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R8/9 removal

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so the papers say you can remove this for less gain...

r8 and or r9.

took both out.. no sound.

put one back.. no sound.

put both back, same as it ever was.


I want less gain, less harshness and I don't think it's in the power tube at all.

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What the hell are you talking about??? R-8 and R-9 must be in the cicuit it's the caps c-3 and c-4 that can be removed ala the fender mod! Those are your preamp bias resistors Bud.....Gotta have em!!!!!

You know what Twang.... enough is enough.....you are offering advice to novice modders who don't know any better and quite frankly you don't have a clue what your doing! Stop it before someone gets hurt!

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First off Lay.. I'll thank you to stop telling lies. And stop misrepresenting me.


I encourage people, and will continue, no matter what YOU think of it, and you'd best get used to that.


The times I offer advice I have been correct.. I don't tell people things I don't know.


So stop being phony.

You want to add your lies after I post, feel free. Truth will out in that regard.


As far as removing R8and9 goes. I got this information at your precious sewatt.. I printed it out.. and nobody in there has EVER said it was wrong information.


Maybe, just maybe, you've been harboring some nasty feeling toward me in the first place, and your TOTAL mistake about the information allowed your gigantic freaking ego to think it could get away with being a nasty jerk.


Surprise, You aint the boss of me.

You're wrong about me, wrong about the information and I would expect you to be a man and apoligise for what you got totally wrong,

and to me as well.


After all, if you feel that strongly about it you might have acted in the manner you have previously.. That is, once you'd led me to believe you were friendly if not a friend, you might have let me know privately.


But I think that aint gonna happen.

I think you're not going to have enough guts to confront the information at it's source, and then, if IT'S wrong, tell the person who put it up and join me in warning others about that.


I'll build all the amplifiers I please. And if I want to blow them up, I don't need you, do I?


Just let me know if you want to have the source of that information.


But I warn you, once it's known, you'll have to say to me AT LEAST.. oh you erred in thinking this was applicable to your configuration.


Wow.. some dangerous guy there, wasn't I? If that's even the case!


Again, you find me any time I offered information that was incorrect.. whenever I'm not sure, I put up disclaimer.. I don't just lie about things as you indicate.


You sir, are in the midst of a cowardly act. I suggest you stand up tall now and be the person I thought you were.

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Have you tried a 5751 preamp tube. I use a Jan Phillips' date=' and it sounds super, less gain, more clean headroom.

I still use a JJ in the EL84. I'm very happy with it.[/quote']


Yeah I've got two.. and they do a lot better in this amp for sure.

But I just don't like the grainy harsh quality.. and it breaks up around 7:30 on the dial..

So.. I was looking for ways to reduce gain without getting that wet blanket over the speaker effect.



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here's a little crow pie for ya


"... there are several places in this circuit where you can reduce it's gain. You can remove R8 and/or R9 from the board to reduce the gain

factor of one or both triodes of the 12AX7."

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You sir, are in the midst of a cowardly act. I suggest you stand up tall now and be the person I thought you were.



How? I'm trying to protect newbies from your ignorant advice that could hurt them. I have never advised anybody to do anything without first understanding the circuit......there's the difference Twang!

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You've never seen me do that either Lay. I don't spread misinformation. I take great care to not do that.

Again.. read be smart. the post above clearly shows you I got the info off the web.. at sewatt.. and it's used there and referred to quite a bit.

That's not passing out misinformation, and you can't show anywhere I have.

I asked why that mod didn't work.

I asked a dang question..



man.. I can produce SO MANY emails and pm's from people I've helped.. you know something lay.. I've got an old disc from fifteen years back.. and it's full of the same thing. I saved it for contact emails and then stashed it away and forgot it. Put it in the other day and it says the same

things I hear all the time from web friends. thanks.. that was great.. just what I needed.


Just yesterday I referred a guy from epi forums to you, because I didn't know the answer.


stop lieing about me.

look at that post.. it just tells what I was TOLD to do and what happened.


Come on man. I know you better than this. I just don't think I could be that wrong.


This thing you say about 'understanding the circuit'.. it sounds very good.. like you're the man.. but Lay.. put it in perspective.

many many of the people who are doing this are newbies like me.. and I've never hid that..

You can't find anyone who's mad at me about anything like that, Lay. Not one person.

You don't have to have a complete understanding of the circuit.. most of these newbies are amatuers, not pros..

I can tell someone that they can get a big difference by swapping R1 and R2 to 1M and 10K without completely understanding the circuit.


You and blues.. man.. you two have a problem that isn't me.


Our post in sewatt on this bit the dust.. so I suggest this.

If you really feel that I'm doing something wrong.. you be honest about it and catch me in the act.

You wont, and you know it.

But go ahead and try.

but this business of flaming me in here and sewatt.. that's disgusting. Rise above it.

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Twang I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you....my amps all work and they worked the first time.....you seem to have problem with every simple little mod from a resistor swap to a tone control install... if that makes me a jerk then so be it! I call em as I see em Bro!

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Note to all modder's out there; don't remove R8/R9 from your Valve Junior.. As Twang found out the amp does not function without them.

They are there to bias the pre-amp tube.. you can change them to different values to as low as 620ohms but do not remove them, you'll only cause your tubes harm.


Please read:

Explanation of what the various components in the valve junior



you can ignore the information about the a/c heater mod since it deals with a rev1 valve junior only.

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you bullshit as you see 'em too.

I don't have trouble as you describe. And you know that, in your heart.

and it's funny. first you piss on me.

then you ignore everything you got wrong.

then you say no pissing contest.

again. I'm just asking for you. Stand up to it. You got ticked. You feel some degree of frustration about what..

my firs head?

