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Where do you go to find other musicians to play with? I'm on three sites and have jammed with some guys on only one occasion. I'm out of the loop and never liked the open stage format. Any ideas?

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there is a section on craigslist, and also, while you might not be into the open stage, you could meet a lot of poeple there to jam with as well, even if you aren't into hopping up.


if it is the particular jam you don't like, i think it would be worth it to look on craigslist for others that might suit you.


those things are great..there is more to them then just playing yourself. you can get a feel for what everyone is doing and looking for, as well as get to check out what other poeple are playing and what they are into.


it might be helpful to state what genre or type of music you want to do. there are different cultures and ways poeple get together for different types of music. someone hip might just know the thing you are asking.

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Yup Rocky, Stein's right.............Open mikes, open jams, etc etc......Stein and I are in Portland; a big music town...You're in the Chicago area, a huge music city..


dem00n is in NYC; he says he can't find players to jam with, which confuses me....


You can filter out who to jam with by 'feeling' out who they are, skill levels, etc, and you can insist on hearing their music first as well.....


I'm taking off some time from playing out live, as I've really really already been there, done that, I have nothing left to ' prove ', and find it boring these days..


My health also prevents it.............Network; I'm co-writing songs with all kinds of musicians these days, working on various C.D. projects, mine and others,


and so much more; via the net.....It's all about networking.....................

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Yup Rocky, Stein's right.............Open mikes, open jams, etc etc......Stein and I are in Portland; a big music town...You're in the Chicago area, a huge music city..



I'm closer to Peoria, and I would rather not go on stage being as I haven't been in a band situation in a few years. The last time I played, I bombed. I would hate to do that in front of a crowd.

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My guitar teacher hosts a Friday or Saturday night get together at his studio. He keeps it age and musical intrest specific. Meet and greet, eat some pizza and jam. Exchange Numbers E-mails etc. and play with those you connect with.

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I think there are a bunch of factors: Style, age, interests, available time...


I could probably play almost every night of the week if I weren't working or flopping after a buncha nights working. Guys I know with whom I might be doing some picking know that so we don't even talk about it much. Because of work, I'm not a reliable sideman.


Younger folks and I also often have little in common for "book" and there's an implied age difference in rock style with which I cannot disagree. That's even true of current "country" cover type bands.


And I think that since mostly I've done solo stuff the past 25 years or so doesn't always fit with groups for a "sound good first time together." <sigh> Do do it right would take a little thinking and upgrading head arrangements at minimum. Stick with some nice basic blues or awfully standard sorts of stuff and it'll work for me if you don't expect BB. Need somebody to do bass for old style country and don't expect it the way Jack did it? Let's do it.


Hanging out on occasion in a music store can bring some friendships if you're friendly. Some music venues will have similar opportunities to bs. I've never personally had the Internet help me find folks to pick with.


Being friendly helps. But I'm not personally the sort to jump into "gee, let's do some pickin', unless there's an obvious music and personality connection. I do think there's a bit of "what do you want out of pickin' together" too that needs to mesh. I could pick with folks just for fun, or for money, in some different styles but as I said, I just am not reliable for music because of work at this point in time.


I dunno. I think being friendly in whatever places real and virtual music is part of the language probably is the best overall answer.


My other comments ain't for "how," but more toward asking yourself first, "why."



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I'm closer to Peoria, and I would rather not go on stage being as I haven't been in a band situation in a few years. The last time I played, I bombed. I would hate to do that in front of a crowd.

nothing wrong with that. i bomb all the time.


a thing to do is learn to look cool while you are doing nothing-take a note from watching those jams when it is televised, you think they are all playing at once?

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Ive literally got at least 50 people in each grade at my school that play music.

I know most of them, play with most of them too. We group up for shows, but not

for full bands, I dont know why though. but I guess its good cause we dont argue

like bands usually do. I also know a lot of people from visiting Long & McQuade a

lot. so I know quite a few people

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I find the problem with me is actually admitting I play! My neighbor had a party a while back, and had his old band over, and they were all badgering me to play (having heard me play from across the way), I got scared n was satisfied playing his father's 1954 Mustang acoustically for no one to hear (Sea Foam Green, it was a dream). I regret not playing, could've fetched my Strat and just jammed. On another side I know a few kids from school who have similar tastes in music (having lent them CDs and having long winded rants, I mean conversations about music with them) but I never grow the cojones to ask 'em to play! Sometimes the hardest thing is speaking up for me.


