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robo or normo!


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I want to know what ppl think about this new robot tech, forget the looks of the duck tiger, theve inporved the looks, like with the dark fire, but then again were all old school and love the normal les pauls, SGs, Explorers, and Vs, so dont say how you hate dusk tigers, or hate the looks of dark fire and stff just say what you think of the robot tech Idea itself

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I honestly cannot stand the robot technology! It takes away from that vintage feel that all Gibson guitars share (except for the robot ones obviously). I want to tune my guitar myself, not have some computer do it for me! The robot technology infuriates me! msp_mad.gif


And before any of you start b!tching at me for hatin' on the robot sh!t, I HAVE TRIED IT!

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I honestly cannot stand the robot technology! It takes away from that vintage feel that all Gibson guitars share (except for the robot ones obviously). I want to tune my guitar myself, not have some computer do it for me! The robot technology infuriates me! msp_mad.gif


And before any of you start b!tching at me for hatin' on the robot sh!t, I HAVE TRIED IT!

You do know theirs a button right that turns it all off?

It sounds just like a regualr les paul, i hope you know that.

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Waste of money and an embarrassment for the Gibson name.

They could have marketed it as a parallel product and preserved the Gibson reputation but Henry don't play that.


If Gibson survives the next decade, I shudder to think what their product line will look like.

When the Custom Shop moves to China, I'll be saying I told you so....

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Waste of money and an embarrassment for the Gibson name.

They could have marketed it as a parallel product and preserved the Gibson reputation but Henry don't play that.


If Gibson survives the next decade, I shudder to think what their product line will look like.

When the Custom Shop moves to China, I'll be saying I told you so....


Well said Neo! msp_thumbup.gif

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I dig the looks of the Dusk Fire, not so much of the Tiger. HOWEVER, if the former was given to me, I'd like it very much!

[thumbup] . I haven't tried the robot, but how can it change the tone? It's a weird concept imo, but hey, there are some lazy, cheeto gobblin', two sandwich eatin', 3 litter of coke drinkin', comic book readin', booger munchin', would you please tune my guitar for me? guitar players out there ain't it? So there. sunburn.gif

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On one hand, I dislike the Robot technology on principle. Tuning the instrument and knowing your way about it is as much a part of being a guitarist as knowing how to play it is, and after all I enjoy the tuning part--it makes me feel like I have a certain degree of control, and this means a lot to me, if only psychologically.


On the other hand, I like the Robot technology on a different principle. I feel like gigging guitarists could make great use of it, because there'd be fewer guitars required to carry around, fewer tuning hassles to deal with, and so on.


However, this leads me again to dislike the Robot technology on practical levels, because I can imagine the hardware being difficult to service (because, for one thing, it is integrated with electronics, and also, because I'm certain that servicing it yourself would void the warranty) in case their were issues, and I'm one of those nutty types who likes to service his own instrument. Also, I very rarely use alternate tunings.

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On one hand, I dislike the Robot technology on principle. Tuning the instrument and knowing your way about it is as much a part of being a guitarist as knowing how to play it is, and after all I enjoy the tuning part--it makes me feel like I have a certain degree of control, and this means a lot to me, if only psychologically.


On the other hand, I like the Robot technology on a different principle. I feel like gigging guitarists could make great use of it, because there'd be fewer guitars required to carry around, fewer tuning hassles to deal with, and so on.


However, this leads me again to dislike the Robot technology on practical levels, because I can imagine the hardware being difficult to service (because, for one thing, it is integrated with electronics, and also, because I'm certain that servicing it yourself would void the warranty) in case their were issues, and I'm one of those nutty types who likes to service his own instrument. Also, I very rarely use alternate tunings.


+1. It's like communism, it works on paper but not in reality! msp_cool.gif

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Ask anybody if they've had any luck buying parts for them yet.


Good luck with that after they cease production.


I heard of one guy who couldn't get parts because he was not the original owner.

Warranty work only so Gibson could control the process - but he had no warranty.


Last I heard he was beating his head on the wall...



Don't believe me?

Go to that forum and surf through the thread index, look at some of the titles posted by people who own them.


I posted some here a few months ago and it pissed EVERYBODY off.

All I did is link the threads here for viewing, none of the content was mine....

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Man, this thread has been done. It's already been said, looks and playability aside, whether you love or hate them is ancillary compared to the support customers do or don't receive. Anyone who takes five minutes to hit the Robot section of our forums here will see that the majority of posts are people asking for help. And, as with all technology if there's no money from the user base to generate income to pay for the computer programs, cables et al, the whole thing won't be around for too long.


Hey Neo, the custom shop might not be in China yet, but what are the odds Gibson "Tech" support will be some Indian gentleman telling us his name is Peter and asking how he can help troubleshoot your guitar? "Tell me sir, what is it that your guitar is to be plugging into?" [tongue]

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I think the technology is kinda cool if nothing else it,s fun to mess around with and that,s a big part of the guitar playing enjoyment. I actually like the concept of being able to drop tune and go back to standard tuning between songs especially in a noisy environment where it,s hard to hear well enough to tune. I don't really like the looks of some of the newer guitars but a traditional in gold top with the robot. Tech would be a killer guitar.


Tman5293 - Looks like you need to get a few more quality guitars before you get too infuriated by anything Gibson makes!

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Auto tuning technology - robotic or virtual - has now been around for years. And don't forget, a large part of the Dark Fire, Dusk Tiger, and Les Paul Standard 2010 Limited is the onboard audio technology and output selection. If you don't like it, that's cool. But using the "players should learn to tune their guitar manually" argument misses the point of the technology - quickly switching between alt tunings.


You guys probably want to throttle Jimmy Page and his TransPerformance guitars (video).


It's very likely that if some of you guys were around in the 40s and 50s, you'd probably have thrown insults and tomatoes at Lester Paul and Leo Fender for making solid body guitars.


Roll with the changes. B)

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On the other hand, I like the Robot technology on a different principle. I feel like gigging guitarists could make great use of it, because there'd be fewer guitars required to carry around, fewer tuning hassles to deal with, and so on.


I think I agree with this - but I'm pretty sure Jack White would scream 'anti-christ'! [biggrin][flapper][wink]

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If I had the cash... I'd use the robo. I like the additional fancies possible too on the Dusk Tiger.


I considered a Variax at one point but the battery and all-electronic thing scared me and the lack of ability to try one also mitigated strongly against.


The concept of the robo thing - where you have the option of manual as well as electric - seems fine, especially with the tuning options. I know I'd do a lot more with some open tunings if I had it. The problem as I see the Variax is that if the battery dies, you're dead. That's totally aside from any other consideration of construction. I still don't see how you can mess with an analog note and get the same note a pitch up or down without messing with it more than I'd care to.


Hey, if somebody wanted to give me a Dusk Tiger I know I would play the thing. A lot. I more or less know what the neck will be like. I know as long as anything works I can have noise going to an amp.


OTOH, as my Dad used to say when he was in the car biz, the more stuff on a car, the more there is to go wrong. I once could replace my car's heater myself; even an old vehicle air conditioner. Nowadays it seems to run around $700-1,000 to fix a fan and the entire electronic control system if it gets odd on you.


I'm not a Luddite. I like electric guitar. If I had the cash I'd strongly consider something like the Dusk Tiger. BUT... I love my digital camera for work, too. I can shoot all day on a little card 'stedda a backpack full of film - but it ain't gonna shoot all day at -40, the battery will die and I'm outa biz, unlike my choice of Nikons in the olden days.



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