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just started reading Glen Beck's common sense......

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Neo I find your catagory creation and attempt to sum up everyone based on it insulting.

It is similar to me asking you this question...answer yes or no ... have you or have you not stopped beating your wife ?

We all have our opinions and beliefs and should show a little respect toward each other, which often times you seem a bit lacking in.

I understand ........but just because people disagree with you does not mean they are all wrong and wish the destruction of America

and our way of life.

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your prolly right about nothing nice being said. i'll somehow manage. here's the tele' date=' finally...



Very nice Tele. Oh and look, "you-know-who" knew who "you-know-who" was. Did you see him nail himself up on a cross like he does daily more or less? (part of that messiah complex) "Oh, woe is me, I am so warm, loving and caring and these misguided souls abuse me so". Acting so offended that he was insulted (barely). As if he never does it.



If you wanna see some doozies, do a post search on him. He has displayed some serious potty mouth on me and others before. Nice to know that he doesnt care if I live or die though. Thats so American of him sadly.




p.s. 5 to 1 says theres a mullet under that hat hehe [biggrin]

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Very nice Tele. Oh and look' date=' "you-know-who" knew who "you-know-who" was. Did you see him nail himself up on a cross like he does daily more or less? (part of that messiah complex) "Oh, woe is me, I am so warm, loving and caring and these misguided souls abuse me so". Acting so offended that he was insulted (barely). As if he never does it.



If you wanna see some doozies, do a post search on him. He has displayed some serious potty mouth on me and others before. Nice to know that he doesnt care if I live or die though. Thats so American of him sadly.



P.S. 5 to 1 says theres a mullet under that hat hehe [drool




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RE not caring about others...


From Lao Tzu...


Heaven and earth are not benevolent,

They treat the ten thousand things equally,

in the same way that the straw dogs are treated.

Neither is the sage benevolent,

treating every one equally

as if treating straw dogs.....


Now one may question the degree of "rightness" on that one.


Bottom line is that when one acts as a neighbor, regardless of distance from one's home, one cares about and for others. When, on the other hand, one is speaking as a sage, it's a different matter.


Emotional response is not wrong, but it's not terribly logical and frankly often brings improper response, or at least response with unintended adverse consequences. My own opinion is that a bit of both is necessary to be entirely human, and that a lack of either makes me question the individual responding in that mode...



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I posted this earlier but I think it was buried



The tally in this thread will be an easy count.


The categories are;



People in this nation who GET IT (Glenn Beck viewers)' date=' and understand how far we've skidded and slid.




People who have heard of Glenn Beck but never watched an entire hour of his show.




People who know everything they need to know about him from Liberal news and TV comedy shows.




People who get pissed off that he has a voice - and it does NOT speak for their values and convictions.




People who want him off the air because they think he's a trouble maker.



Everybody choose one....





Have watched his show several times to get a feel for him and an educated opinion. Feel he needs to go back on his meds or at least get them re evaluated.

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Let me introduce you to the Resident Expert on meds....



Oh and look' date=' "you-know-who" knew who "you-know-who" was.

Did you see him nail himself up on a cross like he does daily more or less?

(part of that messiah complex)

"Oh, woe is me, I am so warm, loving and caring and these misguided souls abuse me so".

Acting so offended that he was insulted (barely).

As if he never does it.


If you wanna see some doozies, do a post search on him.

He has displayed some serious potty mouth on me and others before.

Nice to know that he doesnt care if I live or die though.

Thats so American of him sadly.


p.s. 5 to 1 says theres a mullet under that hat hehe [drool

Should we do a post search on you?

Maybe discuss once again your mental issues and the revolving carousel of meds to treat it?

Read through all those posts concerning your various afflictions and the sympathy you seek from the web?

Detail and document your confessed inability to remove yourself from situations unhealthy to you?

How do we know this?



Keep on splashing the gasoline around, eh?

I got a light burning that never goes out....

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I posted this earlier but I think it was buried






Have watched his show several times to get a feel for him and an educated opinion. Feel he needs to go back on his meds or at least get them re evaluated.


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Mick they tell me its a sign of getting old when you start repeating yourself.[drool]


The tally in this thread will be an easy count.


The categories are;



People in this nation who GET IT (Glenn Beck viewers)' date=' and understand how far we've skidded and slid.




People who have heard of Glenn Beck but never watched an entire hour of his show.




People who know everything they need to know about him from Liberal news and TV comedy shows.




People who get pissed off that he has a voice - and it does NOT speak for their values and convictions.




People who want him off the air because they think he's a trouble maker.



Everybody choose one....





Have watched his show several times to get a feel for him and an educated opinion. Feel he needs to go back on his meds or at least get them re evaluated.

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Let me introduce you to the Resident Expert on meds....




Should we do a post search on you?

Maybe discuss once again your mental issues and the revolving carousel of meds to treat it?

Read through all those posts concerning your various afflictions and the sympathy you seek from the web?

Detail and document your confessed inability to remove yourself from situations unhealthy to you?

How do we know this?



Keep on splashing the gasoline around' date=' eh?

I got a light burning that never goes out....



Awww heres the part where the pre-schooler comes out and he starts insulting peoples physical afflictions. Remember, in Neos world YOU can't ever bring up anything adversely affecting your life (not even once). If you do that means you are seeking "sympathy from the web".


