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It's unfortunate that the test was unsuccessful especially with all the $$$ being spent, perhaps even more questionable is not being able to use the system in inclement weather that would really suck, in the future we will have to schedule all future wars for only clear days.








This is sarcasm for those that can't tell.

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The Tman 5293 AirForce.....an Army of one....being all it can be...........


I'm all for war.......when war is needed...


I'm all for peace......when peace is needed...


I ain' sayin' anything else; except...


What seperates mankind from animals is the ability to choose when to war.......


And it's fine and dandy for kids to think that war solves everything.......


As long as they are aware that they are wrong......


War is not a video game......


War is reality.........I'm not anti war or pro war...................


But I know what war is, I have been in the midst of war, real war, and it is not pretty, in any way shape or form...............

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So the rest of you losers support communism? You want one the worst nations in the world to just stay how they are? The United States has an obligation to do whats necessary to keep the peace. We are also responsible for aiding South Korea in any way possible. In fact, just a few large scale nuclear warheads would be enough to reduce Kim Jong-il and his entire communist regime to rubble. No more North Korea means no more problems for South Korea and no more of the fighting along the border thats been going on since the 1950's.


Your lack of patriotism disgusts me. msp_thumbdn.gif



If it were only that simple.


Give the Kim's enough time, NK will be part of the PRC. It seems that when the sitting potentate of NK needs his fanny smacked, China does it.


Starting global, thermonuclear war against NK isn't worth the rocket fuel expended.


If you'll read 19th and 20th century history, you'll learn that most major military catastrophes WWI and WWII being the most recent, were sparked by insignificant potentates getting too big for their breeches over insignificant scraps of useless land.


This guy ain't worth it.

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Um, what?


Almost 9,000 allied troops were lost on the beaches, where in the hell do you get 60,000 American troops lost?


Oh wait, you're just doing this for attention, nevermind.



He's a KID.


He speaks though the wonder and magic of youth.


Educate him, challenge him- but do not berate him.


He has years yet to develop wisdom....

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I have no problem with it. In a lot of ways it makes more sense than capitalism.


In theory, Communism is the fairest sort of government. Trouble is when humans get involved is when it all goes awry. The first 'government' used by the Puritans was that of a commune. Share and share alike. That works as long as everyone pulls their own weight. As long as no one mis-uses their authority. Due to human foibles, the Puritans' communistic society didn't last long. 20th century communism seems to have degraded into an oligarchy of those few in power running the show and no one else within the country can object. We must be wary of those who would do the same to our claimed 'capitalistic'/ 'democratic' / 'republic' form of government.


"All animals are created equal. Some animals are more equal than others." --- George Orwell "Animal Farm"


Communism is not the only social structure that can fall into this abyss. Be wary.

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What about Nagasaki and Hiroshima? We used those nukes to end a war. And it worked. Another valid reason for the use of nuclear weapons.


That was then, this is now. Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved more lives than it killed. A planned Normandy like invasion of the islands of Japan would have made June 6, 1944 look like a day at the beach. Think of it... if the first A bomb didn't cause the Japanese hierarchy to capitulate, you think they would have thrown their arms up in surrender after we stormed the beaches?


"Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it." -- George Santayana

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Well it looks like due to fog issues here on the Central Coast and air traffic control problems around Hawaii due to a thunderstorm there, the launch didn't take place.

Intercepting another missile from 4,200 miles away is certainly a long shot.

Can't wait to see what happens. The launch was rescheduled for today between 8-noon.

Hopefully this topic will still be around and not locked down. :rolleyes:


Jeez. I hope we don't get attacked during a thunder storm... oh wait, we did.

Shhhhh don't nobody tell the 'reds' we need perfect weather to defend ourselves. [blush]

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... We have two wars to finish up, why start a third and piss off China in the process?


Umm... you've lost count.


The last time we fully pulled back our troops from the theater of operations was 1919.


Europe (WWII)

Japan (also WWII, but a tactically different war. Let's call it WWII.I)


Viet Nam (Oops, we did fully pull out of this one)


GW1 (gulf War 1) We're still in Kuwait.

GW2 on going

Afghanistan. Is this separate from GW2?

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Yeah Evol,

The f-ing Boy Scouts could take care of North Korea with only their pocketknives and knot-tying ability.


It's what they are fueling and influencing outside the country that worries me.


And China likes 'em just how they are - no stronger, no weaker.

