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OT oprahs weight loss diet


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Now.. isn't this a joke by this time?


I mean.. how many emails can they send me while she goes from

skinny to obese every three months?


I think they'd do more business selling


the big book of diets that didn't work for oprah.


At least I could believe that.


You can ruin your health worse by dieting and regaining, than if you just let well enough be.

find a weight opy.. be a person.







guitar related.

just googled johnny hiland. holy cow. dude has got some chops!

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Hey give her a break, if I had her money and could afford those filet migon and

lobster tails, my *** would be big as a guitar case and they'd need 2 EMT's on duty

for when my left ventrical slammed shut occasionally. They say overeating is a sign

of a deep rooted phsycological disorder, as for me I just like the taste!

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If only I knew what the smeg you're talking about...


I thought it was fairly obvious.

Everyday I get oprahs diet emails.

for weeks.


and I can't think of a person who's done worse with dieting.

It's seems ironic.



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If I had a zillion bucks I could afford to keep a full-time assistant around to smack the doritos out of my mitt. Why does anyone care about whether she's the size of a whale? Or for that matter, anything else a celeb does? It sure doesn't affect me in any way.

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If I had a zillion bucks I could afford to keep a full-time assistant around to smack the doritos out of my mitt. Why does anyone care about whether she's the size of a whale? Or for that matter' date=' anything else a celeb does? It sure doesn't affect me in any way. [/quote']


This is a guitar forum. If you want to talk about weight or Oprah, for cryin' out loud, go somewhere else![-(

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So who is this Oprah person?


Some TV personality? Rap artist? Stock market mogul?


BTW' date=' I lost 50 pounds in 2000 by going to a low glycemic diet (the kind that diabetics are [i']supposed[/i] to be on) and the weight hasn't come back. Plus the diet is healthier.



Did you follow a book? If so, what was the title of it?


Jeffery "Tubs" Smith

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the subject header says OT.. off topic.

and is pretty obviously so.

In addition to guitars, we talk about a lot of other things in here.

All you have to do is not read the off topic headers instead of being a nanny for the whole world.

My god, you seem to think it's just an earth shattering thing to go off topic in a forum.


I thought it was funny, myself. Someone who can't keep control of their weight constantly sending out diet advice scams.

It's like having Pigpen, ( a Peanuts comic strip character who fit his name ) sell vacuum cleaners.



Notes. I'll look into that, myself. I'm not overweight, but I'm type II diabetic.



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This is a guitar forum. If you want to talk about weight or Oprah' date=' for cryin' out loud, go somewhere else![-( [/quote']



Well gol-lee! I didn't start the topic, just made a comment. Look at the topic heading - off topic, OT, not about guitars. If you see that heading, stop reading instantly. #-o


But to make you happy - I have some guitars. O.K.?=D>

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I wasn"t talking to you smart guy. I was talking to TWANG.

I was agreeing with you. That's what the +1 was for.

And let me get this straight. So anyone should be able to post anything they want, as long as it has an OT in front of it. And all of us members have to weed thru that crap to read about guitars or amps?


NO!!! It should not be that way. If you want to talk about emails, or Oprah, or diets, it is YOU who should move on, not I sir. This is a forum about epiphone.

Go join Jenny Craig, I'm sure they have a website.

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I wasn"t talking to you smart guy. I was talking to TWANG.

I was agreeing with you. That's what the +1 was for.

And let me get this straight. So anyone should be able to post anything they want' date=' as long as it has an OT in front of it. And all of us members have to weed thru that crap to read about guitars or amps?


NO!!! It should not be that way. If you want to talk about emails, or Oprah, or diets, it is YOU who should move on, not I sir. This is a forum about epiphone.

Go join Jenny Craig, I'm sure they have a website.[/quote']


O.K. No flames. I don't understand your rating system - +/-, etc. Thanks for agreeing.


BTW: One thing I don't need is Jenny Craig. I'm 6'4" and 175.

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I wasn"t talking to you smart guy. I was talking to TWANG.

I was agreeing with you. That's what the +1 was for.

And let me get this straight. So anyone should be able to post anything they want' date=' as long as it has an OT in front of it. And all of us members have to weed thru that crap to read about guitars or amps?


NO!!! It should not be that way. If you want to talk about emails, or Oprah, or diets, it is YOU who should move on, not I sir. This is a forum about epiphone.

Go join Jenny Craig, I'm sure they have a website.[/quote']


In case you missed it, we just had a very long thread about blonde jokes.

Lots of people tossed in their blonde joke.

It was what you call being sociable.


you ought to try it, and take that stick out of your backside while you're at it.

What are you, an epi-nazi?




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It was what you call being sociable.


you ought to try it' date=' and take that stick out of your backside while you're at it.

What are you, an epi-nazi?




There is absolutely nothing "social" about visiting a website. Typing on a keyboard is not socializing. I know you and many others want to think so.

When I want to be "social" I talk to people. When I want to learn about guitars, I come here. But my visits here are less frequent because of this kind of stuff.

Thanks for the insults. Especially the the nazi remark. Very mature for an older person.

It just makes me smile.

Last year my account was suspended for 4 months (I was banned) for merely putting up a link to the Epiwiki website. And you think I'm an epi-nazi!?

Yeah, right.......

