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*cough* I don't feel so good....


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Ever since I opened my mail yesterday I've been sneezing blood, my ears feel like they're moving up the side of my head, and Ritchie Havens has been reading beatnik poetry to the chickadees outside my window in the snowbank (which keeps changing colors, by the way; I can hear the snow changing colors without opening any of my eyes). I'm having a hard time typing because this keyboard keeps floating away. Good thing my fingers are made of applesauce.


Could I have breathed something I shouldn't have? Will mold spores affect my health?


I'm kidding of course.... but if you click on this link, you'll see how I do live dangerously on occasion. No bungee jumping for me! I prefer the Andromeda Strain or the Hot Zone.



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Ever since I opened my mail yesterday I've been sneezing blood' date=' my ears feel like they're moving up the side of my head, and Ritchie Havens has been reading beatnik poetry to the chickadees outside my window in the snowbank (which keeps changing colors, by the way; I can hear the snow changing colors without opening any of my eyes).



Years ago, I remember feeling the same way but my affliction was chemicaly-induced! #-o

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Oh man...


I wish you woulda stopped off at the quarter car wash first & blasted that banjo w/ the high pressure. I've been researching the potential nastiness of mold since I've been looking at houses in wooded areas. Much health risk there. A mold spore can live many years in dormancy before becoming active when conditions are right.


It is cool to see how an obvious basket case had that nice banjo living under all of that, but don't risk the health of those in the household to prove it!


Be well.


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I made sure my youngest daughter didn't open it (she likes to open ebay packages). As soon as it was taken out of the box I took it outside and hit it with compressed air, which got rid of a good percentage of the mold. Then I gave it good dousing with Lysol. I made sure to Lysol the floor where I unboxed it, the door handles, anything I touched. No guarantee I got rid of everything but I was diligent.

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Oh.... [blink] That's the 'case'. I thought it was an exoskeleton it had shed.


What I find amazing is that you paid 36 U.S. dollars for that science experiment.


What I find INCREDIBLY amazing is that someone, scraped this off their basement wall and came to the conclusion, "We should try to sell this on Ebay."


Seems I've been naive enough to think I need to pay people to come to my house in a big, noisy truck once a week to pick up my garbage. I actually PAY THEM for the privilege. I think I'll renegotiate my contract.


Someone call the Pentagon. We've found Husein's WMDs.


Unless you have asthma real bad, hazards of mold have been over rated. I've lived with and around all my life and have had no ill effects. Just keep it to a minimum. True, I would have done like Scott and de-loused that thing a couple times outside before shoveling it in the house.


My hat's off to you Scott for seeing a diamond in the dung heap. It is starting to resemble a banjo like object. [cool]

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