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ITATWGA thread. Dragging up old mud.


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Two comments, generation zero - in response to your last post there (been away working).


Petty insults - Neslon called me a liar when I shared my experience comparing Epi's and Gibsons with a guy looking at buying a Sheraton II. Now you may think it a petty insult, but if you were talking to someone and a stranger leaned over and told you both you were liars, idiots and self delusional..... what would you do.


Defend them yourself - I tried, I even gave Nelson my phone number and invited him to come visit the guitar collector I was talking about. Just got ignored by Nelson and hissed at by other forum members. Maybe being called a liar is no big deal for Americans, perhaps Nixon and Bush have immunised y'all..... but I don't think so.


Now all I am prepared to say is that if it looks good, feels good and sounds good then I must be delusional unless it's a Gibson. Why - because it keeps the hissy-fitters off my case. Anybody out there who picks up a guitar that looks good, feels good and sounds good must also be delusional if it ain't a Gibson and doubly so if it's an Epiphone, because only Nelson can be right. All bow to Nelson [-o<=D>

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You really have some issues you should deal with, instead of putting down Americans buddy.

Get some thicker skin, or perhaps you shouldn't put yourself through such torture here.

Oh, and one more thing, Bush was NOTHING like Nixon.

All bow to GUITARS!


P.S. You talk about "hissy-fitters". Man you sound like a little kid having one major hissy-fit yourself. Grow Up.

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First brad, you ain't my buddy. And with smart-alec posts like that you ain't going to be either.

Second brad, read the post - it says but I don't think so. I have, do and will support America and Americans until the sun goes out for good. I've done it to Europeans and Arabs, I've even been beaten up for it in the middle-east.

Third, if I came on here and butted into a discussion between you and some other poster about something you had actually done and called you a liar, how would you react. Seriously, tell me, I am fascinated, here, lets try it right now.


brad - you are a liar. Bush was just like Nixon in that they both lied to their electorate.

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Nelson just doesn't like the current China-made guitars from Epiphone (2003 and later?). He thinks the older Korean models were made much better. He said we should speak up rather than just accepting these guitars, and maybe Epiphone will change their ways.


He does not seem to like anything from China, just because it is made there, so I bet he hates WalMart too. I lost a few jobs in my day that ended up going to China, but I am not bitter about China, but I do hate WalMart, lol.


Epi moved their purchasing from Korea to China in 2003, with money savings as the main driver for this decision. So, they saved a lot of money in the move, but did not pass this along to their customers, in fact prices actually went up.

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First brad' date=' you [u']ain't[/u] my buddy. And with smart-alec posts like that you ain't going to be either.

Second brad, read the post - it says but I don't think so. I have, do and will support America and Americans until the sun goes out for good. I've done it to Europeans and Arabs, I've even been beaten up for it in the middle-east.

Third, if I came on here and butted into a discussion between you and some other poster about something you had actually done and called you a liar, how would you react. Seriously, tell me, I am fascinated, here, lets try it right now.


brad - you are a liar. Bush was just like Nixon in that they both lied to their electorate.

Clinton lied too. So is he just like Bush and Nixon? Your logic is not only faulty, it's a complete joke. It appears you just like to argue. So go ahead, I'm done. You have nothing intelligent to say.

And, you calling me a liar makes me laugh.=D>

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Nelson just doesn't like the current China-made guitars from Epiphone (2003 and later?). He thinks the older Korean models were made much better. He said we should speak up rather than just accepting these guitars' date=' and maybe Epiphone will change their ways.



Why is that unreasonable? I have a late run Korean made and the quality is much higher compared to my more recent China-mades. This is not to say I don't like my EEs, they're great, but my Samick is noticeably better, so is Nelson really being "whiny" or is he just making an observation he really feels strongly about.


He does not seem to like anything from China' date=' just because it is made there, so I bet he hates WalMart too. I lost a few jobs in my day that ended up going to China, but I am not bitter about China, but I do hate WalMart, lol.



Could we please just stay away from personal judgements and analysis. Nobody here really KNOWS anyone else here, so cut the crap, everyone. Nelson feels one way, Gen0 feels another, TWANG feels another, I feel another. Chill. The. Hell. Out. I'm really getting tired of thread after thread of judgement calls and "You owe me an apology"

I swear, you MUST have gone to kindergarten or pre-school, just remember what we were taught "If you can't say anything nice (or even neutral at this point) just keep your mouth shut."

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Two comments' date=' [b']generation zero[/b] - in response to your last post there (been away working).


Petty insults - Neslon called me a liar when I shared my experience comparing Epi's and Gibsons with a guy looking at buying a Sheraton II. Now you may think it a petty insult, but if you were talking to someone and a stranger leaned over and told you both you were liars, idiots and self delusional..... what would you do.