I played that thing for months.. it's got at least 9 holes drilled in it.. I resused that green board until I was making bridges all over it.

I then found it was too far gone to continue and put it aside.

Then, I did just about the same thing to the second one.

It was FUN! I had planned on wrecking the first one, but it's still good.. just needs a new board.

I lost one PT. BIG DEAL!

You've blown this all out of proportion.

I have no recourse except to think that when you get right down to it, you just don't like me.


You should have guts enough to correct those insults you gave me above. You know they aren't true.

I don't harm people or mislead them, nor do I claim ability beyond what I have.

Whether or not my ability pleases you, I care not.


and don't bro me while you're doing it.


I'm sorry man. I'm sorry anything I've done has come to this. I always respected you and appreciated your help.

When I get my turret strip build done, and my point to point, I promise not to gloat or anything like that.


If you are really that upset with me, I suggest, for the betterment of all around us, you go ahead and correct any misinformation you see me posting.

And I, for my part, am gonna do just as I please.. build more vjs.. try to help newbies... learn from masters..

and all with a smile and a laugh.

life's too short.

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Twang ....Look I truely believe that you only want to help people as do I...but in all honesty you offer advice and come across as knowing the circuit...when in fact you clearly don't based on some of your posts. Now I'm not trying to be an *** or pick a fight but simply request that you think about the impact your posts have on newbies who trust your information.


I'm done here folks you decide....see how well your amp works with no bias resistors on the preamp tube. I'm guessing it's gonna be pretty quiet](*,) :-

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R8 and R9 in the Valve Jr are preamp stage cathode resistors, and as such they are obviously required. Only the bypass caps C3 and C4 are optional.


Exactly where did you find that bum info you quoted, Twang? If it was a typo in the something in the FAQ, it needs to be addressed immediately.



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Exactly where did you find that bum info you quoted, Twang? If it was a typo in the something in the FAQ, it needs to be addressed immediately.

Page 16, under "Gain Reduction" in the S2amps document.


This is the precise wordage:


You can remove R8 and/or R9 from the board to reduce the gain factor of one or both triodes of the 12AX7.


Sure looks to me as if they're saying that you could remove both from the board.

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as twang found out the mod,posted on SM has a bit of wrong info on it,

Or it was read wrong,and that happens,So all in all guess i`ll have to go and DL them and see if there`s a typo

on the prints , no harm no foul .Just needs to be looked over to see if it has some bad info posted in it..

Not the first time prints or info posted has been wrong..

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I deleted my posts because things got a little personal and I apologise to Twang for that. My concern is first the safety of those new to modding tube amps. I do get a little vocal at times when I think a hazardous sitiuation and or bad information are involved. I will continue to do so....just with a little more tact in the future.

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Ahhaaa! So it's the S2 doc. I was going through the official SEwatt schematics and builders notes and couldn't find it, so I was beginning to wonder. I still consider the S2 doc to be a valuable resource, in spite of an error or two.


Let's be realistic, modding amps is more than just "tab A into slot B", and the risks are far more than a mere paper cut!

And yes, there are errors in much of the information out there. You'll find errors in the many schematics from Fender and Marshall and other manufacturers. You'll find errors in technical books that many folks would and do pay through the nose just to have. You'll find errors in the text books in college classrooms for crying out loud!


For the record, SEwatt provides links to information available on other sites, but cannot guarantee nor be held liable for the accuracy of all the information available.


While the good members of SEwatt and the general amp building community try our best to help folks find the tools they need to navigate through the vast repositories of knowledge, it's ultimately up to the individual to learn the basics of electronics so that they can determine for themselves what will work and why. Those who can't or won't take the time to learn the basics are destined to crash and burn.


Such is life.



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You can remove R8 and/or R9 from the board to reduce the gain factor of one or both triodes of the 12AX7.

Ya very baddly worded,This would cause or lead one to believe both can be removed

But either can`t be removed small typo for sure,ya will take me time to read this in full

i hate speed reading through tech info might miss somethings alone the way ...:-k

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Well it certainly reduces gain, just that most people don’t want a gain of zero.


Good spotting M-Theory.. its been a while since I read that document myself, I have it in a book of more than 200 pages of VJ modding and read it like a bible for some time…

I was never looking for a reduced gain, so I must have just passed right on by that point.

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Well it certainly reduces gain' date=' just that most people don’t want a gain of zero.


Good spotting M-Theory.. its been a while since I read that document myself, I have it in a book of more than 200 pages of VJ modding and read it like a bible for some time…

I was never looking for a reduced gain, so I must have just passed right on by that point.




I was always looking to make the amp sound ever nastier than stock, so I never would of noticed that.

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That's the doc. I printed it, and many others.

I thought it would cut the signal. but I tried it anyway since the rest of that doc was pretty handy.. and it did.


I'll let you judge my future work, done without asking questions as to whether or not I understand enough about these amps.

As far as knowing electronics inside and out.. probably aint gonna happen outside of a genuine class room..


We'll see. *s*

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  • 2 weeks later...
I deleted my posts because things got a little personal and I apologise to Twang for that. My concern is first the safety of those new to modding tube amps. I do get a little vocal at times when I think a hazardous sitiuation and or bad information are involved. I will continue to do so....just with a little more tact in the future.



^^^ this guy would have a field day if he saw how I troubleshot my damaged wah pedal.

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^^^ this guy would have a field day if he saw how I troubleshot my damaged wah pedal.


Probably not.....you'd have to drop a wah on your head or something to really hurt yourself with a pedal. What I and many others have objected to is the " I wonder what will happen if I do this" approach to modding tube amps. ...as opposed to reading a little bit and knowing what you're doing. It can be dangerous and sends the WRONG message to newbies.

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