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Posted a new tune on my Sound Click


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Dave, I would never have guessed this is the kind of thing you would had written/performed! Cheers for sharing, a beautiful song.

By the way I am loving this current atmosphere in the lounge of people sharing clips of their playing. It is infinitely more useful and relevant hearing people's gear than looking at nice pictures ;) msp_flapper.gif



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It seems like everyone's posting their music lately!


That's awesome but I feel kinda left out haha.


I need to figure out a way to listen to your guys' recordings and post some of the recordings I've made without having to email everything.

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Dave, I would never have guessed this is the kind of thing you would had written/performed! Cheers for sharing, a beautiful song.

By the way I am loving this current atmosphere in the lounge of people sharing clips of their playing. It is infinitely more useful and relevant hearing people's gear than looking at nice pictures ;) msp_flapper.gif




Hey Matt, thanks a lot man!! Coming from you I really appreciate it. The tune is far from what I usually do or should say used to do. All my stuff in the past was electronic dance orientated stuff but since I picked up the guitar I'm headed in another direction.

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That was great Dave!


Really enjoyed everything about it; melody, playing - even the singing! As Xdemonknight says, your voice really is fine!








[blink].... Seriously?? I do think the song is good but my singing?? I sound like Mr. Monotone, then again that might work for this particular song.... I really thank you guys for the encouragement!!

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Guest FarnsBarns

[blink].... Seriously?? I do think the song is good but my singing?? I sound like Mr. Monotone, then again that might work for this particular song.... I really thank you guys for the encouragement!!


It might not be a hit but it is good and worthy of praise. Be proud.

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[blink].... Seriously?? I do think the song is good but my singing?? I sound like Mr. Monotone, then again that might work for this particular song.... I really thank you guys for the encouragement!!


Yes. Seriously. I know you won't be mistaken for Nat King Cole but it's a really cool sound for this song. In the immediate future I expect you will find yourself spending more of your playing time practicing your craft by playing your own songs - including the vocal parts - and we all know what happens the more we practice something.


So, Yes. Seriously. =D>



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