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The "Band Experience"

Silenced Fred

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WARNING - Going to get on my soap box and rant.


Nathan - You need to have a meeting with your drummer and bassplayer and talk about dumping your lead guitarist. Having musicians with different styles and interests is OK and healthy as long as you all have the same vision or goal and are on the same path to get there. If this cat wants to do metal and not put in the time to rehearse with you guys, he is only going to hold you back and he will never be happy. If it all falls apart with your bass player because of this, go out with your drummer as a two piece. That is what my drummer and I decided after two years searching for other members that fit. You can always meet people after you play out and get into the music community.


Also, any new band playing all originals needs to rehearse two or three times a week for the first few months. You need to get to know each other musically and develop that telepathy. You will be amazed at how tight you guys get. You will grow a lot too as a musician.


/end rant


Very good advice, I would add that you can have a parting of "musical" ways and still remain friends. You just have a different vision.

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Above all, follow your love of music. Some people are going to be hurt or offended, but that is their problem. Think about Neil Young. He had to leave Buffalo Springfield and later part ways with CSN to follow his own calling.


I wish I would have had this advice when I was in my early 20s.


Neil Young is a huge influence on my solo stuff, like I never even thought of doing solo electric guitar stuff before him (don't judge me). Like I always just thought of using acoustic for that, but it hit me like a year ago...


I talked to the kid today, he mellowed out a bit, opened up to other stuff, but we will see next practice how it goes.


Thanks evol, and everyone else you posted advice. It helps

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Maybe it depends on your level of self worth. I have played shows with nasty head colds; stopping between songs to wipe the snot off of my chin. I played a show 6 hours after getting off a plane from Belgium and so jet lagged I barely knew what year it was. Two days before one show I rolled my ankle playing basketball and did the show with an ankle brace and my shoe untied because my ankle was too swollen to get the shoe laced up. The shows were all tests to see how far I could push myself. Sorry, they were all fun. And I did each show because I wanted to, not because I had to.



Yeah... either self-worth or youthful exuberance! At my age, I simply wouldn't want to have to do that. But if it floats your boat, more power to ya!

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It's a lot of fun to just play with a drummer that you really click with huh? I started jamming with my old drummer again about a month ago an it's going well.


We're missing my other friend who used to jam with us though. He moved to San Fran. The 2 piece jams are sweet but it's a lot of responsibility for me to fill up a lot of sound lol.


We're starting to record. We're jamming today so I think well try to nail down a song we've been working on and record it and then do some overdubbing of some other guitar stuff that I've been thinking of.

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We can all only hope that we're lucky enough to make a profession out of what we love. Many musicians do. Doesn't mean it isn't fun...but it does mean that it's work.


I love to play and sing...but as a job, doing it when you're sick, ('cause you HAVE to), ain't fun.


BTW...here's something my brother gave me for Christmas year before last. (Original Oil Painting)


That's a great painting man. I love it. Is there a series with each Beatle or just Paul?


I'm also kindof into painting famous people or people that I like. I haven't drawn or painted in a while though. I've been occupied with printing lately.


I've decided that I'm a better guitarist than artist and that's what I'm going to pursue lol. I have no future in art. And the slightest glimmer of hope with music lol.

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That's a great painting man. I love it. Is there a series with each Beatle or just Paul?




It's a long story. It started with a painting of John. My brother said he'd be making one a year to give us as Christmas presents. The second year was George, the third was Ringo. On the 4th year, I went to the door each day after work to see if Paul came. I checked each day for like 3 weeks...then finally there was the package! I took it in the house, knowing I FINALLY had the entire set. When I opened it, there was another picture of John! A note said he didn't like the first John, and to replace it with the one in the package! I was crushed. So I took out the painting of John to replace the one I already had, and there underneath it was the painting of Paul I posted!

So, yes....there is a set. I'll post the second John. Last year I got a painting of a young Jerry Garcia....it's fantastic!



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It's a lot of fun to just play with a drummer that you really click with huh? I started jamming with my old drummer again about a month ago an it's going well.


We're missing my other friend who used to jam with us though. He moved to San Fran. The 2 piece jams are sweet but it's a lot of responsibility for me to fill up a lot of sound lol.


We're starting to record. We're jamming today so I think well try to nail down a song we've been working on and record it and then do some overdubbing of some other guitar stuff that I've been thinking of.


It's so much simpler but a lot harder at the same time. I was really pushing to find a good bassist so I can ease up on my playing while singing, do more stuff with bass lines during verses so the voice remains uncluttered then an all out assault on choruses.


I'm a huge proponent of the soft verse, heavy chorus style of song writing

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I agree Fred. I would like to find a bassist but I'm not in a rush because I don't want to compromise with a bassist that I'm not satisfied with. I haven't liked the last two in terms of personality or playing style. Sometimes I wish I could just clone myself like 3 times and do it that way.


