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Is this guitar unique?


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Hi everybody,


I'm new to this forum, cause I just got my new Gibson SJ 200 a few days ago. And as I was surfing the internet to compare the prices - to see if I made a good deal - I realized, that I can not find this kind of guitar anywhere. The guy in the shop couldn't tell me exact information about the it. He just said that it was shown on the exhibition "musikmesse frankfurt" in 2007. A friend of him bought it but never played with it. So the salesman bought the guitar and till then it hung in the shop. The only thing was that Midge Ure played one Concert in Sarrbrücken/Germany on it. So I got it a bit cheaper. =D> But still I want to know how much this guitar ist worth originally and if it's a real custom or unique one or if gibson just stopped building the SJ-200 with that finish. Cause there's an Epiphone that looks close to this one. But as I said, there's no SJ-200 like that on the internet. Or maybe I just don't find it... but this piece sounds like heaven. =D>


I'm happy about any response.


Thanks in advance!




Here's the picture:


SJ-200 Ebony 1


SJ-200 Ebony 2

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So be proud of it, mate!

And don't worry about the money!

It will pay you every cent when you play a lot!

Go ahead and play much so that Black Beauty starts to ring in your hands, because 2 years of hanging in the shop... She is pissed off of hanging!

And before all don't dare to compare it with an Epiphone EJ 200...

If the guitars were pianos -well you got a Grand Piano at home so keep it closer to you that Dark Treasure!!!

Do you think to give her a name? Some of us give names ot their guitars, you know...

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A Name? Don't know? What would you propose? Maybe "Ebony"? =; Or "Bonnie"?


And Yes, I can assure, it sounds VERY good! :)

I'm So happy with it. I first played a guitar like that at "Sam Ash" in New York, when I visited New York this year and asked the vendor: "Show me your good stuff."... his first offer was a SJ-200. After that all the Martins and Taylors didn't catch me like this one... before that happened I was thinking about a Breedlove, when I was in Tel Aviv and played one in a Music Shop... but I can't believe now, that I can call this guitar imy own. :) The Breedlove doesn't even touch the bottom of that piece...


Thank you all for your positive resonance.

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When I ordered my J200 in '91, I had the choice of ebony, natural or vintage sunburst (tobacco sunburst). I chose the sunburst. Other than that, this ebony looks exactly the same as mine, though not as used....


'Tis a gorgeous guitar with an amazing sound.

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Oh, yes I am sure that the sound is terrific and it will develop more and more.


About the name - me, I need to name my guitars. Other people here laugh at this. There are people here that like that.

People are different.

If you concider to give a name to your guitar you shuold know is it a feminine guitar or a msculine one.

My SJ 200 Custom Elite is masculin - that is my feeling about him. And I named him M-R GIBS.

I dont know about your guitar - it is you that have to decide about naming.

I am tallanted of giving names to things and people and I like to do this. Don't know about you.

I am allso interested what Gilliangirl thinks about the name :-k

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They did a run of ebony colored J-200s sometime after 1995, if I'm recalling correctly....they were marketing them as the J-200 "Black Magic".......the print ads featured Clint Back . I don't know if yours is one of them, or how many they made initially.

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