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stolen guitars... and great music lovers


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From another forum..

but worth a heads up in here, I think.

makes me wanna join NRA.





"Hey all my Friends...

Usually I'm just sending annoying emails about my GIGS...but this one is important!


My Son's Apt in Roselle Park, NJ was ROBBED last Saturday by three pieces of GARBAGE diguised as HUMANS by wearing SKI MASKS....


They took several Guitars, Jared saved for 3 summers for his:



GRETSCH Tennesse Rose....I will post the serial numbers in another email...


Looks like they've been hittin all over Central jersey so please careful, they also beat the crap out of 2 of his friends that happen to be be in the apt at the time....


here is a link to a soundbyte and the article........if you hear anything please call the Roselle park police......please check this article out...it's short




I can't thank you all enough on this wonderful EMAIL list of mine...what friendship and support like I've NEVER seen...Offers of loaner Guitars!!! Offers to Chip in on a new one!!! and just plain old GREAT info onto how to get these things back...I Love you all !!!!

The Guitar Center and Sam Ash have been Notified....and the word is out on Craigs List and Ebay

Thanx to my good friend STEVE KATZ both Guitars are now registered with: (thanx Steve!)



I know your not ALL musicians on this list, but I wanted to remind any players that THIS would be a good time to INSURE your gear if you haven't done so already, DON'T put it off like I did....you never know when these little Vermin will come out to pay you a visit. Thanx also to Mitch Eisenberg for all his help with this....These bastards even took his WASHBURN Banjo!! I have a feeling these Guitars may be going over to EUROPE and sold for BIG BUCKS......who knows???


Here are the Serial & Model Numbers of my Son's Guitars Falcon BOTH STOLEN on 1/24/09 in Roselle Park, NJ

any leads call The Roselle Park Police at ( 908 ) 245-2300


and here are the links to the news reports for those that missed it:

WCBS NEWSRADIO 880 - Guitar Theft Ring in New Jersey

Essex and Union County guitar thefts baffle authorities - Breaking News From New Jersey - NJ.com


1) GRETSCH BLACK FALCON W/ BIGSBY Model G6136T-BK Serial# JT04127823 bought 2006

2) GRETSCH (Burgundy) TENNESSEE ROSE Model G6119 Serial# JT03074593 bought 2004

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Sorry to hear about stolen guitars. I had my Taylor 514 stolen about 5 years ago while recording my CD at my church. Luckily I had insurance on the guitar - you can add it to your homeowners or renters insurance for a very low fee and it takes away the deductible).


Someone told me to also check out the pawn shops. I did that but I never did find the guitar. As you have done, I also notified Taylor and other places around town.


I have no doubt that the people who stole my guitar had no idea how much it was worth.


Again, sorry to hear about the stolen guitars and I hope you are more successful than I was in finding them.

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Luckily I had insurance on the guitar - you can add it to your homeowners or renters insurance for a very low fee and it takes away the deductible).

INSURANCE -- better stock up b/c with the recession now and depression coming soon' date=' [u']thefts are going to increase[/u].


As for the reactionary comments, equating a human being to garbage is the path of reasoning that will lead to mankind's self-destruction. Every human deserves dignity. Take it away and you beg retribution.


Hit every BLUE NOTE baaaby..., I'm going to play on:-"

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Twang, sorry to hear about your son's loss.


If these truly are guitar thieves, they are probably cruising the forums looking for hints as to where these posted pictures are geographically. All it takes is a full name, an address, or just a full name and a city, in some cases. They can figure it out if you divulge enough data in your profile.




I agree that humanity deserves to be treated with dignity, but people like Twang's son's robbers deserve their dignity while being served 3 hots on a cot in a jail cell. When they learn the error of their ways and truly decide to become a contributing member of society, they can slowly earn my respect, but not complete trust for a long time. With a 70% recidivism rate for property offenders, the statistics dictate that once a thief, probably a thief again.

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Neither TWANG nor his son were robbed of anything. TWANG read this post at another site and posted it here as a heads up for the members here.


The robberies took place in New Jersey; TWANG lives in Minnnesota.


Hope that clears things up.

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Sounds like a ring' date=' doesn't it?

A group of guys who thought.. hey.. guitar players might be easy targets.





Yeah, but how do the crooks know exactly where to look? It's one thing to burglarize a home and steal the usual stuff (jewelry, TVs, stereo equipment, etc.). These robberies are more specifically targeted, like the perps know exactly where go. All of which seems to indicate that they have inside info; possibly from a past or present music store employee (if they were all purchased from the same music store); maybe a UPS or FedEX warehouse employee (if the guitars were purchased from online dealers).


There's a common thread to be sure. These are not random acts in my opinion.

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I read this in the NY post on saturday. I told my wife not to open the blinds and levelors in my den, which has all my guitars hanging on my wall. As you can see, I own many guitars. Some of them are very expensive. Some, not so much, but I'm not taking any chances. The really expensive one's are insured.

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Twang' date=' sorry to hear about your son's loss.


If these truly are guitar thieves, they are probably cruising the forums looking for hints as to where these posted pictures are geographically. All it takes is a full name, an address, or just a full name and a city, in some cases. They can figure it out if you divulge enough data in your profile.




You know, you bring up a great point here. I wonder?


Maybe it's not such a good idea to "Brag", or show pictures?


This would be a great debate on this forum.

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Sorry to hear about stolen guitars. I had my Taylor 514 stolen about 5 years ago while recording my CD at my church. Luckily I had insurance on the guitar - you can add it to your homeowners or renters insurance for a very low fee and it takes away the deductible).


