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You gotta be kidding me!


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I missed breakfast this a.m., so I trotted on down to the vending machines for a bowl of cereal. I noticed a new offering; Red Bull. It is in a micro sized container, not much bigger than the 3 oz bottles the TSA likes us to use. The price: three bucks! Are they nucking futs? [omg]


People that spend big money on that stuff befuddle me. [huh]


Oh, and btw, if you have kids, don't let them near that stuff. You don't need the headache.

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I missed breakfast this a.m., so I trotted on down to the vending machines for a bowl of cereal. I noticed a new offering; Red Bull. It is in a micro sized container, not much bigger than the 3 oz bottles the TSA likes us to use. The price: three bucks! Are they nucking futs? [omg]


People that spend big money on that stuff befuddle me. [huh]


Oh, and btw, if you have kids, don't let them near that stuff. You don't need the headache.


Yeah, its like super concentrated or something. I know people that drink em, they are weird

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Haven't you heard? It's the breakfast of champions.


Seriously, I used to slam an energy drink before gigs to amp myself into Iggy Pop land. This was back when they all came in those little cans. I would drink three quarters and be good. Now they have super concentrated? God help us. And have you seen those tall boy sized energy drink cans? Talk about tweaked.

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I can only drink certain energy drinks. Monster Assault is the only one I like...the green an blue upset my stomach. I drink Amp Overdrive (red) pretty regularly. If I don't get enough sleep, I have a bad crash after 1pm...like my head is bobbing at my desk. I drink an Amp and I'm good for the whole day.


Yeah $3 for 3oz? I can't stand Red Bull. period.


I have cut back on the Amp. Switched to Starbuck's Via.

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Water here.

Lots of it.


Avoid coffee like the plague, don't even like the way it smells.


Iced tea, lightly sweetened is my caffeine of choice - and it has PLENTY.

Not a daily habit though, depends on my schedule.


Coca Cola would be second, but it's too sweet for first thing in the morning.

Gotta be over ice too.




I've never tasted any of the energy drinks, stupid price being the main factor.

But I'll stop short of condemning them - let the market decide.

(Besides, have you seen how much sugar and crap some people dilute their coffee with?)



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Heh. That would be me. Also, coffee gives you hella bad breath.


Blech. I love coffee and thoroughly enjoy that morning cup, but with half and half only. Cannot do sweetened coffee or those pansy milk and fruit flavored coffees. Hot milk anything is just nasty. No soda either. Not sure what treats my body worse: HFC or the neurotoxin aspartame.


God, my posts sounds snooty.

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I drink about 2 cups in the morning. Used to drink more, but on Saturdays, when I wanted to sleep in, I got morning headaches until I had my first cuppa joe. At that time I was drinking a whole pot before 10:00 a.m. I now have one of those mini makers that makes about a half a pot at a time. It fills my cup twice. I was mixing half and half long before Folgers put it on the shelf. I like mine strong, but not Starbucks strong... and not at $3.00/ cup.

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Redbull is more sugar than caffeine though, no?

Good point. And I drink it really slowly, too. So that may factor into it.

My wife is a huge coffee drinker. If she doesnt get her coffee, watch out! Personally, if I'm going to make people miserable, I like to do it on my own accord and not because of withdrawl. There is just more satisfaction doing it that way. [biggrin]

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No ketchup? [flapper]


If by ketchup you mean ginseng, miracles and unicorn farts, then yes, there's ketchup in it.


I very occasionally drink energy drinks. It started in high school when, on occasion, I ended up staying up late to finish a paper or a project and I needed to focus. It's become a little more frequent in college. It helps that there's coffee in the dining hall, and that it's included in my meal plan. I just wish I could get to it at 3 in the morning when I need it most on Sunday nights right before massive philosophy papers are due.

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