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Important Lesson from the Economics Professor


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An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before,

but had once failed an entire class.


That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked & that no one would be poor & no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".

All grades would be averaged & everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail & no one would receive an A...


After the first test, the grades were averaged & everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset & the students who studied little were happy.


As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less & the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D!


No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame & name-calling all resulted in hard feelings & no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, & the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.


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False premise in your example. Obama and the congress have not proposed anything to change our government into a socialist one.


Thus there is no such thing as Obama's socialism.

Blackie, I think your VCR is looping a tape from 2004 or something.....

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My belief is that the US is not about to be destroyed ........whatever happens.......next elections will swing things back to more middle

ground. Maybe at some point the pols will do what is in our interests...............

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I find that some people that don't like cats because ........unlike how dogs will show affection always..........cats can be like F it I'm

gonna chill over here......all your here kitty kitty aint gonna have no effect.................til they feel like it


So us folks that know bout cats......also relize most sh-t in the world is about the same.....can't worry about what

things you have no control over.

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You'd be surprised what you can effect some control over if you get off the couch.


First off, the cat gets his *** thrown out the door.


RUN kitty, kitty!!!!!






Then I vote, raise hell when I get sh!tty service, demand my money's worth if I buy something....


Yep, you can do a lot in one day.

What does a damned cat do in a day?

A month?

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Then I vote' date=' [b']raise hell when I get sh!tty service[/b], demand my money's worth if I buy something....


Hey, you sound like the d!ck who used to call in at my job every week and complain about something ridiculous that we really have no control over.




"It's unacceptable."

"I'm going to forward you to our manager."

"Who's responsible for this atrocity?!?!"


You're not the only customer, and you're not entitled to anything. Nobody's entitled to anything. I'm not kidding. We have the right to refuse service, but not the obligation to serve difficult or disruptive customers.

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I think you'll find me most polite and gracious receiving any sort of service - when rendered properly.


I'm the guy who says hello to the cleaning ladies at work.

Most people don't even know their names.



And I don't yell at front-line employees, it's usually not their fault - or not entirely.

Managers manage - that's who I wanna talk to.

The tone of the discussion is dictated by his attitude when I approach him politely.


Pity on him if he wants to be a d!ck head...




I've even asked front-line people "Do you like your manager? Cuz if you don't, I can get a few good licks in..."

They usually laugh, and it helps break the ice to know I'm not throwing them under the bus.

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I think you'll find me most polite and gracious receiving any sort of service - when rendered properly.


I'm the guy who says hello to the cleaning ladies at work.

Most people don't even know their names.



And I don't yell at front-line employees' date=' it's usually not their fault - or not entirely.

Managers [i']manage[/i] - that's who I wanna talk to.

The tone of the discussion is dictated by his attitude when I approach him politely.


Pity on him if he wants to be a d!ck head...




I've even asked front-line people "Do you like your manager? Cuz if you don't, I can get a few good licks in..."

They usually laugh, and it helps break the ice to know I'm not throwing them under the bus.


That's good to know. I hadn't figured you for the "d!ck head who yells at the front-liners" kind of guy in the first place.


I know from first-hand experience, and being only responsible for doing what I'm told, that if I've done something wrong it's usually because someone told me to do the wrong thing. Sycophantic? Maybe. But at least I'm not intentionally throwing monkey-wrenches into the works, and at least I'm not some sort of incompetent layabout. "Incompetent layabout" works pretty well for the manager I have in mind, actually. I think you'd find that, if I were taking your order over the phone, I'd be courteous, respectful, helpful and efficient. If your food got there cold (harder out in Arizona than it is in New York, where food can leave the store piping hot and be ice-cold by the time it gets to a client a block away,) then it's out of my control. If we forgot one of your items, we can send you one to replace it--but we don't have to. It all depends on how you ask for it and whether or not we think it makes sense. If I personally made a mistake (mistakes do happen, and unfortunately they've happened more than once on my watch,) I'll be willing to take full responsibility for it, but if you want reparations more than you want an apology, I'll have to forward your call to the manager. If you want to complain, talk to the manager, and if that doesn't satisfy you then there's simply nothing else I can do. Of course, the customer has just as much control over a transaction as the business--they always have the option of, as you often put it, voting with their wallet. I've gotten calls in from customers saying they'd never order from us again, and yet sure enough the next week I get another order from them. The fact remains that there's only so much that I, as a front-line guy, can do personally, and I think you know that it's a lot harder to deal with an a**hole customer than it is to eat a lukewarm burger. I still hold to my belief that nobody's entitled to anything--I wasn't even entitled to that lousy job, seeing as how I'm no longer working there (that's a long story, let's just say that the manager in question had to do it in order to cover her own ***.) Still, I'll try to give the best service that I can, even though sometimes I feel like a customer deserves to be shown the ******* door.

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Back to the original post. I figured that it was inevitable that politics would enter this board. It's a hot topic for me, and I'd prefer to avoid it altogether, but I couldn't let this one slide. So let me say this about that. First of all, economists are like weather forecasters and fortune tellers- they all get paid even when they're wrong, and they rarely agree.


In the particular case in point, it is easy to see why this professor is at a small local college, because his little experiment was a tremendous waste of time for the insignificant lesson that it taught. Plus, attempting to equate this lesson on socialism to the realities of Obama's proposals totally misses the target. And this study was more a topic for a class in psychology or sociology than for an economics class. If I was the dean of economics or president of this college, this professor of economics would be standing in an unemployment line.


Consider also that the president has no power to enact laws- only to propose them and veto the ones from congress he doesn't like.

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was up wit da cat hate............dogs n cats n all can get along fine.........in this Korean/Chineese stir fry........ummm good.



Blackie, I swear, if you show that stir fry even one more time, I'm going to LEARN HOW TO COOK!

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attempting to equate this lesson on socialism to the realities of Obama's proposals totally misses the target.

Okay' date=' enough already, we get it - you voted for him....

















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