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You guys in Oz okay?


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I'm getting the feeling that flooding in Queensland is getting worse. A friend in Brisbane said his wife was sent home from work in a suburb.


Anybody "down under" know whether any of "us" are probably without electricity or, worse, homes?



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A cupla our newer "regulars" from Oz also are commenting in the "Flooded In" thread. As one might expect from the antipodean personality, it's sometimes a bit irreverent, but...


I checked quickly in the Brisbane daily newspaper and discovered the flooding ain't pretty. And it's more a matter of finally getting to the "big city" after other areas of flooding as some of the Gibson forum members from Oz have noted.


My friend in Brisbane from a history/philosophy forum said if his home goes, so goes half of Queensland. His wife headed out from a new job in a suburb West End because that's apparently where the river first broke out of its banks.


I've been around too many floods and it seems folks think it's all over when the water goes down; I think sometimes that's when it really starts. So all my best wishes to any in Oz directly affected by the flooding...



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I would like to add my concern for those in Australia affected by the flooding at the moment

Am I correct in thinking this is the worst instance ever in the whole of the country?

My UK perspective is that Aus has such a great climate in general that excess heat and droughts/forest fires are the only things to contend with


The ongoing debate...is this a natural cyclical phenomenon, or the result of greenhouse gas induced global warming?





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Thanks for starting this thread Milo, the state of Queensland is about 50% underwater and they need our mojo.


It's only going to get worse I'm afraid. Thankfully my family is nowhere near it, we're in the middle of a drought here on the west coast.


Here's an example of what's happening in Queensland;





10 people confirmed dead so far, most of them young children, plus there are about 80 missing. I expect these figures to rise unfortunately [crying]

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I've some relatives in Aus but thankfully down in Adelaide so nowhere near the current crisis.


Very best wishes to everyone up there.


The ongoing debate...is this a natural cyclical phenomenon, or the result of greenhouse gas induced global warming?


As far as this question regarding whether cyclical or not, in terms of our nearest flood defence system (London), the Thames Flood Barrier, here's the official data;


"During it's operation, over two thirds of the total closures have been in the last decade: four closures in the 1980s, 35 closures in the 1990s and 75 closures in the last decade. Last Year the barrier was closed five times, four of which were to protect against fluvial flooding. "


Source: U.K. Environmental Agency.


Not Good News...



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The ongoing debate...is this a natural cyclical phenomenon, or the result of greenhouse gas induced global warming?







This has to do with the "El Nino" - "La Nina" cycle although there's been some preliminary debate about whether or not the current warming trend has anything to do with it. In El Nino years Oz is drier - in La Nina years Oz is wetter - there was a very fast shift to La Nina last year so the effect is a little stronger. It's also the cause of the snow in the southern USA.

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Just got this tonight from Brisbane:


"Current situation here ? Well yesterday we had blue skies and sunshine for this first time in ages while all hell broke loose.


"Brisbane CBD lies in ruins as do many riverside suburbs. Sewage is leaking into the river. 12 KNOWN deaths more probably to come as waters recede.

Fortunately the computer models predicting a much worse flood than '74 were (as such models usually are) wrong.


"While still a major disaster thousands of homes have been spared due to this. Poor xxx xxxx's unit escaped the water but he is stuck

without power as St Lucia is a major disaster zone. While the lower part of his street is under he's well above it all.


"In true Queensland tradition Kev Rudd our Foreign Minister was caught on camera helping a chap in his electorate take packed suitcases

from his home. He was traveling around his large electorate checking things out in long sleeved blue shirt and long trousers when he

encountered the fellow taking stuff to a vehicle parked above the flood level. ABC crew caught him knee deep in water, trousers rolled up,

carrying a suitcase on his head towards the car. Definitely not a posed event. He's been out and about for hours on end looking after his people.


"PM Julia Gillard has is showing the signs of strain as she keeps shuttling around the State unlike bloody Whitlam who was too busy selling

East Timor out to the Indonesians to visit Queensland in 1974.


"Anna Bligh our Premier has also been at the helm daily don't know when she sleeps, she looks totally shattered but sticks to it. The Lord Mayors

of Brisbane and Ipswich have also been wonderful throughout."



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In Mcmurry's post, excerpts of the second video were on NBC news. Early, before the white jeep left, the videographers were heard to be discussing, "You think we should move our cars?" Nice to know that individuals who are totally oblivious to the obvious are not all in the United States.

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