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2011 Sheraton II ("5 piece maple, walnut, maple, walnut, maple," necks)

charlie brown

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Just got a "Highlights from NAMM" Epiphone e-mail.


In the portion, regarding the Sheraton II...both the text explanation,

and the "spec's" list, state a "5-Piece" neck. Is THIS true?! Have

they gone back, to the "Korean" spec's on the neck (I hope)?! OR...is

this "left-over" description/hyperbole, from years past??? Inquiring

Minds, want to know! ;>)


IF they did change, the neck construction, back, I hope they kept the

newer (more Gibson like)body shape! That, was a welcome change.

The "Sunburst" version, in the ad, shows the newer body contours, while

the "Black," and "Natural," show the older (Korean/Generic) body style.


So...I'm just curious, you know?




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Charlie, if you wouldn't mind answering, what is the difference between the "Gibson" body style and the "Older" body style? Maybe it's just very obvious and I'm not seeing it, but I was planning on purchasing a Sheraton soon. Maybe this will influence my decision?



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Charlie, if you wouldn't mind answering, what is the difference between the "Gibson" body style and the "Older" body style? Maybe it's just very obvious and I'm not seeing it, but I was planning on purchasing a Sheraton soon. Maybe this will influence my decision?


I wouldn't worry about it, I can't see it either...

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I'm starting to get really Irked over Epi's descriptions. If you

look at the link at the end of it; it shows News ID = 2005. I think

they resurrected a 2005 news story because the Kings of Leon are on

cover of Guitar Player February and one of the players is holding

a Sharaton.


They also just added the description back on the regular part under

archtops. Becaus a week ago, it said 3 piece. I emailed everyting

to "Customer Service" and they are not responding.


I've actually started looking at an Ibanez AS-103. It's very nice and

costs a bit more. But it does have a 5 piece neck and comes with a case.

I was on Ibanez's forum too. They are very responsive. In fact, when

there is confusion such as this an Ibanez spokesperson joins in to clear

things up.


There was confusion over there about what pickups are in the AS103, becasue

the specs. changed and the web-site wasn't updated. The spokesperson joined

in and apologized for the confusion. He had the web-site corrected and everyone

is happy.


I've never seen that here. On Gibson's side of the forum, someone may join

every now and then and remind people if they have a problem with their Gibson,

that "customer service is always available to help".


Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't see any interaction here with anyone from Gibson or

Epiphone. I also registered with the CEO forum. I can log in, but cannot post.

I've emailed different contacts for it to get it fixed. And no one has responded.


I'm having a real tough time keeping my next semi-hollow purchase in the Gibson/Epi

family. This is all I own and have ever purchased. I've always bought new too. However,

my next purchase will either be a used Korean model Sheraton. Or it may be the Ibanez.

Unfortunately, used ones don't come up too often around here in St. Louis.

Granted, one unsold guitar by Epi won't matter to them. But it'll give me a chance to

try something different.

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No it's not from 2005, it's dated 11.Jan 2011


2005 is just a number


and the website now shows 5-piece-neck for the Sheraton II


Good catch on the number. I just checked the articles above

and below it and they're in sequence.


However, they've been producing Sheraton's with the regular

Scarf joint head stock and heal, like what is on the Dot's. Yet

they description read, "three piece neck". So it doesn't change

the fact tht the description didn't match what they've been selling.

Now the description is changed - again.


Hopefully, for 2011 the description will match what they produce. Their

silence is deafening and the reason for speculation. Until an Epiphone

Representative responds, or until we see the 2011 Sheratons; this is all


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The body contour differnce, between what's now produced,

and the Korean versions, is really obvious (to me). It's

mostly in the "horns" area. The curve (or lack thereof)

from the inner portion (neck side), to the top of the horn

is straighter, in the Korean versions, and more curved, in

the current "Gibson like," versions. To ME, the current is

a much nicer aesthetic, but...if you can't see it, it would

be no big deal, I guess? ;>)


Maybe a better way to describe it, is...in the Korean versions

the angle of the inner "curve" is shallower and points more

outward. The "Gibson like," is steeper, and more upward, in

angle appearance.


Also, in the current (Gibson like) version, the outer curve

from the top of the horns, to the waist is more pornounced,

and it "looks" like the horns are a bit smaller and the waist

is a bit thinner (but, it may(?) be an optical illusion, due

to the more pronounced curves, of the horns, on the outside).


In the picture link, (TehBeast) posted previously, you can see

it in the "Sunburst" model. The "Black" and "Natural" shown,

are the Korean version.



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My OCD has really taken hold on this. I called Guitar Center today

and spoke with a very helpful salesperson. He confirmed the current

inventory he has is one piece necks, i.e., scarf joints.


So he called Gibson and was passed around before finally getting an

answer. He learned the 5 piece necks will be coming back for 2011.