It's no coincidence they've been hanging by the same thread for all these years.

Why does NOBODY seem to understand this?


Oh, I do.


China keeps NK on a medium length leash. They start tugging too hard at one end, they just yank them back. I think the PRC has the situation fully in hand.

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If it were only that simple.


Give the Kim's enough time, NK will be part of the PRC. It seems that when the sitting potentate of NK needs his fanny smacked, China does it.



I disagree. China wants no part of NK. And you have to factor in that NK *hates* that the international community uses China to parent NK. China hates doing it too. China's only concern with NK is that the government topples and refugees flood over the border. Why do you think they send escapees back to NK? Got to set a precedent.


Umm... you've lost count.


The last time we fully pulled back our troops from the theater of operations was 1919.


Europe (WWII)

Japan (also WWII, but a tactically different war. Let's call it WWII.I)


Viet Nam (Oops, we did fully pull out of this one)


GW1 (gulf War 1) We're still in Kuwait.

GW2 on going

Afghanistan. Is this separate from GW2?


Yeah, I'll give you this point. At least the gun fire has ceased in Bosnia, Kuwait, and Vietnam.

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In theory, Communism is the fairest sort of government. Trouble is when humans get involved is when it all goes awry. The first 'government' used by the Puritans was that of a commune. Share and share alike. That works as long as everyone pulls their own weight. As long as no one mis-uses their authority. Due to human foibles, the Puritans' communistic society didn't last long. 20th century communism seems to have degraded into an oligarchy of those few in power running the show and no one else within the country can object. We must be wary of those who would do the same to our claimed 'capitalistic'/ 'democratic' / 'republic' form of government.


"All animals are created equal. Some animals are more equal than others." --- George Orwell "Animal Farm"


Communism is not the only social structure that can fall into this abyss. Be wary.




Well said.

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Facts can be misinterpreted as opinions, and vice-versa.......The following is a combo of both, and is in brief.......


The nuclear genie left the bottle and the barn many years ago...It is easy to design a bomb; it is not so easy to build one that will work...Many countries are responsible for this sad state of affairs. Eisenhower thought that sharing peaceful nuclear technology would keep it's use peaceful; great idea in theroy.......Pakistan is the country responsible for spreading bomb technology more than any other country; China helped them with the technology, and they now regret having done so...When any techological advance from the wheel, to beer, to airplanes, to computers, becomes known, the technology spreads rather rapidly; it's just the way things are...Pakistan sold and sells nuke tech for money, not for political motivations; it's the same with N.K. South Africa had the bomb, and disarmed...Lybia almost had the bomb, and disarmed...N.K. is desprate to be allowed to be recognised as a sovereign country...The main obsticle to it's being recognised is it's insistance on being a nuclear power...They live in the past, in a world where having the bomb means everything...The bomb is not needed to be a superpower; it helps, sure, but.....Communism actually does work, in theroy; in practice, it doesn't, mostly because it removes individuality, competition, and motivations from the people...Communism does work for Cuba...It's dying there because of santions etc...Vietnam is still communist, and they do just fine; Communism mixed with democracy is not an oxymoron, but is an evolving experiment that regardless of one's views is a small step foward from literal interpretations of communism...I do not support communism...China is an example of a communist superpower mixing a dose of capitilism (not democracy) into their system, and oh boy, it works, for them...People's rights and freedoms are determined by the governments in which they live...Anyways.....


N.K. wants to join the world, but on their own terms...They are trying to, and they are very smart and clever...None of what I said above are political statements in any shape or form; as political thought and threads are frowned upon here.......


There will come a time, soon, when N.K. collapses under it's own weight, and from pressure from the world in general...It may very well re-unite with the south, maybe not....All countries are dangerous when viewed from the 'other side.' I think that the danger from N.K. lies mostly from it's proliferation activities, and from it's ability to wage war...It feels that it needs the bomb to gain respect; does it ?? Not really...But it thinks so...

The Berlin wall fell without a hitch....The question is, how peaceful of a transition will it be when N.K. collapses, and will the world allow N.K. to be a sovereign country without the bomb when it does.......


In a way, the only thing we have to fear, is the bomb itself...and the spread of it's ownership...I'm not pro or anti war....The world will never be fully at peace, but the more peaceful it is, the better off it will be....... IMHO.......Power can corrupt....Hate kills....War happens, so does peace........It's good to be alive, that beats all else........

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