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Faux binding equipment.


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Okay so on an earlier thread I was talking about faux binding a Epi' LP special 2.

I now wish to faux bind the neck of my epi SG.

what materials will i need? what are some tips so that i dont absolutly ruin a fair good neck?

all help and suggestions and tips are welcome.


Thanks, Tpurg.

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Well, purg ... it's a nice idea, but I think you'll ultimately end up disappointed ...


Painting a binding on the body of a guitar is one thing. Eventually, it will start to wear away or chip off, but the body just doesn't get near the amount of hands-on wear and tear as the neck does! You're talking about the edges of the neck ... in other words, painting over the fret ends. Just take a look at your hand as you play your guitar ... do you really think it will last long enough to warrent the time and effort it will take to paint it?


I've seen guys use pin-striping tape to try to achieve this look ... it never lasts all that long either. I'm not trying to shoot you down, buddy ... just saying you should give it some thought first! [cool]



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oh quiet' date=' he said the body doesnt get the damage a neck thats faux bound would, and unfortunatly for me i cant afford $800 - $1000 bound guitars[/quote']


You want to paint a little white line on your neck so it looks like you have binding? [biggrin] You be quiet!


I just picked up a Tokai SG with neck binding for £159! Not $800 - $1000. Get a grip.

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Here's the thing, purg ... I fully understand your wanting to enhance the appearance of your guitar ... BUT:


Whenever you see someone add "binding" to their guitar it is almost always on the headstock or on the edges of the F holes. Gretsch guys do it all the time to their Electromatics, like the 5120 and the 5122. They basically are doing "pinstriping" like you'd see on an automobile. They are using paint pens, striping tape, or if they have an extremely steady touch, a thin brush.


The issue is that the areas being "bound" in this manner are areas that do not come in constant contact with the player's body or hands. It still flakes off in time and is need of constant repair, but at least it lasts long enough to make it worth the bother.


The body and neck of your guitar are ALWAYS being rubbed up against! Nothing out there is going to last for more than a day or two other than genuine binding. The "faux" that Gibson is doing on their Studio guitars is a LACK of paint ... not paint itself, so unlesss you want this bad enough to grind all the paint of your guitar and start over, I think you'd be better off playing that axe as it is ... and save your money up to get a bound one the next time around!



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I think you need to save up and get a better guitar. Not that the one's you have are 'bad' but you've been obsessing over doing stupid upgrades on a guitar that's not worth it. For example; You waned to put covers on the pickups. WHY? They're crappy Epi ceramic pups! I could understand wanting to replace the whole pickup, but slapping covers on those pups? Dumb.


Think this through, If you wanted an SG with binding and covered pups you could have saved up and found one of the used G-400s with binding. What you're spending on the beginner guitars and upgrades you could be spending on the middle of the road Epis (I.E. an LP Standard and G-400) that have pretty much everything you want, and may not even need upgrades. THINK. It's not illegal yet.

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Mo one's questioning the "look", Fanatic ... covered pups and body/neck binding are all very desireable appointments and can certainly add to the appearance of a guitar.


I think the real question is dumping a bunch of money and time into a lower end instrument for strictly cosmetic reasons! New pickups? Sure, why not ... but covers for the ones that came with that guitar? Not so much, man ...


Purg has some nice ideas, but since he's asking for advice and opinions, it's sort of imcumbant on more "seasoned" players (that means OLD) to not steer him wrong ... don't you think? If our guy wants to paint it pink with purple polka-dots, it's his axe and he should go for it if it'll make him happy!



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I think you need to save up and get a better guitar. Not that the one's you have are 'bad' but you've been obsessing over doing stupid upgrades on a guitar that's not worth it. For example; You waned to put covers on the pickups. WHY? They're crappy Epi ceramic pups! I could understand wanting to replace the whole pickup' date=' but slapping covers on those pups? Dumb.


