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A cop showed up at my front door today


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If it's good quality, who cares? Yeah, if it sounds the same, I'll probably go for one


Yeah it's the same pedal but the graphics are silkscreened and it's made in Taiwan to cut cost. I think it also has a shorter warranty period.


I just had the cash and wanted to go all out. I figured this pedal will be with me for a long time so I might as well get the one I really want.


That 60s fuzz setting is amazing. I still haven't gotten past it...


Also last night before work I was playing with the knobs and I messed with some oscillation and it was pretty sweet.

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Yeah it's the same pedal but the graphics are silkscreened and it's made in Taiwan to cut cost. I think it also has a shorter warranty period.


I just had the cash and wanted to go all out. I figured this pedal will be with me for a long time so I might as well get the one I really want.


That 60s fuzz setting is amazing. I still haven't gotten past it...


Also last night before work I was playing with the knobs and I messed with some oscillation and it was pretty sweet.


I tweaked the Swollen Pickle, and I am starting to get a velcro sound out of it.

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The key to the Velcro sound with this seems to be the comp knob. It sounds really cool just almost all the way up.


Yeah. Right now, I'm still trying to figure out my sound. A lot of cleans are being used, I have my Distortion + set up as an "Instant Jack White" pedal right now, the Muff thickens the hell out of my sound, the Swollen Pickle for big fat riffs or almost bass lines, and then the amps distortion for general use.

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Neo- You'd probably be an amazing lawyer now that I think about it.

Thanks Buddy.




I'm seriously considering law school.

Enough people who know me have said the same thing as you, including attorneys.


May be something to it.


Of course, plenty of people have told me that I was a d!ck head too - including a few family members and an ex-wife.



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This thing gives me Dub tone. My favorite.


Even though it's not my favorite song, I love the tone on Blue Orchid. It has octave down and up and it sounds pretty cool. EHX has some cool octave stuff like the POG.


oh yeah, Nate tone can't be beat some days. I found a cool thing of layering the muff and the the pickle... i call it ear sex without the sex.


Blue Orchid is a great song and its got cool stuff. I love so much of it

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Gotta live with myself.


Don't wanna do family law either


Would love to set up a private practice, but that's tough for a rookie if you're choosy about the work.

Would love to get into politics, but that's tough without connections.

I could settle for working as a prosecutor for awhile until something I really like opened up.

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Very cool - I love mine also although yours is a cooler paint job than my regular and much older one. Next try the Box of Rock another very cool pedal from ZVEX.


I actually liked both the Fuzz Factory and the Box of Rock so much the I bought a second set of the unpainted (cheaper) ones to go into my pedal board so I could abuse them and leave my painted ones in my home studio.


the Nano Amp is fun also although it's pretty pricey for what it is.






Not mine but hows this for a custom paint job on pedals a full rack nine pedals in a custom underwater scene!


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[blush] Thanks man. When I came across this one I knew I had to have it.


I will definately check out the Box of Rock next chance I get.


The old ones with a normal paintjob done by Myrold are already worth more than a new one. They'll probably be worth a lot of money in the future.

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Thanks Buddy.




I'm seriously considering law school.

Enough people who know me have said the same thing as you, including attorneys.


May be something to it.


Of course, plenty of people have told me that I was a d!ck head too - including a few family members and an ex-wife.





I don't know Neo politics and being a lawyer you don't get to hang around with the most brilliant of people most of the times. And don't worry being a d!ck head isn't a bad thing when your a lawyer it's kind of required. I worked with the police and courts at a high enough level to sit on most of the cities hiring boards for prosecutors and I never felt so bad for people. There new lawyers with the Board certs still wet usually have 80K to 100K in school loans and there being hired for 46k a year same basic pay building inspectors with a HS diploma or GED make. after 4-5 years of 80 hours weeks they can be a senior and be making 85k about the same as a pc tech makes again with a HS diploma and maybes a few certs. If your not gonna defend the a$$ holes or do personal injury the money just isn't there anymore to many lawyers in the world. I graduated law school and went into contract and technology because there was no real money in law anymore unless you defend scumbags.

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Thanks for the input RS.

Yeah, I wasn't gonna touch the criminal defense thing here - too complicated for a forum.

I could do it, enough attorneys I know helped me square away my conscience.

Think John Adams representing the Brit soldiers after the Boston Massacre - had to be done for the greater good.

But the TV news coverage of slimey defense teams is what most people know.


The dream is to get away from PHX to a small town and open a "general practice" where I could make decent money.

Live cheaper, don't need so much money to survive.

Work the kind of hours I want - DURING THE DAY - for once in my life.


Power industry provides a handsome six-figure income, but the hours are nutty and the nuke is INSANE.

That's why law school is looking like a pleasant alternative . . .

Tired of being a gerbil on the wheel.

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That's wise retro. Those will be worth a lot of money no doubt. When was your FF made? Mine is obviously new but it was made 4-22-2009.


I'll definately treat mine with care. All of my other pedals get tossed around and rocked pretty hard. This one is my baby!

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Alright here are some more pics. A Dub's eye veiw play by play.


Here's the box. I knew you were all dying to see the box so I took a picture and now I'm posting it.




This put a huge smile on my face when I opened that box. They could have used a rubber band or just wrapped it in a plastic bag like all the other companies do.. But no. They use a flowery hair tie and a bright orange rag. I love it!




And here are just some shots of the parts you can't see in the other pics












This one is for Josh James the battery man!


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Ahh. What other ZVex or just awesome pedals do you have?


I've been reading a lot of info over on the ZVex forum and it seems that the early Fuzz Factories with the "spam can" GE transistors are the most valuable/ desirable. Zack says they were made in 95-96 and he bought and used ALL of the "spam can" trannies. He says only about 65-70 pedals with these transistors exist.

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