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I'm leaving for jury duty.


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First time. I don't know what to expect :-k


I really hate losing a days pay :)


Wouldn't YOU rather be judged by "peers" rather than ONLY retired people , government workers, union members or welfare recipients?


EVERYONE needs to serve on juries, (easy for me to say...I've NEVER been called!)



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Every employer is different. The one time I was called for jury duty, my employer paid me a normal 8 hour wage. They didn't even ask for the County's jury pay back. They were cool about it.


Expect to go, be attentive to the proceedings and do not bring anything to read or play, just sit and watch. You may find it quite entertaining.


Funniest line I ever heard was listening to jury selection. Whe the lawyers were questioning an elderly woman jury candidate, one sked if she'd ever rasied children. She said, "Yes, seven." The lawyer told her, "The case is about 'He said, she said,' I'm sure while raising children you encountered that type of situation and had to make a decsion who was telling the truth haven't you?" The septigenarian replied, "I don't know. It's been so long, really don't remember."


In our jurisdiction, you can bring along a note pad to take notes during the trial which you can refer to during deliberations, but you will need to leave it in the courthouse when you go home and after you are dismissed. So, if you plan to write a book about the experience, plan to do it from memory. Not sure what the rules are in the Land of Mary.


Oh, yeah, expect to be detained all day by Lawyers who get paid by the hour and seem to not know how to move things along.


Finally, leave your pocket knife in the car.

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Wouldn't YOU rather be judged by "peers" rather than ONLY retired people ' date=' government workers, union members or welfare recipients?[/quote']


Nice, unnecessary cut on unions. You drive around looking for picket lines to cross too? Scab.


Jury duty can be a pain, but it's part of our civic duty. And as was said before, if you pay attention during the selection process it can be quite entertaining. Made it to the pool one time, but didn't end up getting interviewed. Chicago is a trip because the court house is down on the Southwest side at 26th and California. Kind of ghetto, but some decent taqueria closer to 24th.

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Nice' date=' unnecessary cut on unions. You drive around looking for picket lines to cross too? Scab.





signed, Scab


Actually, if you read what I said, I also included retired people...I hope to be one someday. I just don't feel they, (being retired people, govt. workers, union workers and welfare recipients), are a true cross section of the population. We need EVERYONE, (including those who feel they're "too important" to serve), to be included on juries.


Now you can go back to sleep.

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We need EVERYONE' date=' (including those who feel they're "too important" to serve), to be included on juries.


Now you can go back to sleep.[/quote']


I agree, heartily. If you want a fair and impartial jury, you need a diverse pool to pull from and people need to take it seriously when they are called. Show up. Don't try to skip out. It's a civic duty.


Sleep? I'll do that when I am dead.

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Well, we sat around for about 3 and a half hours and then were told we weren't needed today. I have to check tonight to see if I report tomorrow and keep checking the weekend to see if I'm needed on Monday.


Believe me, I realize the importance of a trial by jury and want to do my part. It's just that I work for a very small company, it's three of us including the owner, so he can't afford to pay me and it hurts our production to lose one of us on any day.


I've already missed half a day, what am I doing playing on this website. I have to get back to work now [biggrin]

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Well' date=' we sat around for about 3 and a half hours and then were told we weren't needed today. I have to check tonight to see if I report tomorrow and keep checking the weekend to see if I'm needed on Monday.


Believe me, I realize the importance of a trial by jury and want to do my part. It's just that I work for a very small company, it's three of us including the owner, so he can't afford to pay me and it hurts our production to lose one of us on any day.


I've already missed half a day, what am I doing playing on this website. I have to get back to work now [biggrin


HEY!! Bein' on this forum IS work! (builds character...so you'll do a better job!)

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Wouldn't YOU rather be judged by "peers" rather than ONLY retired people ' date=' government workers, union members or welfare recipients?


EVERYONE needs to serve on juries, (easy for me to say...I've NEVER been called!)




Boy you have a high opinion of yourself don't you? what do you do that makes you so smart - And no I'd rather be judged by intelligent people of all types including government employees, union members and retired people that probably fulfilled key roles in society for years.

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I've only been called once since 1978. I spent 6 hours in the jury room waiting, they finally called me for an armed robbery trial, and then dismissed me when they found that I had been a victim of 2 armed robberies...Bring lots of stuff to read, and be prepared to be bored out of your mind.

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Boy you have a high opinion of yourself don't you? what do you do that makes you so smart - And no I'd rather be judged by intelligent people of all types including government employees' date=' union members and retired people that probably fulfilled key roles in society for years.



Who said anything about being judged by people of like intelligence?


By the way...the Constitution does not mention "Jury of your peers", it does guarantee an "impartial jury", (6th Amendment). "Jury of your peers" comes from common law.

My position is that retired people don't have the same position in life as those who work. People who are members of a labor union don't have the same view of employers as those who do not belong to a union, same with govt. employees and welfare recipients. Doesn't make the less of a citizen, or more of one; nor does it make them less intelligent or more intelligent. It makes them "different" and therefore not impartial.

My point is that everyone should serve, not just those who get fully compensated for the time on a jury, (i.e. govt. workers & union workers), or don't have time obligations, (i.e. retired folk & welfare recipients).

If I was being tried for chasing my secretary around the office, I'd rather have some white color folk on the jury rather than twelve old maid secretaries! Conversely, if I were on trial for stealing a hammer from my work site, I'd rather have 12 union members than a bunch of purchasing managers on the jury. Fair would be to have representatives from all those.


Makes sense to me...but then I have a "high opinion of myself".

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You know...


I dunno why everyone rips on jury duty. I served on a jury 4 or 5 years ago and I found it quite fun. I suppose it depends on what the case is about and how long it lasts.


The one I was on was only a day long, and it was about a couple of girls that beat each other up. The testimonies were fun hehe [confused]

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They've NEVER picked me.


As a side note, the only place I've ever seen twelve people I would consider my 'peers' was at a gun show, NRA convention, and possibly at my church.

I've seen jury selection enough to be very afraid if I was ever at their mercy.


Several strikes against me, race, religion, sex, employment/business/financial/marital status....



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