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G'day Boys & Girls,


Well I'm taking my daughter to Melbourne to see a specialist today and that's about 4 hours driving each way. Don't get up there very often so I thought good chance to drop into the main Epi dealer while I'm up there and see if my meager savings would maybe get a Dot Studio.


Problem here is that we really get shafted on price, for example a Casino has an RRP of $1399 AUD and even at best , 30% discount still means it's going to cost $1000 plus case. The Studio is $645 plus case and reading this forum about the prices that are available in the US just makes me sooooo jealous. Don't understand it as the Oz dollar has been just below parity with the US for a long time and lower volume aside doesn't explain that much difference in my mind, however I digress.


After much anticipation (read lusting for a semi) it's going to be 39 degrees here today and no way can I leave a laminated guitar in the car for any length of time.....curse the fates! We are having an unseasonal run of hot weather here for Autumn, running for two weeks straight and I will be glad when it's over.


Got a birthday next month maybe I can get up there before then? Hope your day is better than mine but I'm NOT HAPPY!



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Best wishes, for your daughter's health. Hope it's not too serious? As to Epi prices, in Australia compared

to the USA? Well, the only thing I can think of is, (Shipping cost differences, from the factory, possibly "Middle man/distributor"

costs (greed?), etc. A lot of dealers here, will discout to at least 40% off, without complaining, too much anway!

And, if you keep a close watch on such things, you can (sometimes) score much better than that, even.

Might give E.M. Shorts an e-mail, wbic@wichitaband.com They have been, for me, consistantly lower (sometimes a LOT lower)

than MF or GC. in pricing, and will set up your guitar for the action you prefer, and strings, too!

Anyway...just one suggestion. Hope that helps?


Charlie B.

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G'day Boys & Girls' date='


Well I'm taking my daughter to Melbourne to see a specialist today and that's about 4 hours driving each way. Don't get up there very often so I thought good chance to drop into the main Epi dealer while I'm up there and see if my meager savings would maybe get a Dot Studio.


Problem here is that we really get shafted on price, for example a Casino has an RRP of $1399 AUD and even at best , 30% discount still means it's going to cost $1000 plus case. The Studio is $645 plus case and reading this forum about the prices that are available in the US just makes me sooooo jealous. Don't understand it as the Oz dollar has been just below parity with the US for a long time and lower volume aside doesn't explain that much difference in my mind, however I digress.


After much anticipation (read lusting for a semi) it's going to be 39 degrees here today and no way can I leave a laminated guitar in the car for any length of time.....curse the fates! We are having an unseasonal run of hot weather here for Autumn, running for two weeks straight and I will be glad when it's over.


Got a birthday next month maybe I can get up there before then? Hope your day is better than mine but I'm NOT HAPPY!




you know.. you could find someone here to buy it, check the weight and figure shipping.. and maybe save quite a bit having the send it to you as, I think this is right.. a duty free 'gift'?



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G'Day and thanks for your replies.


My daughter had a kidney and pancreas transplant 10 years ago and both failed. Her husband is away and she asked dad to go with her while she found out "how much better" transplants are these days so as to have the latest information while she considers whether to front up again. Incidentally I had the sole and heels of separate shoes literally come unstuck yesterday, it was so hot. I reckon my decision to defer the semi purchase until later was fortunate.


There isn't anything on Ebay here that would interest me at the moment and if I could get a Casino second hand I would prefer that over a Dot. Getting someone to pick me up something O/S would be a possibility as under $1000 there is no import duty but I wouldn't ask anyone to do that, it's too much to expect of strangers.


I have a birthday next month so I think that's good enough reason to head up on a dedicated guitar buying trip which means I can take my time and play a few before deciding.


Getting 40% off RRP isn't likely here as there is no competition. The company that imports Epi and Gibson here owns the biggest retailer so if you cant get the price you want from them you are unlikely to get it from one of the others!


Having been reading these forums for some time I realise that Australia isn't the only country getting the short end of the stick on prices and whilst I don't think that the freight issue is the main reason for the extra costs, I wonder why QA can't be done in the country of manufacture and product shipped direct to destination thus cutting back some on price.


It's simple Mr Gibson, if the guitars were cheaper I would own more of them.



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Digger... I saw you note about your daughter on the thread and thought I might respond. I just had my second kidney transplant in January. First one lasted 13 years. If she hasn't had her transplant yet then please tell her that it is easier the second time around and the techniques have gotten alot better. I was in and out of the hospital in 5 days as opposed to three weeks with the first one. Then I've gotten to sit on my butt for a two months and play guitar so its been a great thing all around. But seriously, I wish you guys all the best man.


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SD thanks for the reply.


Shipping is about $100 but I cant expect anyone to do that and I am looking for new, but nice sentiment.


Alcorn 439


I have emailed a couple of you direct but one bounced back and I don't know who it's from. If you didn't get a mail from me then I would be pleased if you would use my address to write and I would be pleased to discuss the issue of transplants with you. Otherwise thanks mate it was nice of you to answer.




Thanks for your concern, my daughter is 37 and the medical costs are covered (free) here in Australia. Her husband is a good earner so my guitar is not at risk, but thanks for the thought.


Have a Good'n



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G'Day and thanks for your replies.

Getting 40% off RRP isn't likely here as there is no competition. The company that imports Epi and Gibson here owns the biggest retailer so if you cant get the price you want from them you are unlikely to get it from one of the others!


I've haven't been too happy about that since I out about it last year.


There is no excuse for the high guitar and associated accessories prices in Australia. Most of the stuff is manufactured by our Asian neighbours. Epi stuff should be cheaper in Australia than the US because the containers don't have to travel so far!


It's just greed and lack of real competition.


I hope you're daughter is doing OK (and the weather has cooled down a bit in your area).

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The Studio is $645 plus case

A Dot would be approx. AUS$430 at the current exchange rate. A US Dot for less than an 'Australian' Dot Studio!


Twang's right. If you know someone in the US, have them ship it to you as either:


1. Your guitar being returned to you after going back to the States for repair, or


2. A gift.


If the paperwork isn't completed properly, Aussie customs will add duty.


I can't believe shipping would cost more than AUS$215, even it was sent express, so you should be quids in.


And I hope your daughter's OK, mate.

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