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Does this look like a ligit Epiphone


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I have been contemplating picking up an Epiphone Les Paul.

After perusing the internet and this site, I am a little concerned with the number of fakes that have been mentioned. For all those in the know, I could send you some images for you to take a look at as I don't know how to post them. I'm a bit of a forum newb.



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Welcome to the forum.

Ricochet already covered the basics. Get the pics or link posted and I am sure many of us will be happy to tell you what we think. Proportionally speaking, there are not that many fake Epis out there. Still a secound opinion is always a good idea.

If possible, include a pic or listing of the serial # on the back of the headstock.

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Welcome bro ! Ric and WW said it all. We'd be glad to help but need a little more info. Serial # is good but they can also be ripped off from another guitar. Pics are required to get a better opinion. Probaly legit, but Serial # alone is no guarantee.


Again welcome. Great people here with more expertise than you'll probably know what to do with ! LOL

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I'm not liking that headstock. The tuners are spaced funny, crowding the Epiphone logo, and the split diamond seems a bit off as well (should be lower). The dot on the 'i' in 'Epiphone' seems too far up as well, and the washers on the tuners do not look like the ones you get with Grovers.


Can we get a shot of the control cavity with the cover off?

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Just spent the last 1/2 hour looking at pics from the Epi website and from MF. There do seem to be some differences even in their pics. Could be where it was made.


I do agree with RotcanX about the headstock. Just doesn't look right. If you are getting it from someone you know and can trace it to a reputable dealer I might check it out. If I could take it to an Epi dealer and have them check it out...better still. If it is a blind buy off C.L. or Ebay I would have to let it go.

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Spud pretty much covered it.

Also I don't like the engraving on the TRC. Should be in the middle. And the binding from the positionhole should stay clear from the pickguard, but could be the picture angle?

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I try not to be too cynical if I can help it - but do you think it is possible that these threads / topics are actually helping the counterfeiters? I'm not suggesting the original poster asked for that reason, but do you think there might be a dodgy eBay knockoff dealer saying, hm, better get the tuner positions better next time, and centre the TRC engraving?

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do you think it is possible that these threads / topics are actually helping the counterfeiters?

do you think there might be a dodgy eBay knockoff dealer saying' date=' hm, better get the tuner positions better next time, and centre the TRC engraving?[/quote']


Probably, good point.... but I rather help a person genuinely interested in buying an Epi(I hope), than let the thought of me/us providing a "fakers blueprint" be a consideration.

For all I know the OP could be a fake dealer, testing the water. But I like to think I haven't turned in to an old sarcastic git with a cynical view of the world. :-({|=

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It's good to share the info on what to look for in an authentic guitar. Besides, it would very hard to convince anyone that a guitar is fake without giving any details...


If that guitar is new and the price is very low - there must be something wrong (or fake) with it. Otherwise there shouldn't be any problem selling it for the regular price.


"New old stock" (new but stored in the distributors warehouse for like 5 years) seems to be a very common lie used to explain the price on retouched factory seconds and counterfeits.


If it isn't much cheaper than anywhere else, I would definitely buy one from a trusted source instead.

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E-bay sellers, Craig's List sellers, and any unknow to you sellers=You pay's your money, and you takes your chances!


Buy from and Authorized Epiphone/Gibson dealer! In fact, a lot of the time, you'll get a better price there, too!

Try E.M. Shorts, for one!



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