Think this through, If you wanted an SG with binding and covered pups you could have saved up and found one of the used G-400s with binding. What you're spending on the beginner guitars and upgrades you could be spending on the middle of the road Epis (I.E. an LP Standard and G-400) that have pretty much everything you want, and may not even need upgrades. THINK. It's not illegal yet.[/quote']


Amen to that!


I'm all for modding Epi's, it's what I do fanatically - but you have to do it RIGHT. There are hundreds of threads on here by people who have done these mods before and have either succeeded or failed, so why not do as Hungrycat says and 'THINK' about what you want to do, then follow that up by 'READING' about it on here and then 'DECIDE' what YOU want to do. You can these things right? You did go to school? You have at least a two-digit IQ?


Purg, man you gotta stop creating these pointless threads, it's ******* annoying

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Purg' date=' man you gotta stop creating these pointless threads, it's ******* annoying



It really is. And I am an EXPERT at ****in' annoying.




And my drug of choice isn't cocaine' date=' it's The Mars Volta.


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Mo one's questioning the "look"' date=' Fanatic ... covered pups and body/neck binding are all very desireable appointments and can certainly add to the appearance of a guitar.


I think the real question is dumping a bunch of money and time into a lower end instrument for strictly cosmetic reasons! New pickups? Sure, why not ... but covers for the ones that came with that guitar? Not so much, man ...


Purg has some nice ideas, but since he's asking for advice and opinions, it's sort of imcumbant on more "seasoned" players (that means OLD) to not steer him wrong ... don't you think? If our guy wants to paint it pink with purple polka-dots, it's his axe and he should go for it if it'll make him happy!







i see now that i misunderstood what he was saying. thanks for helping me understand.

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yeah fantana is a real **** so i just dont bother reading his **** when i see his name.

im a 16 year old who cant afford 600-800 doller guitars so i do my best to keep myself happy with what I have.

but anyway ill keep my thoughts and questions to myself from now on.

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actually, i think you should keep asking questions. a few of them have actually been helpful to me and thats the point using this forum. im 15 and i cant afford those expensive geets either. i just make do with what i have and i find that some cosmetic changes help the guitars get more attention. plus they are always fun to admire as i play [biggrin] . i dont get why anyone is rude to someone else because they have questions that many of us are wondering. all newcomers have questions, try helping us and not being an ***. [biggrin]

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yeah fantana is a real **** so i just dont bother reading his yeehaw when i see his name.

im a 16 year old who cant afford 600-800 doller guitars so i do my best to keep myself happy with what I have.

but anyway ill keep my thoughts and questions to myself from now on.


Those who follow the forum rules properly (you did agree to them when signing up) shall benefit from an almost non-exhaustive pool of information about all things Epiphone. The forum has a wonderful search facility where you can find threads on almost any Epi releated topic, from pot shaft size to major re-builds to new product news. This forum is very popular and I use it every day in my research on any modifications that I plan to do on my guitars.


For example, when deciding on fitting a P94 to my LP and what value tone pot I would need to go with it, I searched the forum - I didn't create a new thread.


When I needed the factory set-up guidelines for my Casino, I searched the forum - I didn't create a new thread.


When I was thinking about coil-splitting the 490R/498T pickups on my Firebird and I wanted to know people's reviews on the matter, I searched the forum - I didn't create a new thread.


And when I had problems with the toggle switch on my casino, you'll never guess what I did?!?!?!?.........................yep, I searched the forum - I didn't create a new thread.


So when I need a question answered, I always search the forum first, becuase the answer is already in there, I just need to find it.

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im a 16 year old who cant afford 600-800 doller guitars so i do my best to keep myself happy with what I have.


First off; "Doller"? Really? Fail.


Second; You CAN afford those $600-$800 guitars IF you'd save (and save and save and save) and not blow your money on stupid mods on a beginner guitar. I can't get over the covers, man. If you wanted all new pickups with covers, go for it. That makes sense, because the stock pickups are pretty awful. But it doesn't make any sense to put covers on garbage pickups. Same think with the binding. You'll spend all this time and money trying to achieve the effect on this cheap beater guitar, when you could have taken that money and spent it on a guitar that ACTUALLY HAS BINDING!


