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Buckethead les paul


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Hello....new member here.


Listen guys I'm not a kid, I spent the better part of the 80's wishing I could play guitar like Slash, Sykes, Lynch, Schenker, DeMartini, EVH, and Rhoads. These were my heroes they had command of something that was elusive and magical. They all could evoke strong feeling and emotion through a stringed instrument. The marriage of the mechanical and a players soul....there still is nothing like it in the whole wide world even to this day.


I went through the "Lightspeed Shredder" phase. Hell, I saw the 2nd American show that Malmsteen played with Graham Bonnett and Alcatrazz at the Stone in SF. I thought Impellitteri was the greatest thing since sliced bread.


But in the final analysis all that flash and speed left me empty, I returned to my roots and out came all the Led Zep, Skynyrd, Floyd, Clapton, Jeff Beck, etc. Nourishment to the soul with honest to goodness old school guitar players.


I have been there and back, and what I've learned is that soul, style, taste, and talent will last forever most of the flashy stuff wont be remembered years from now.


All that being said.......Where does Brian Carroll (Buckethead) fit in?


Well I've discovered he's one of us (err...one of them) he's an old school guitar hero who's kinda private and shy and wears a mask and a KFC bucket on his head. thats not a crime last time I looked. He's strongly evolved as a player who never rests, constantly improving his game. He's into old school RnR grooves more than the fast stuff. The late Shaun Lane was his biggest fan, Paul Gilbert says he's the best guitar played he's ever seen.


He has laid down all the custom shop Jackson Soloists and V's in favor of our beloved Gibson Les Paul....played through Mesa Boogies Duals and Triples. I think he switched because he couldn't get the tone and sound otherwise except with a Les Paul.


Before you pass judgment on him.....he deserves a fair listen, not to the older shred master stuff, but more somewhat normal stuff. He is a absolutely brilliant guitar player and he speaks volumes through his guitar playing.


New Untitled Song (Live)


Whitewash (Live)


Zeppelin Con Carne (Live)

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Best Guitar Player ever? I dont even have to watch to tell you hes not. I think Jimi Hendrix owns that title, the man knew nothing about music and just..shredded it up. Threw the rules out the window and played with raw emotion. yeah Im watching the untitled song, its pretty darn good, the solo was pretty amazing too.


Hes quite underrated for a good reason. If not for the music, the guy is a dooche, or moron. A mask and Bucket? What a ****. Take it off and play music. Hes very good Ive just learnt.

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Best Guitar Player ever? I dont even have to watch to tell you hes not. I think Jimi Hendrix owns that title' date=' the man knew nothing about music and just..shredded it up. Threw the rules out the window and played with raw emotion. yeah Im watching the untitled song, its pretty darn good, the solo was pretty amazing too.


Hes quite underrated for a good reason. If not for the music, the guy is a dooche, or moron. A mask and Bucket? What a ****. Take it off and play music. Hes very good Ive just learnt.[/quote']


I don't know what post you read but I never said he was the best guitar player ever, I just say he's a damn fine guitar player who gets written off way too quickly because he's freaking strange.


Best player ever.....that title belongs to those who came before like Hendrix, Page, Beck, Gilmour, Blackmore, and Clapton.


Personally I think Doug Aldrich is a pretty damn good guitar player.

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When a friend told me about Buckethead, I thought pluhase, I am not going to listen to a guy with strange mask and hat? then I saw him play and I have to say this guy has the most dominance of the guitar from anybody I have even seen. I have seen how he goes through the spectrum of styles and plays all of them well. He is far from being a shredder.


It is a shame (to me) that he is shy and reclusive and does not really want the glory of a guitar hero, he could have that most immediatley.


Gibson would not make a guitar with his name on it, oh no!! not a well known player plus Keith Sutherland beat him to the punch...

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  • 2 months later...

I gotta say I find it awfully boring to just watch some normal looking guy at a live performance. Sure, you go there mainly for the sound of the live performance but you may as well have something to watch as well. Now, I find his bizarre persona to fit w/ a lot of the more dark and ambient tones he plays....and it just makes it more interesting to me. If I'm just sitting at home I could care less what a person looks like, just want to listen to it. But...if I'm watching a show I'd much prefer some sort of bizarre deal (if the music fits) than seeing some normal guy up there shaking his *** and making weird faces; doesn't do it for me. Just for some odd example...now, Haunted Mansion is a song he'll play live....now, it fits his look. I just couldn't see some ordinary guy up there and have the same effect. There's nothing wrong w/ a performance that's different from the ordinary. Sure, people like Vai and Satch or w/e....they don't have a 'gimmick' and they're well known but....they're also boring to watch. Just my opinion. Now...heh, it'd be a little goofy if the mood of his music didn't often match his persona. Like, if he was up there playing something that would be played in the background of a Bette Midler tune...that just wouldn't be right. Now, Andy Timmons is a phenomenal player but it just wouldn't work if he had that kind of outfit on. Now sure, Buckethead can play a few tunes like that and it's ok because the overall experience fits the look. Also, it's funny....a guy as talented as he is getting up there w/ a bucket and a mask....and a raincoat. Nothing wrong w/ a little extra entertainment especially in todays norm where it's all about having someones lame *** 'i'm so cool' look, it's just nice to see someone goofing off. There's a lot of tongue-in-cheeck in there as well...so it's a good thing. Now, I can't really get into the whole say...Slipknot look/act...nothing wrong w/ it but it's just a bit too much for me.