They should hit the store in about 2 to 3 months,once the existing

stock is depleted.



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I see what you were talking about Charlie, now that I knew where to look. That's really good news about the necks; I just wish they'd release a couple of new finishes for it (especially cherry red, maybe an iced tea burst as well).

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I see what you were talking about Charlie, now that I knew where to look. That's really good news about the necks; I just wish they'd release a couple of new finishes for it (especially cherry red, maybe an iced tea burst as well).


Hey, I'm with you, on the finishes! That would be Sweet!!



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My OCD has really taken hold on this. I called Guitar Center today

and spoke with a very helpful salesperson. He confirmed the current

inventory he has is one piece necks, i.e., scarf joints.


So he called Gibson and was passed around before finally getting an

answer. He learned the 5 piece necks will be coming back for 2011.

They should hit the store in about 2 to 3 months,once the existing

stock is depleted.




COOL!! That probably means another "Sheri" added, in my future. ;>)



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  • 3 weeks later...



Are my eye's playing tricks on me or did the neck description change in this article from the 5 piece

to simply "a gorgeous maple neck"? <_<


I thought when we first saw it and referenced it, it stated "5 piece - M/W/M/W/M


Here's the link again:



And link to the other description: http://www.epiphone.com/default.asp?ProductID=8&CollectionID=1

It now says, "set, hard maple".


At least it's cleared up now. [lol][lol][lol]

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i used to have me a mik sheraton and i could have sworn it had a 5 piece neck. when did that practice stop?


pro tip- maple necks love flatwounds! i always used flats on that thing, but all my hog neck guitars hate them.

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(Smile)...Thanks, Neil...it's a (past) occupational hazzard. I was a photographer, for 30+ years.

And...as the saying goes, "The Devil's in the Details!" ;>)

30 years of photography? do tell. surely you have something to share. i recently made the move to digital after a long layoff (guitars, audio recording equipment and life got in the way). i feel that i'm better than i've ever been at it simply because i'm getting more reps than ever. i can fire away with impunity and make as many mistakes as i want, without having to wait for the results and trying to remember how i screwed something up after the fact.

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30 years of photography? do tell. surely you have something to share. i recently made the move to digital after a long layoff (guitars, audio recording equipment and life got in the way). i feel that i'm better than i've ever been at it simply because i'm getting more reps than ever. i can fire away with impunity and make as many mistakes as i want, without having to wait for the results and trying to remember how i screwed something up after the fact.


Right now, all I can "share," is...that I rarely shoot photos, much, anymore. Not even sure why??? [confused]

But, I'll probably get back into that, one of these days? Hope so, anyway. It used to be

a LOT of fun, and a decent "living," too.



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i understand. if a gynecologist spent 30 years staring up clams, he probably doesn't need to see that many more. well, i hope you get back into it at some point. i'm having more fun with it then i've ever had. all the fancy new crap they have out really makes things easier (and harder). though it was startling to learn how little i knew, and how little of the little that i did know was of any value.


i'm not at the "make a living" point yet, but with a few careful purchases and a lot of cleverness, maybe i can find a neat sideline.

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i understand. if a gynecologist spent 30 years staring up clams, he probably doesn't need to see that many more. well, i hope you get back into it at some point. i'm having more fun with it then i've ever had. all the fancy new crap they have out really makes things easier (and harder). though it was startling to learn how little i knew, and how little of the little that i did know was of any value.


i'm not at the "make a living" point yet, but with a few careful purchases and a lot of cleverness, maybe i can find a neat sideline.



Good luck, to you, Eor! It's a fun hobby, or career. I'm sure I'll get back to it, pretty soon.

But...it won't be for a "living," anymore...just for Fun!




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Please excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference between a 1 piece and a 5 piece neck (besides the obvious number of parts), and why is a five piece neck better?


Here's my take. On most Gibby's and Epi's, the necks are solid mahagony. Single piece for Gibby's and "solid" neck - headstock/neck/heal for Epi's. The Sheraton previoulsy

had and was described (until recenly) as having a 5 piece: m/w/m/w/m neck or a 3 piece neck. Most likely the three piece description left out the two thin strips

of walnut. It's now described simply as, "set neck/hard maple", leading me to now believe it is no longer a 5 piece neck.


The difference between a 5 piece and 1 piece may be subjective based on differing view points. The one main difference is asthetics. The alternating pieces of

dark and light wood is pretty. In theory, a 5 piece of alternating wood, especially with maple adds to the strength of the neck. Maple necks, as I understand can be

more prone to warping and twisting vs. mahagony. Then you get into the tonal differences between the two With it now no longer described as 5 pieces, it would imply

it is now a solid maple neck. This seems unusual for a semi-hollow.


This leads me to now ask, what is the tonal differences on a semi-hollow with a standard mahagony neck vs. a solid hard maple neck?

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