The stories you hear are actually quite funny, their drummer told me about his first gig. The first song, right at the beginning he chucked one of his sticks into the crowd and had to play with his left hand and his right stick (oh god... sounds so bad). He didn't have backup sticks so he went the whole show like that!


By the way, about the bombing, never going to remedy it if you don't get a chance to work at it if you asked me! (Now if only I could take my own damned advice!)

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WHOA....TRIPLE POST. New record? I guess the fault is mine...but...how could I have stopped it


I'm in a similar place. I doubt I could consider myself new to this city anymore, but I've been here a shade under 3 years and have met ZERO other players. I've got serious itch to play with other humans now, but don't really have to drive to hit up Craigslist, or anything of the sort. I'm not a recluse or anything like that. Human interaction doesn't scare me, but I just find the unpredictability of CL being unattractive. I do like the thought though, of requesting to hear someone play before you meet up to jam (recordings, etc). Tons of people say they "play" then you hear them, and it's a whole other story. But of course, the same could be said for me. Works both ways.


While I wouldn't say it's a preferred alternative, I've considered trying to do something web-based with people, but to no real effort yet. Obviously "jamming" wouldn't be possible, but swapping licks, riffs, and melodies could turn into a layering project.


What makes things even harder is the fact that many or most of us have full-time jobs, wives, girlfriends, kids, bills, etc. Schedules and other real life things make it hard as hell to pursue the "hobby" like many of us would like to.

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Hanging out on occasion in a music store can bring some friendships if you're friendly.



Good advice. Obviously not all places are the same, but if you can find a guitar shop where guys sit around and shoot the breeze with one another, you may be able to find some people to jam with.

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Good advice. Obviously not all places are the same, but if you can find a guitar shop where guys sit around and shoot the breeze with one another, you may be able to find some people to jam with.


[thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] ........Guitar shops, yes.......Guitar stores ????? Everyone in those play Stairway to Heaven and Smoke on the Water !!!!!!!!!!!!! [scared] :unsure: ........

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I'm not sure what your job situation is, but work can be a good place to find fellow musicians. Every band I've ever been in has had some kind of connection to work friends.


I have some guitar paraphenalia around the office. In a way, they're a beacon. I'm hoping, one day, someone comes by and says, "Oh you play? Me too." Has yet to happen. I'm in a large office building with many people, but my day to day network of people I interact with has already been ruled out. No players. Just people who shake their heads when I come in on a Monday morning and told them I bought another guitar or something...

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I play three nights a week with three different groups of people...may soon be four...


1) The guy cleaning out my septic tank tipped me about a jam that happens on the last Friday of every month at the township hall just 1.5 miles down the road. Turns out they also do a jam on the second Friday at a church in town. Mostly folk/traditional music, but I'm learning a ton from the diversity of players/instruments.


2) The father of a couple of kids I've coached invited me to a weekly Tuesday night acoustic jam...mostly 60s stuff...about 10 guys, sometimes more, mostly guitars, but also occasionally other instruments (mandolin, bass, harmonica, muted snare drum, etc.)


3) I was just strumming in a park down by the river when a woman came up, listened for a bit, then invited me to join her husband's garage band. We meet every Thursday night. Amplified, 60s-70s rock, good stuff, fun times.


4) One of the guys from the Tuesday group wants to get a Wednesday night electric thing going...so we'll see how that goes.


I still have Mondays and Saturdays open...anyone? I'll rest up on Sundays... [thumbup]

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Curiousity got the best of me and I checked out my local Craigslist site to see what's doing. Nothing but "Band seeking..." or "Guitarist seeking band" stuff.


Not really wanting to a band thing. More interested in "jamming", talking guitars...very casual. For me, I'd only really entertain the thought of having a "band" if I had already been jamming with some guys and felt like we we're playing some good stuff. Not interested in cover tunes either.


Now I sound like I'm posting on Craigslist...

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