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  • 1 month later...

Rumor has it that his facade is mainly due to him being incredibly shy. It also has the added benefit of him not having to deal with random people bothering him while he goes about his daily life.


It also adds a lot to his live act. If you ever go to see him (and I strongly encourage everyone and anyone to... even if you don't know **** about guitar), you will see that guitar is not the only thing he does. He does a nunchaku routine and can do some pretty amazing dance moves. Live, he is also known to play songs from classic Disney movies also.


I saw him for the first time with Col. Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains and Buckethead blew me away. His tone is to die for and his playing is so well varied. I generally hate shredders unless they fit into a certain context (see Dimebag/Pantera, Megadeth, etc) but Buckethead showed me that he is so much more than that.


I think Slash is a good guitarist. I also agree that he was one guy who benefited from being in the right place at the right time. Buckethead started out (and still mainly does) doing very eclectic, out there music with Bootsy Collins and Bill Laswell. He ended up working with Primus and has done various movie soundtracks.


Despite what Axl may say, Buckethead is the consummate professional and entertainer. Buckethead has put out over 40 albums in the last ten years. How many has Axl put out? I don't think he should get a signature Gibson because, frankly, Gibson would screw the guitar up like they have just about every product over the last 15 years.

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Interesting first post.. welcome to the Forum!




I don't think "consummate professionals" have chicken coops built into the studio to honor their "lineage"....

I could be wrong, tho, as I am only basing this on the fact that I don't know of any other guitarist anywhere or at anytime in history who had this done. Not even the weirdos.


Nothing against his skills (he sure has them), or his shyness ( I've read that he is...). I am sure you enjoyed his shows. For the record, quantity does not equal quality, whether it applies in this case or not, so that is an empty argument.


And lastly, while we can agree that he does not rate a signature guitar with so many others deserving, your obvious anti-Gibson vitriol displays a level of mentality that fairly well negates any valid points you may have made, given the Forum you chose to voice your opinion.


Happy Tuesday =P~

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Im getting here late,


take buckethead, frank zappa, bootsy coolins, and the boys from dragon force throw em in a furnace and rid the world of their crap!!!


but on a serious note, the debate can go on and on, personally i think they are lame, do i respect their talent yes, do i take influence from them?




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Im getting here late' date='


take buckethead, frank zappa, bootsy coolins, and the boys from dragon force throw em in a furnace and rid the world of their crap!!!


but on a serious note, the debate can go on and on, personally i think they are lame, do i respect their talent yes, do i take influence from them?





Sorry Jesse... I gotta take issue with you here.



If you get rid of Dragonforce, who will play the background music for the the MegaManX video games???

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Im getting here late' date='


take buckethead, frank zappa, bootsy coolins, and the boys from dragon force throw em in a furnace and rid the world of their crap!!!


but on a serious note, the debate can go on and on, personally i think they are lame, do i respect their talent yes, do i take influence from them?





Whoa! What did Frank Zappa do to get thrown into that bunch?

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you will see that guitar is not the only thing he does. He does a nunchaku routine and can do some pretty amazing dance moves.



So did Michaelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... back in the late 80s and 90s... and Gibson didnt give him a guitar.:D




Live' date=' he is also known to play songs from classic Disney movies also.



Wow! Tha's gotta be something worth paying for! ...wait... you can see that on youtube...



The thing is... all those little extra things he does, he wouldnt have to do if he was the "pro" you say he is.


If you are buying a computer, would it help you decide if they told you option A looks better next to a garbage can and option B looks better near toxic waste?


If he is that good, he should just play, if he needs to spend 15 minutes of his and his audience's time wacking some nunchuks to compensate for something then he should be performing on B movies or in a circus.


Sorry if my comment offends any of his fans or any of the teenage mutant ninja turtles fans in the gibson forum, or bobbo, or any of the other T.M.N.T-buckettwho fans in the enemy forums.

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By the way' date=' Chinese Democracy will be on US radio from tomorrow morning!!! =P~ [/quote']















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