I brought up an issue I have to use it as comedy to play along with an insult he made towards me. So naturally what does Mr Congeniality do with that attempt to get along with him? He further insults me and kept it around for later use as well.


As far as the "documenting" part, I have no idea what he is referring to there but, whatever.



So to sum it up, only NEOCONMANNNNNNNNNNNNN can complain/discuss/joke about problems in his life. Remember that folks. All hail the Messiah!! [drool]

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Remember, the thread was about Glenn Beck, eh?


Once again you've revealed yourself as you truly are, and thinking the more you do it something will change.





Take all the shots at me you want. Make me out to be the Boogie Man.

I am what I am, I speak my mind, and I hide nothing. I'm an open book.

Why does that make you wake up screaming in the middle of the night and reach for the meds?


You said you used it for comedy?


THAT was funny - but a lie.

You don't remember how pissed you got and insulted EVERYBODY who didn't comfort you like a baby?


"There, there.... It's okay.... We love you.... You poor, poor, medicated little thing....."


If I'm the evil guy, what is it that prompts you to keep taking shots at me?

I didn't seek you out, and I usually ignore your posts in the forum to keep the distance.


Yet, here you come again, and again, and again and again, and again and again, and again....

In your thirties now, and still haven't learned to control those outbursts?

No hope of a cure, just existing on chemicals.


Get mad.

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Remember' date=' the thread was about Glenn Beck, eh?


Once again you've revealed yourself as you truly are, and thinking the more you do it something will change.


Take all the shots at me you want.

I am what I am, I speak my mind, and I hide nothing. I'm an open book.

Why does that make you wake up screaming in the middle of the night and reach for the meds?


Use it for comedy?

You don't remember how pissed you got and insulted EVERYBODY who didn't comfort you like a baby?


"There, there.... It's okay.... We love you.... You poor, poor, medicated little thing....."


If I'm the evil guy, what is it that prompts you to keep taking shots at me?

I didn't seek you out, and I usually ignore your posts in the forum to keep the distance.


Yet, here you come again, and again, and again and again, and again and again, and again....

In your thirties now, and still haven't learned to control those outbursts?

No hope of a cure, just existing on chemicals.


Get mad.



Yet again the ego rears its ugly head. NOW he thinks that his ramblings "make me wake up screaming in the middle of the night and reaching for meds". What a gutbuster that one is. I swear his ego knows no bounds.


THEN theres "If I'm the evil guy, what is it that prompts you to keep taking shots at me?". Ummmm who else do you take shots at? People you think are great?. :-s Oh and no, you don't usually ignore my posts, especially involving anything political.


THEN he sets up this straw man "You don't remember how pissed you got and insulted EVERYBODY who didn't comfort you like a baby? "There, there.... It's okay.... We love you.... You poor, poor, medicated little thing....."


Now he is just making things up but eh. Oh no I was just thinking, i hope i can sleep tonight and not "wake up screaming". [confused]


THEN he talks about being unable to control outbursts. Another Neo strawman. His outbursts on this forum could give a person a days worth of reading.


To finish my reply (and my time with this "discussion") is the "Yet i come here again and again" part. Perhaps I am misinterpreting that but was that some sort of way to insult me for coming to this forum alot? If so, are you serious? Thats what you have reduced yourself to? Click click click (throw gun)


OK queue the "I won because he doesnt want to argue anymore and I got the last word" spewings. You win Messiah!!! MESSIAH!! MESSIAH!!!

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Yet again the ego rears its ugly head.

I swear his ego knows no bounds.

People you think are great?.

THEN he sets up this straw man

Now he is just making things up but eh.

You're lying.

Anyhow' date=' please continue....




His outbursts on this forum could give a person a days worth of reading.


You mean posts?

Especially the ones with the facts and the truth?




Keep the gasoline coming.


Self immolation is interesting to watch - if you have the stomach for it.

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Yet again the ego rears its ugly head. NOW he thinks that his ramblings "make me wake up screaming in the middle of the night and reaching for meds". What a gutbuster that one is. I swear his ego knows no bounds.


THEN theres "If I'm the evil guy' date=' what is it that prompts you to keep taking shots at me?". Ummmm who else do you take shots at? People you think are great?. #-o Oh and no, you don't usually ignore my posts, especially involving anything political.


THEN he sets up this straw man "You don't remember how pissed you got and insulted EVERYBODY who didn't comfort you like a baby? "There, there.... It's okay.... We love you.... You poor, poor, medicated little thing....."


Now he is just making things up but eh. Oh no I was just thinking, i hope i can sleep tonight and not "wake up screaming". [crying


THEN he talks about being unable to control outbursts. Another Neo strawman. His outbursts on this forum could give a person a days worth of reading.


To finish my reply (and my time with this "discussion") is the "Yet i come here again and again" part. Perhaps I am misinterpreting that but was that some sort of way to insult me for coming to this forum alot? If so, are you serious? Thats what you have reduced yourself to? Click click click (throw gun)


OK queue the "I won because he doesnt want to argue anymore and I got the last word" spewings. You win Messiah!!! MESSIAH!! MESSIAH!!!



Man you gotta be from Philly. You whine just like a flyers fan.

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Man you gotta be from Philly. You whine just like a flyers fan.



His (and frankly many posters) Neo lovefest draped all over these forums just cracks me up.


Seems like a good night for a stroll in the park...:-


#-o[lol] [lol] [crying]


Now was it - the truth will set you free? Or - the truth hurts?:-k

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