Someone told me to also check out the pawn shops. I did that but I never did find the guitar. As you have done' date=' I also notified Taylor and other places around town.


I have no doubt that the people who stole my guitar had no idea how much it was worth.


Again, sorry to hear about the stolen guitars and I hope you are more successful than I was in finding them.[/quote']

interesting... my guitar looks like it's worth more than it is...

insurance for guitar? might be worth it... if i was a thief i'd steal it.

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Yeah' date=' but how do the crooks know exactly where to look? It's one thing to burglarize a home and steal the usual stuff (jewelry, TVs, stereo equipment, etc.). These robberies are more specifically targeted, like the perps know exactly where go. All of which seems to indicate that they have inside info; possibly from a past or present music store employee (if they were all purchased from the same music store); maybe a UPS or FedEX warehouse employee (if the guitars were purchased from online dealers).


There's a common thread to be sure. These are not random acts in my opinion.[/quote']

well, if you've ever seen "to catch a thief..."


i'm thinking they just look in windows until they find guitars. could be that simple.

or it could be your idea... who knows?

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Wow, this is serious and I'm disturbed and kicking myself for not seeing the potential for a catastrophe here! I have another idea here that might be more of interest! It occurred to me that networking sites like myspace and facebook have groups(Martin Owners, PRS et.al)that people can join. You put your name and location on there along with some pictures and there you have it. Easy prey! I've pulled all my pics and info down and recommend you all do the same. If you have any sort of info that could lead these scumbags to your door, well, delete it ASAP!

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It occurred to me that networking sites like myspace and facebook have groups (Martin Owners' date=' PRS et.al) that people can join. You put your name and location on there along with some pictures and there you have it. Easy prey! I've pulled all my pics and info down and recommend you all do the same. If you have any sort of info that could lead these scumbags to your door, well, delete it ASAP![/quote']

Ironic how the "get tough on crime" crowd is responsible for 'super-educating' a whole new crop of smart criminals. HOW? By locking up everyone for every little thing (alcohol crimes, drugs, debts, petty crimes, non-violent acts) to be cellmates with real criminal minds, and then branding them all 'felons' so they have no future upon release.


Svet's idea is a good one, but it scratches the surface of the myriad of ways people leave themselves vulnerable to the smart criminals that now do their homework. Precautions are necessary, insurance is indispensible..., and just hope the ins. company has beed bailed out by your gov't if/when you need to collect. LOL


Hit every BLUE NOTE baaaby..., I'm going to play on:-"

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Ironic how the "get tough on crime" crowd is responsible for 'super-educating' a whole new crop of smart criminals. HOW? By locking up everyone for every little thing (alcohol crimes' date=' drugs, debts, petty crimes, non-violent acts) to be cellmates with real criminal minds, and then branding them all 'felons' so they have no future upon release.<...> [/quote']


I can't agree more.


Victimless "crimes" should have been banned by our constitution. What do I mean by victimless? Crimes where only consenting adults are involved like drugs, prostitution and gambling. Crimes that need under-cover cops to enforce because there is no victim complaining to the police. They are a violation of the individual's pursuit of happiness and the opposite of liberty and justice for all.


A number of people will argue, but I say that the fact that these things are illegal create more crime against non-participants than they do harm to the people who indulge in them.


From family of people I know one person who has been harmed (died) from illegal drugs (OD) and one person who died from a legal drug (alcohol). Even score - and since the OD was due to the lack of standards because of it's illegality, that is debatable.


On the other hand, I know a few people who were robbed for drug money (if drugs were legal, they would be affordable), a half dozen people who were injured for life playing sports (one has knees so bad he cannot mow his own lawn, another with a finger that no longer works due to a bad hop of a softball, and so on), and two who had drugs planted on them in foreign countries and then turned in for the reward money offered by the good ol' USA. (I knew these people didn't do drugs, went through the same search point every week, got their bag searched every week, and weren't stupid enough to think that this week there will be no search).


And since I know more people who have been injured playing football, baseball, skiing, raquetball and other sports than have been injured by drugs, if the government was really trying to keep us safe, they would have made these sports illegal too.


But if a person wants to risk his/her knees or life by playing raquetball, mountain climbing, skiing, or hang gliding, he/she has a perfect right to do so. It's his/her freedom and liberty to do so.


If a person wants to commit slow suicide by indulging in the worst drug, and that is his/her pursuit of happiness, he/she should have the freedom and liberty to do so. If the drug was legal, it would be as affordable as alcohol, and I know a quite a few people who can afford a six-pack per day and then some. Of course, driving under the influence should remain a crime, because that does endanger the rights of innocent bystanders.


Example: Cocaine wasn't a problem when it was legal (it was even in Coca-Cola), but its illegality has created huge problem that involves many more people than the cocaine users.


If a person wants to pay another person for sex, who does that hurt? Nobody, unless it is illegal and organized crime gets in the business.


Why is the state lottery legal, but the local numbers runner or a person playing penny-ante poker a criminal?


If these victimless "crimes" were made legal, it would do more to hurt organized crime than anything else, free our legal system, and the Mega-Billions of dollars spent on enforcement could be used to educate the public and fix the social security and medicare shortfall, aiding citizens instead of making the world more dangerous for them.


I don't do drugs (oh, I have about 3 glasses of wine per year), I don't visit prostitutes, and I don't gamble except for an occasional state lottery ticket. But I don't have the right to deny other people from doing those things as long as they don't infringe on my rights. That is what liberty, pursuit of happiness, and freedom and justice for all is supposed to mean.


"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin.


And a wise addition has been made by an unknown to me author


"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."


Insights, incites and rants by Notes

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