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Well' date=' my gut is getting in the way of holding my semihollow Sheraton and Dot. So I have to switch to the SG until I can lose about 30 pounds. There! Three Epiphone references compared to one gut reference.[/quote']


too funny!!! LOL


I've certainly acquired a little bit of a pot belly over the last 4 years... However it has become an advantage while standing up and playing/singing. Just that little tilt creates more of a comfort zone for my fretting wrist (feels more natural). And I'm able to use less of my peripheral vision while singing and playing. I can see the neck while looking straight into the microphone.....

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There is absolutely nothing "social" about visiting a website. Typing on a keyboard is not socializing. I know you and many others want to think so.

When I want to be "social" I talk to people. When I want to learn about guitars' date=' I come here. But my visits here are less frequent because of this kind of stuff.

Thanks for the insults. Especially the the nazi remark. Very mature for an older person.

It just makes me smile.

Last year my account was suspended for 4 months (I was banned) for merely putting up a link to the Epiwiki website. And you think I'm an epi-nazi!?

Yeah, right.......



I am talking to people.

These are people.

Some people can't speak, or hear. They use sign language.

It's still talking to people.

Look up the word luddite, just for starters.

I am sorry that one or two out of a hundred or more posts leaves such a bad taste in your mouth.

Are there people on your lawn, too?


Yes, I think it was mature. I think you're objection was immature.

I still do.

You are complaining that the site used to be too uptight, so now you want to emulate just what you

objected to.

This is amazingly similar to a person who simply wants to control others, be the authority.

Who were the premier 20th century authoritarians?

Oh yeah. We remember.


It is amazing to me that you find this so troublesome, yet it's the only post you're involved in that I could

find without a big search.


There is absolutely no reason for us to be having any disagreement.

This was nothing. Just nothing.

I can't imagine why it would bother you.


We really should just let it go.

Hey, then it would be gone. think of that!

Just what you wanted.


Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to read those guitar posts, we need your input!



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I have just the opposite problem. I've always been skinny or thin. My lp digs into my short ribs.

I am tempted to contour the back but I'm just not that good with finishes.

So I wear it lower and just try to get used to it.


On the other hand.. good excuse to go for that Krispy Kreme.



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Did you follow a book? If so' date=' what was the title of it?


Jeffery "Tubs" Smith[/quote']


I did research on the web and decided to eat a diet similar to the Ketogenic diet that Atkins popularized.


It's really easy. High quality protein and only low glycemic carbohydrates (see either http://www.mendosa.com or http://www.glycemicindex.com/.


I figured out through experimentation which foods work for me and which ones do not and modified the diet accordingly. So the diet is neither strict ketogenic nor strict Atkins but either one is a good place to start. And then you can add foods one at a time and see what they do to you personally.


My parents were both 300 pounds and died of fat diseases (stroke and type 2 diabetes), my sisters are also huge, and I was pushing 240 myself. Good old Italian pasta people with slow metabolism. Before this diet I tried lots of extra exercise, a half dozen other diets, and eating less to the point that I was going around hungry all the time, but that didn't work for me, I was still getting bigger and bigger.


I decided the fate of my parents was not going to be my fate so I kept on trying things. Eventually, I started eating like a diabetic should eat. I lost 40 pounds in about 6 months, and another 10 after that and have kept it off since. Google helped me find low glycemic pasta, I don't eat white bread but instead low carb breads, no more potatoes, but I did find low glycemic chocolate, ice cream, cereal and quite a few other goodies. But my main meal usually consists of lean meat or fish and a salad.


Really, it's the easiest thing I've ever done. I am eating more that I was when I was huge, I don't go around hungry all the time anymore, I'm back to moderate exercise, and I'm usually between 180 and 190 pounds. I feel better, have more energy, and am healthier for it. And I've kept the weight off since the turn of the century.


And to keep this on topic, my guitar is even with my ribcage instead of a few inches forward of it, so now so I can see the strings when I look down O:)


Of course, I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV (I don't even watch TV at all) so I can't say whether this is best for you or not.


And in all seriousness, I do know who Oprah is, but I've never seen her except in the grocery store checkout line. I haven't watched TV since the 1980s preferring to do things rather than live my life vicariously by watching actors pretend to do things. I've used the time to create the Norton Music business, create the websites for Norton Music and The Sophisticats, learn new songs for the 'Cats, teach myself guitar, go to live symphony concerts, read books, jam with other musicians, visit friends, and do a number of other different things that I find more interesting than being a couch potato (potatoes are a no-no on the low glycemic diet <grin>). OK, I'm weird :D



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Thanks' date=' Notes. I'll go to the local Barnes and Noble and look for a book or two. I'm going to try the treadmill again, not for weight loss but for stress reduction and better sleep.[/quote']


I use a manual (non-electric) Nordic-Trak treadmill and do about 20 minutes, 3 days a week. I also gig (one-nighters), which is exercise in itself (carrying heavy objects, playing for 3-4 hours followed by carrying heavy objects - PA & Instruments).


I get a couple of newsletters, and I think I read this on Kurzweil AI newsletter. They did a long-term study in Israel with factory workers who ate in the cafeteria so their food intake could be measured. They did 3 groups, one with a "normal" western diet, the second one with "The Mediterranean" diet, and the third one on the Atkins diet. At the end of the study, the people on the Atkins diet had the best cholesterol numbers, the least amount of inflammatory markers in the blood stream and lost the most weight.


But like I said, I'm not strict Atkins. I used the ketogenic/Atkins diet as a starting point and then modified it through experimentation to suit my body and my metabolism. My blood work is excellent and my immune system is great.



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