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This could be the dumbest man on earth


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Sheila Jackson Lee is from Houston - same thing.


I was living there in the nineties when that dumb loudmouthed broad was an "activist".

She somehow got elected to City Council in the US' 4th largest city - couldn't even speak properly.

But she has "Street Cred" and she's helping everybody in the 'hood.

The media gave her one free ride after another with her stupid sh!t.

During her first campaign, they caught her on film tearing down competitors campaign signs.

She just played dumb and refused to speak, everybody let it ride - and she won...


Then got elected to the State House - a Congresswoman?

Hop, skip, and a jump - she's in the US House of Representatives representing Texas in DC.


And every bit as painfully ignorant as the original post.


Find any pics of Hillary as First Lady, I guarantee you'll see Lee in the background crowding into the shot.

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I wish I could say that I found the video funny, but it sickened me.


How can we let the richest, most powerful nation in the world be represented by people like that?


If it goes any farther, the mayor of Washington D.C. will one day be a crack smoking drug dealer!


Oh wait, that has already happened:



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Yeah, and some day even a foreigner can be elected president. Good thing we have a transparent gubmint.




As far as Miss Pickler. This is what is going wrong with Country Western music. They are so doggone het up about gettin' the urbanites to come 'back to country', they will do anything the popular music world thinks appropriate.


'Can he/she sing?' -- not asked

'Can he/she play an instrument well?' -- not asked

'Can he/she converse in intelligent conversation?' -- not asked

'Does he/she have any moral fiber?' -- not asked.

'Is he/she cute?' -- asked.


Me thinks we can thank John Rich for this one.

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What a collection of idiots in all four of those videos.


I was getting my haircut in the US once and the lady who was doing it said "You're from out of town ain't ya?"

I replied "Yes I'm from England"

"Oh great" She said "I love England, where in England?"

"Nottingham" I replied which was where I was living at the time.

"Gee honey is that anywhere near Paris?"

"Well . . . yes it is, but Paris is in another country separated from England by the sea"


HELLO . . . .

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She needs to see the Blackie Pizza!



Good thing Foxworthy doesn't take off for spelling. Any 5th grader knows 'hungry' doesn't have an 'a' in it.... let's eat! :)

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It's all very well us Brits thinking a load of Americans are stupid because they don't know France is a country and so on but a friend brought me back to reality when he asked me "In which State in the USA would you find Kansas City?" and I was dumb enough to answer "Kansas!"...


Taught me not to be quite so cocky.

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"In which State in the USA would you find Kansas City?" and I was dumb enough to answer "Kansas!"...

Heh' date=' heh, heh....




Lotsa that here.


There's a Colorado City in northern Arizona.

Another one in the wilds of Wide Open west Texas.


Oklahoma has two completely separate towns named Antioch.

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She said 8 minutes of exactly nothing;

Yes' date=' but her command of the English Language has improved significantly in the last decade.

I guess she saves the Ebonics for the home town crowd.


Seriously - in the early nineties you had to be bi-lingual to understand what the hell she was saying.

She was not as practiced and composed back then - keepin' it [i']real[/i] and all that sh!t....


I'm so pleased that her years in DC representing the hardworking (not!) folks in her district has

had such a "charm/finishing school" effect on her demeanor and disposition.



I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.


Worst of the worst that our Representative government has to offer.

I'd rather have Elmer Fudd as my rep.


But, since he's only a cartoon character, we could certainly use more idiots like Bawney Fwank.




NOBODY in Congress knows more about the fine art of "tea-baggery" than this - er..., gentleman....

His boyfriend was running a gay prostitution ring out of their apartment - Bawney had no idea....


"Frank confirmed that he had once paid Gobie for sex, hired him with personal funds as

an aide and wrote letters on congressional stationery on his behalf to Virginia state

probation officials, but Frank said he fired Gobie when he learned that prostitution

clients were visiting his apartment."


Before you start with the mudslinging accusations - this is not on some "Right-Wing" site, it's on Wikipedia.

They're about as soft and squishy as it gets on Liberals and gays.




Why is it NOBODY seems to know about this?

Don't even start with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, setting up the housing/lending industry for a fall.

That's Bawney's handiwork too...

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Watch my lips. I'm listening.




I just love how this rep can't answer a question directly. "Who were you talking to?" "Well lets clear this up' date=' it wasn't blah blah blah. Answer the freakin question! [blink This is what we have in office in washington.

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ha ha ha......smart enough to play the straight man and save his career


Actually the Admiral was not practicing butt kissing to save his career, he is observing a basic and most important rule of warfare:

Never interrupt your opponent when he is busy making a fool of himself.

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Actually the Admiral was not practicing butt kissing to save his career' date=' he is observing a basic and most important rule of warfare:

Never interrupt your opponent when he is busy making a fool of himself.[/quote']



Island tipping; [biggrin] Must be a big city thing. Out in the hinter lands we have cow tipping and in the big city there's island tipping.

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