My friend was the perfect bandmate but he moved. Bummer!


I'm sure we'll find the right members eventually. It just takes some patience. I like playing with my good friends though and my drummer is pretty much cool on all counts so I'm happy about that.


Rob that Ringo is sweet! So far the Paul is my favorite though.

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Rob that Ringo is sweet! So far the Paul is my favorite though.


Actually he's my favorite too..... but George is my second most favorite.... but I'll also post the "Young Jerry Garcia"... if you ever saw him back then, that painting will blow you away!



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I talked to the guitarist tonight, he said that he didn't think "it was gonna be that serious". He didn't act like it, but he took it pretty hard saying that if that's why I don't want him in the band, he understands... I'm slightly irritated by the whole thing, but it should be better in the end.


Thanks for the help

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Really excellent paintings. Your brother has a great deal of talent there and I love the subject matter.


PS The Union Jack is up side down!



I'm sure my brother thanks you.


Upside down? Maybe a sign of distress! (maybe Ringo was getting ready to sing!)


Here's something he did back in the early 70's, I think. I wish I'd kept better care of it.


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I really enjoyed the "band experience," and had been really fortunate to play and collaborate with musicians that were very polished at such young ages.... We really worked at our craft.


Certainly it has it's ups and downs, and I wished I had given it a few more years, but for some reason by the time I hit the age of 24, I started feeling old [confused]....


What's funny about the whole thing, I completely turn into teenager when I walk into the music store these days [biggrin] ... I wished that feeling wouldn't had left me when I was in my mid 20's and throughout my 30's... [confused]

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I really enjoyed the "band experience," and had been really fortunate to play and collaborate with musicians that were very polished at such young ages.... We really worked at our craft.


Certainly it has it's ups and downs, and I wished I had given it a few more years, but for some reason by the time I hit the age of 24, I started feeling old [confused]....


What's funny about the whole thing, I completely turn into teenager when I walk into the music store these days [biggrin] ... I wished that feeling wouldn't had left me when I was in my mid 20's and throughout my 30's... [confused]


Man, can I relate to this!! I played like crazy, in bands until I was about that same age. Then I just stopped! Sold

all my gear, bought camera gear, became a "Pro" photographer, and did that, for 30 years. "Rock" (with some exceptions), at that time,

didn't interest me, much...anymore. Then, for some odd reason, I went to see "Almost Famous," and during that scene on

the bus, where they played the Allman Brother's version of "One Way Out," I just about jumped out of my seat (always loved

that version, of that song), and it was like a switch had been thrown, and I got the "Bug" again, Big Time! Been playing,

either in ensambles, or alone...mostly for my own enjoyment, ever since. I feel like a "kid" again, in some ways...and

laughingly refer to myself as my hometown's only 60 year old "Teenager!"


But, I have noticed, around here, anyway...that the early camaraderie, hanging out/socializing with the other band members

doesn't happen, at all...or hardly at all. "Family," and/or work obligations, doesn't really allow for that, much. And, because

of that, that bonding process is very limited. We all play for "fun," now...but beyond the rehearsals, and gigs, we don't

really "hang out" together, much. The music, really...is all we have in common, all too often. But, for what we're doing,

and how we approach the situation, it's fine, that way.



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But, I have noticed, around here, anyway...that the early camaraderie, hanging out/socializing with the other band members doesn't happen, at all...or hardly at all. "Family," and/or work obligations, doesn't really allow for that, much. And, because of that, that bonding process is very limited. We all play for "fun," now...but beyond the rehearsals, and gigs, we don't really "hang out" together, much. The music, really...is all we have in common, all too often. But, for what we're doing,

and how we approach the situation, it's fine, that way.




You really hit home with your above statement:


Family obligations and work really has become a road block for me. But I'm just really happy I'm playin again. Certainly I can make more time for it by just staying away from the forums (this one in particular [biggrin] ) LOL!!!.... And to be honest, it really does so little or nothing for actually playing a guitar, or playing in a band.

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You really hit home with your above statement:


Family obligations and work really has become a road block for me. But I'm just really happy I'm playin again. Certainly I can make more time for it by just staying away from the forums (this one in particular [biggrin] ) LOL!!!.... And to be honest, it really does so little or nothing for actually playing a guitar, or playing in a band.



Yeah, I don't hang out here, nearly as much as I used to. Not that I don't enjoy it...I DO, but it does take away from

time on the guitar, and other activities, that I either like doing, or NEED to be doing..."domestic projects/repairs,"

etc. [razz] LOL Plus, after (seemingly) playing the same songs, off and on, for 40 years...I'm been anxious to learn/play

some newer (at least newer to me/us) stuff. And, I'm enjoying putting together riffs, patterns, and even some (bad?) lyrics.

(Smile) [wink] So...who knows, what will become of anyof that? But, it's fun...and keeps me off the streets.



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