pain pills make it hard to function. So bio-feedback helps some and there's no downside to it. If I lived in Oregon, Alaska or California, I'd be using herbal remedies.

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just read a little about it seems like a logical idea. I have many problems with my health. After being stabbed I lost nearly all my bodys blood for an extended period while being resuscitated. This has left my organs damaged and every year something else that usually happens to much older men happens to me. My Dr. jokes that I'm twice my own age.

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Mr.Natural - the guy who said "TMI" was way off. Maybe they've not "been there".

Anyone who has suffered those problems wants/needs all the information they can get.

Oh, and a big +1 on the Saw Palmetto. It works and the empirical research data is good to.....



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I went to my Doctor last week and mentioned I had early symptoms of "problems", mainly related to the old saying "No matter how you shake and dance...." (old dudes here will know how embarrassing that is). She put me on Doxazosin for short term and Avodart for long term. In her words, "It's not going to go away, so we may as well start treating it now". The Doxazosin seems to be helping. She said the Avodart could take six months before any positive effect. I had a PSA test done but they haven't called me so the number couldn't have been cause for concern.


KSG, in 2007 I screwed myself all up when walking. It took me a good five minutes to stand up because I couldn't put any pressure on my right leg. It was like a toothache that ran from my hip to my toe. X-rays, an MRI, chiropractor visits, 2 visits to the emergency room complete with Demerol.... finally one Dr gave me a blister card pack of methylprednisolone and three days later I could walk without the cane. The pain eased (some) and I could walk. They claimed I had sciatica caused by bulging discs but at the same time said the bulging discs weren't bad enough to cause the pain I was having.


I have no idea how I stumbled on it, divine intervention, luck, shot in the dark, I dunno, but I looked into the piriformis muscle, which runs from the base of the spine to the top of the thigh bone. My amateur diagnosis is that I overextended it when walking, it got inflamed and put pressure on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs right beside it and in 20% of people the nerve actually runs through the piriformis muscle. I began doing some stretching excercises for it, which are simple but were ungodly painful the first few times. I think there may have even been adhesions from the inflamation and/or damage.


It's been two-plus years and it's mostly under control. My right leg almost never goes numb anymore and is pretty much pain free. I did buy a NordicTrac inversion table, which is good therapy overall but I don't think it helped the sciatica; the stretching was the key for that.


Sorry for the length. I know first hand how debilitating pain like that can be. My mother always told me, "Don't ever get old" and I never listened to anything she said....

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