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New Sheratons

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Hi All,


There's been a lot of discussion, about diffferences,

in older Korean Sheratons, and the newer Chinese

versions. Not owning either one (I do have an Elitist built

but assembled in USA Sheraton, that is Exquisit),

but, I'm very interested, in possibly doing so, in the future,

I'd be really interested, in what the actual differences are, if any,

and why you prefer one, over another.

Fit & Finish, Wood, denser center block,

Feel (subjective, obviously, but valid)


Just prefer Korean to Chinese, or visa versa?




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I can only speak to the samick Sherrys (Korean). mine is a 95 in natural and I have absolutely no complaints. Fit and finish are very good IMO and i like the Natural color on the koreans better that the Chinese I've seen. Alot of the EE I've seen are sot of a grayish color or a much lighter Natural color. i will change the pickup soon, not because theyare bad but I want to put a set of four wire leads in it So I can split the coils whe I replace the wiring, pot, etc. (heads up Twang).


I love my Strats as well and want the single coil option with the Sherry but don't want it all the time (p-90s).


I have checked out the EE Sherrys unplugged and believe the neck is somewhat thinner on my Samick. I also think the poly finish is thinner on the Koreans.


They are both nice guitars, I am a little biased toward the Koren. For me, i wouldn't mind another one in VS with p-90s either.

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I would love to know where both of mine were made and when. They are both reissue Sheraton II's that were supposed to be made in the USA with a bone nut and nitro finish. Both were "assembled" in the USA, have a plastic nut, and a plastic (urethane) finish. I asked both MF and Epiphone exactly what I had just bought (the advertising on MF made it sound like they were the Hooker signature type models). Neither MF for Epiphone nor MF responded to my email.


Is there a serial number database that tells us just what we have and where it was made?

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You know, what would be really neat?! If Epi would introduce the Elitist Riviera, with frequensator

tailpiece, AND a version, with a bigsby vibrato, as well. AND...LOL!, a Sheraton (1) with frequensator,

and/or a version with the bigsby, as well. Probably never happen, but...it would be nice!



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I can only speak to the samick Sherrys (Korean). mine is a 95 in natural and I have absolutely no complaints. Fit and finish are very good IMO and i like the Natural color on the koreans better that the Chinese I've seen. Alot of the EE I've seen are sot of a grayish color or a much lighter Natural color. i will change the pickup soon' date=' not because theyare bad but I want to put a set of four wire leads in it So I can split the coils whe I replace the wiring, pot, etc. (heads up Twang).


I love my Strats as well and want the single coil option with the Sherry but don't want it all the time (p-90s).


I have checked out the EE Sherrys unplugged and believe the neck is somewhat thinner on my Samick. I also think the poly finish is thinner on the Koreans.


They are both nice guitars, I am a little biased toward the Koren. For me, i wouldn't mind another one in VS with p-90s either.



I'm going to pull a p90 out of my les paul studio.. bridge..and put in a Kent Armstrong humbucker with four cond. wiring and 12 adj. poles..

I'll review it here.


I've decided the neck p90 can stay in that guitar.. but I want to try this humbuck out in it so.. hope you find that useful.



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I'm with you charlie.. I'd love a vibratone or a bigsby.. but I don't want to drill Blondy.

Even the singer!


anyway.. yeah. those would be great.



Oh, no...you don't want to do any 'drilling' on your Sheri!

If they'd (at least) just bring back the Elitist versions of the Sheraton I,

and Riviera, we could install the bigsby's ourselves.


Well, it doesn't hurt to "hint," or dream...LOL!



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I'm going to pull a p90 out of my les paul studio.. bridge..and put in a Kent Armstrong humbucker with four cond. wiring and 12 adj. poles..

I'll review it here.


I've decided the neck p90 can stay in that guitar.. but I want to try this humbuck out in it so.. hope you find that useful.




Thanks, Twang, and congrats on the accolades for being an all around good guy. It's good to know that guys like you have our backs, when needed. It will probably be a couple of months until I'm ready but I'll be in touch to have you do a wiring/pots//jack/switch assembly for me when I get the 4 lead pups. I'm probably going to go with GFS 59s.

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This one is a 2006 Korean made Sheraton II and very workable, has a very lovely neck, apart from ok pickups competes very well against my Gibson guitars. Can't tell you about the Chinese ones as I have never played them.



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You know' date=' what would be really neat?! If Epi would introduce the Elitist Riviera, with frequensator

tailpiece, AND a version, with a bigsby vibrato, as well. AND...LOL!, a Sheraton (1) with frequensator,

and/or a version with the bigsby, as well. Probably never happen, but...it would be nice![/quote']


Indeed. And when was the last time they introduced an interesting new Elitist model? I fear the contract for the Elitists is about to end any year now...

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This one is a 2006 Korean made Sheraton II and very workable' date=' has a very lovely neck, apart from ok pickups competes very well against my Gibson guitars. Can't tell you about the Chinese ones as I have never played them.




You just HAD to put those photos up, again, of that beautiful Sheri, didn't you Schtang! LOL!

Gives me a major Sheraton GAS attack, everytime you do that! ;>)



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Well, some use screw in caps (from hardware stores) or

www.pro-dec.com which has all kinds of snap in, screw in,

and/or covers for such, in all kinds of colors, includin chrome and brass.

I have a call in to a luthier friend of mine, to see where they get theirs,

and if/when I get more info, I'll pass it along.



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I should also tell you when i intially installed my bigsby I was almost 1/2 a cm off from the bridge! it was a disaster.


I solved it really amatuerishly by just filling the holes with wood putty and redrilling. luckily you cant see it. another issue i came across was the top left hinge screw stripping. basically I will never be able to take it off again. haha

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Another thing I've noticed about the "Assembled In USA" Sheratons, is their headstocks

are a bit wider toward the top, like the originals were, and not like the "Elitist!"

Very interesting! So, if they were made in Japan (and I'm sure they probably were)

they must have been a "limited" run, beyond what the Elitists are/were.


So "Uncle Al," what's the skinny, there?



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