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Follow up on the Cleartone strings


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RE: As a followup on the Cleartone string thread. http://forums.gibson.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=27731


Hey ALL,

Well, I got six sets in the mail today, and at the requested gauges. [-(


No bill, no suggestion for a review, no note, and no "strings" attached. [blink]


So, I am due for a bi-annual checkup/setup and will take a set of the Cleartones in, to my local guitar guy and it will give me a chance to try a set of 12's on the J45 (I had the neck adjusted for ten's..... I am always careful about adjusting for string gauge changes).


I will post my review after I played the thing for a bit.

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Well I have been responding to PM's that he has sent me through this forum. I suppose you could PM him, through the gibson member PM mail. His member name is CLEARTONE.

Here is one of his posts from the top thread last week, regarding that.


I totally understand where you guys are coming from. I just thought it would be something nice to do and I only contacted guys who mentioned Cleartones via PM. I never started a thread trying to solicit anything.

Oh well, I tried. You guys can always contact me at Cleartone if you are still interested in some samples. I did send a bunch out so check your mail next week. I know on other forums people talk about all sorts of other products so I didn’t think it was a huge deal. Gibson does have strings, but they don’t make them. You’d be very surprised how many strings are out there made by the big D.








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I don't want to pile on, but I grabbed a set when I bought my new J-45 Custom Rosewood last week mostly due to some of the raves on this forum. I restrung it this weekend and am not a fan of the new tone. Very metallic with a noticeable lack of warmth. Maybe they'll mellow with a little wear, but so far I am not a fan.

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