Defend them yourself - I tried, I even gave Nelson my phone number and invited him to come visit the guitar collector I was talking about. Just got ignored by Nelson and hissed at by other forum members. Maybe being called a liar is no big deal for Americans, perhaps Nixon and Bush have immunised y'all..... but I don't think so.


Now all I am prepared to say is that if it looks good, feels good and sounds good then I must be delusional unless it's a Gibson. Why - because it keeps the hissy-fitters off my case. Anybody out there who picks up a guitar that looks good, feels good and sounds good must also be delusional if it ain't a Gibson and doubly so if it's an Epiphone, because only Nelson can be right. All bow to Nelson =D>=D>


But Yankees have redeemed themselves by electing a guy who has already admitted publicly to having "screwed up". As for Bush, being a liar was perhaps his least horrible trait. But there are so many horrible traits from which to choose.


Please don't blame Americans for the errors of our "leaders" (we need to take the word leader out of the president's job description). Most Americans didn't vote for Bush either time. We have a voting machine issue that needs addressing.............

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Bush was not like Nixon... Nixon was held accountable for his dishonesty and wrongdoings.


As for the spat about anybody being called a liar... I didn't read the thread in question, but I stand by my term of "petty". Next time somebody calls you a liar, and you are in fact telling the truth, try a witty reply such as "your mama" or "I know you are, but what am I?" Either of those should be a fitting rebuttal in this case.


Marcelo has it right... Nelson is appalled by what Epiphone has become, the level of (low) quality they are willing to allow to leave the factory with their name on it, and the way they have increased their prices while lowering their standards. He doesn't "hate" epiphones. I believe he even owns a few. He "hates" people blindly defending todays Epiphones as spectacular guitars that are as good as or better than older epis or gibsons, which they GENERALLY are not. It is highly possible that you may find one rare instance where a modern Chinese epi actually is extremely well built and plays great right out of the box. However, Nelson's point, or crusade if you will, is that he thinks we should all take a stand and not accept the sun par quality they are letting out these days. Granted, he can be less than tactfil in expressing that point at times, but it is what it is.

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brad - I chose a '96 Sheraton over a 335 based on cost, and to me it felt and sounded not far short of some of the 335s I tried. Now I am going to play it a while, but I am not going to comment on how good it is in my humble opinion because Nelson will only rant at me if I do. And I am not going to change my opinion about Americans because of one bad-mouthing from you. Bellicose brad, somebody said.....


Oh - and before you fire off the barrage, please note the following.

I did not say the Samick Sherry was BETTER than the 335s

(I said it felt and sounded not far short of the 335s)


And damn it all Jeffery - I do NOT blame anybody but the leaders for their errors, and not just American but world-wide too (look at our recent dicks - Blair then Brown, unbelievable.....).

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Bush was not like Nixon... Nixon was held accountable for his dishonesty and wrongdoings.

What the heck are talking about??

President Ford gave a Pardon to Nixon for everything.

He wasn't held accountable at all! For Anything!!!

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And damn it all Jeffery - I do NOT blame anybody but the leaders for their errors' date=' and not just American but world-wide too (look at [u']our[/u] recent dicks - Blair then Brown, unbelievable.....).


I hear ya. That was sort of tongue in cheek, not a good idea in the middle of a heated discussion. Sorry. I just want to be on the record on disliking Bush enormously.

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Oh' date=' and by the way, I'm taking bets on how many pages this thread gets to before it gets locked or deleted like the last two... My money is on a page and a half before lock. Any takers?



I'll take your bet and raise you. I say three pages.


Marcelo, I hate Walmart as well. Fisticuffs! You, me, the playground at three. LOL!

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gone - wha..... no way. He ain't gone, changed his spots, but gone - I don't think so.


And I can't delete the thread - so we'll have to see how long it runs.


Hopefully not at all.


Dagnab it - I can't even report the durned thread.


So mods - please delete this thread.....

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What the heck are talking about??

President Ford gave a Pardon to Nixon for everything.

He wasn't held accountable at all! For Anything!!!

Sorry, by "held accountable" I meant more like "officially accused".


If I wasn't sleeping in history class, I was thumbing through a musician's friend catalog, LOL. My Nixon knowledge goes about as far as "something to do with Watergate, 'I am not a crook', and impeachment proceedings before he resigned." As far as Bush, it looks like his entire legacy is going to be "supposedly kept us 'safer' after 9-11, wrecked our economy, left is with a mess and went home scott free".


Of course, I'm sure political discussion puts this thread on the fast track outta here...

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