Third;I have no problem helping you, but you appear to have zero common sense. It's like a though enters your brain and instead of thinking about it you go "YEAH!"

I don't care if you listen to anything else I say, but for christsake man, THINK! If you're going to mod a guitar, you have to ask yourself, is the mod worth it on this instrument? Is there a better way to get what I want to achieve? Is this really what I want? Ask your self those questions (and others of the like), and if you still want to do all this work (*sighs & sakes head*) then go for it.

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yeah fantana is a real **** so i just dont bother reading his yeehaw when i see his name.

im a 16 year old who cant afford 600-800 doller guitars so i do my best to keep myself happy with what I have.

but anyway ill keep my thoughts and questions to myself from now on.


Don't give up mate, you're welcome to ask questions, just have a good think and a good search to avoid looking a bit foolish. People really just want you to learn and show signs of progress.


You sound a lot like my mate, no matter how many times you tell him something, he'll come back with a slight variation with the question, he just doesn't learn. Also he's a big believer in false economy; you seem to have at least 2 gutiars, the cheapest SG style one Epi do and the cheapest LP style one they do; why have 2 crap guitars when you could have 1 decent one.


The main thing that people hoped you would learn since your first thread about modding a cheap guitar is what you can mod. If you're buying them intending to mod them, then you should have thought about this before paying.


Theres 3 things you can mod on a guitar.

1) The sound - making your guitars sound better would be a perfectly valid mod and would probably just involve changing out the pickups, maybe the capacitor and potentiometer values. The wood is something you can't change, but the electronics you can. This is something to consider when buying the guitar. A guitar with good wood but crap electronics can be improved, but there's no point in even thining about buying or modding a guitar with fatally flawed wood.


2) The feel/playability. This isn't an easy thing to mod as far as I know and you have to be pretty expert to improve it; the most an average player can do is have it professionally set up or really practise setting up yourself and gently tweek until you like it.


3) The look. This is also something the average player can't do a lot about. Experts can strip off paint and refinish it, but the most YOU can do as a newbie is add/remove a pickguard or change the knobs and if you really want to, change out the hardware for chrome/black/gold if you like that. Adding pickup covers would be worth doing if you had amazing high end or vintage pickups you couldn't consider changing, but there's no point in doing it to the very low end ceramic pickups that come on your guitars, you'd be better off changing the whole pickup, then you might improve the sound and you can't mess it up.

The general look of a guitar is something you have to be happy with when you buy it. It's not something you can really change as an amateur and even if you put covered pickups and paint on binding to a crappy special II, it's not going to look like a les paul standard in a million years. It's going to look like a vandalised special II with new pickups.


If you want to do mods to improve the sound of your G310 and Special II, that's fine, but accept them for the guitars they are and don't try dress them up like real SGs and Les Paul Standards. A man can put on a dress, but he's not going to fool anyone into thinking he's a woman (unless he's Thai I suppose). Cosmetic mods on low end guitars are a waste of time, just invest in better equipment in the future.


I know what it's like to be a kid with no money; I didn't get pocket money or allowance when I was your age, I didn't have a job either. My dad paid for what I needed and anything more was a birthday present. I had a crappy Squier for 2 years before I could afford an Epiphone Les Paul Standard, and I knew there was no point trying to upgrade it, it needed replacing.


Do you get what I'm saying, mate?

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  • 5 years later...

Geez. If You want to hop up Your guitar so that it puts a smile on Your face when You open the case, DO IT! It's fun doing creative things, and if You like doing stuff to Your axe, it'll be time well spent. Improving the looks of Your guitar is an excellent way to spend time. More than likely, a lot of the details that companies add to their top line guitars were probably done by creative owners before the manufacturers decided that they could charge extra money putting these details on their guitars before they leave the factory.I wonder if Slash painted the details on his guitar's headstock killing time on a tour bus before Gibson asked about putting them on their Slash lineup.

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