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Who Would Win This Fight?


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Grizzlies vary in size depending on diet. Males have been found weighing over 2,000 pounds, but less is likely. Male lions - who are more trained and/or genetically disposed to fight each other than other critters - will weigh under 900 pounds.


The "average" African lion and grizzly bear both are rather smaller, but both are formidable carnivores and killers.


Yeah, I'd put my money on the bear. In England "Bear baiting" was a rather popular sport for centuries. One would chain a bear in a pit and drop in large hounds to attack it. Individual hounds didn't usually last long until the later stages of the game. There were, of course, variations of the "sport."


In some areas bulls and bears were set against each other in blood sport, but my understanding is that we're talking about relatively smaller varieties of both species. A rhino? Not a likely contest. They're awfully hard to kill, and up close, they're incredibly dangerous. Lions don't apparently see them as usual supper candidates and I doubt the bear would get into attacking them either.


Buffalo, both the American Bison and the African buff, have been hunted by various predators regardless that they also are very dangerous animals. Against a single assailant, they tend to do fairly well; their younger offspring frequently are targeted by canine packs.


For what it's worth, I can't imagine most of these critters choosing on their own to engage in deadly confrontations. In difficult situations, regardless of cause... I figure the grizzly is as likely to survive one way or another as any of them.



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I've heard that the terms Bull Market and Bear Market came from the early 19th Century, where they would through a bull and bear in together to fight. If the bear could get on top of the bulls neck and push down he could break it and win. If the bull could get his horns under the bears belly and thrust up he would obviously win. [biggrin]

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I've read diaries of Lewis and Clark of their trip up the Missouri. Indeed they credit the 'white' bear as they called it, as a formidable foe. I suspect they called them 'white' as their first encounter was at a distance during the summer when the sun had a chance to blanche their hair. Compared to the eastern black bears they were familiar with I suspect they did appear white.


They stated that unless you hit a grizzly square between the eyes with a 50 cal, you'd better be on a horse when you shot them. Because a grizzly could chase you the better part of a mile even after well placed heart and lung shot.


Bears were prized mostly for their pelts and their fat. It was used for cooking, preserving and for lubricating guns and such.


African Lions live in prides and the females hunt in packs. North American pumas / cougars / mountain lions are solitary animals.

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