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Tuners. TU3 vs. PolyTune

T Bone

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I currently run a TU2 on my pedal board, and am putting together a smaller board for ease of travel/jams etc. (Naturally, my 20 year old Arion Stage Tuner continues use as the "loose" tuner- go figure :blink: ). Anyway, I like the TU2 a lot. Thinking of a TU3 for the next board, but wondering about the new PolyTune. Is it superior? Do you like it better, is it easier to use? If so, why?


Thanks for your input!

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I chose the polytune over the new TU-3..Being able to tune your guitar in the matter of seconds is just so cool...And mine is very accurate...Never had a problem reading the LED's on stage or at home. Thats one pedal I cannot live without any more...go for the polytune! (and its true bypass unlike the boss). Is it superior to the boss? IMO hell yea..but everyone is gonna have there own opinion.

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Actually, it was a VERY easy decision. [thumbup] I was not at all familiar with these, having just seen one in a pic the other day. I checked out the demos (one linked in an eBay ad, and others on YouTube). No question about it, the PolyTune was the obvious choice. Especially with similar pricing. Found a new one (dealer, has more) on eBay with free shipping for $85 OBO. Submitted an offer for $75, just accepted a counteroffer for $79. Should be here Thurs. or Fri. if he ships today or tomorrow. [woot]

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If you plan on tuning guitar only I think the poly tune is better (way better IMO). I have both the tu-2, tu-3 and polytune and the tu2 and 3 are basically the same, the tu3 has more leds and is suposed to be better, but I have yet to find out what's really better about it.


The polytune will tell you what string needs to be tuned and then you can work on just that one string instead of checking them all, some might say it's a stupid feature but for me is useful.

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TU3 sux your tone out. Polytune's simultaneous string tuning only works in #440.


I think the Korg PitchBlack is killer. Check that one out. It's more accurate than the Boss, and it's true bypass.


Good luck.



Korg PitchBlack all the way.

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Well, the PolyTune should be here tomorrow according to the email from UPS. So I'll give the Poly a try in open G or something, and report. Even if it will only do one string at a time there, most of my guitars are in standard tuning or E flat, so not really an issue. And it really does look to be faster and easier to see after a strum or two which strings need attention and just go to those.


Thanks for all the replies. Thanks also for letting me know about the Korg Pitch Black. While I didn't go with it, I was totally unaware of it until this thread. Also looks like a really good choice. So far, most Pro's I've seen (where I could get a look at their pedals) used either the Boss (TU2/TU3) or a Peterson Strobe.

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