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Custom shop VOS gas

Sinner 13

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so I made the mistake of "wandering" over to the custom Shop page last night.

I turn 40 in a couple years, and really want a top end piece to mark this milestone in my life.

so help me out....

Custom Shop


As most of you know I am p-90 guy

but DAMN that 59 is sexy but then again so is the 54 custom.




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I love the S**t outta some GT's

I really think it's gonna be the 56 or 54 gt

I love that custom, but I hate gold hardware.

and Nate, that pelham blue SG is awesome, you should go look up the Phil X video on that if you haven't already

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R6. Torn between that and an R7 myself, I'll probably end up with one or the other within 6 months, and which will probably depend on which I spot a good deal on first.

Well I have a local contact who is the BEST at finding any exact model/ era / year that you could want.

I have been buying gear from for almost 5 yrs now.

And I get AMAZING deals.

These Guys Are super awesome

If you are ever in the Boston area go check them out.

if not, I HIGHLY recommend them for E-commerce as well.





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I look forward to seeing what you choose. I spent years in Boston. Busy music scene.


especially this time of year, all the Berklee kids are back, plus all the resident bands.

yeah well it'll be a lil bit of time but meanwhile the search is on.

Thanks to all for input.

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