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I was doing so much other stuff, and listening largely just to older more "folkie" sorts of things 1980 forward until a cupla years ago that I joined the forum... never really thought much about Clapton one way or another.


Past cupla years I've started listening to the old guy (he's a cupla months older than I am) and I have come to very much appreciate him.


I think too that as the guy aged he started playing stuff on stage he'd probably been exposed to about the same time I was. So... probably that makes me appreciate his stuff even more.


Now I'd love to sit and have a coffee and bs with the guy. If we ended up pickin' a bit, fine, if not... a cupla old guys who went different directions, one with talent and the other with none, but who worked a bit for some skills... the BS and coffee would be fine. <grin>



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i like that while Clapton's experimented with "pop" (now "classic rock" in some circles), the guy is a bluesman. you can skip over whole chunks of what he did in the 80's, and call it development time or something. when he goes back to the chicago blues stuff, he's home.


i am somewhat younger than he obviously: Cream broke up before i was born. but i can only imagine the stories this guy could tell. his autobiography tells his personal tale, but the musical stories must be just as interesting, if not moreso.


Man, can he play! :)



just for fun: here's Freddie King doing that song:






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Oh yeah. And he looks a lot more into it with the Gibson than I've seen him with a strat. Weird. But his tone and licks were scrumptious.


it was the tone that got me too. while i admit i LOVE his playing on any guitar, the ES just sounds more bluesy to me: less "strat-like" if that makes sense.


visually it looks better too, IMO.


i watched that clip several times in a row.

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I've got tickets to see him on the 8th. I'm hoping it's as good a show as I saw him give back in '75.


Blackie has long since been retired, but I'm sure it will sound good, whatever he brings to the stage.

Yeah, I saw him about a year ago in Nashville with Roger Daltrey, great show! He still has it. Vince Gill even came in and played on a few numbers.

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