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Ok, lets be serious now

Silenced Fred

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So you don't like rap/hip hop because its just computerized beats. Cool


You don't like rap/hip hop because it has no real instruments. Cool


You don't like rap/hip hop because "they aren't real musicians. Cool


Here's this



This is most definitely rap/hip hop. Don't say it isn't.


Now tell me why you don't like it still



Still don't like it.


idk why. I just don't.


I'd rather listen to Howard Stern sing through his @$$.

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He's some new rapper; He was dating Rianna 'till he beat her up.....He has no talent, neither does Rianna.....


I dis-like most rap.....I don't even like Snoop Dog's music, but, the guy is da nads, kinda cool.....


For rap like music, I like Rage Against the Machine.......and Bob Marley.......and RUN DMC, and Ice T a bit....


Years back I recorded some rap stuff for fun, had some black friends critique it, and they couldn't tell


that their white buddy wrote and recorded it.....Go figure; Pretty fly for a white guy.......:unsure: [flapper][thumbup] .........


Chris Brown is actually an R&B Singer, not a Rap artist. I don't like him (or any other spousal abusers for that matter) either but he definitely has talent. He has a pretty good voice, and can dance like a mofo. That being said, I still don't like his music, or him as a person (from what I've heard about him anyway). But to say he has no talent just cause you don't like his music is a little ridiculous.


As for this video, I'm not sure if it shows that hip hop artists have any musical abilities (although many do) cause they aren't playing the instruments.


You want to see a hip hop group with talent check out The Roots, now they are talented.

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I'm not exactly sure what "Muhahahahahaaa" means, but I did see that Eminem movie, so take this [biggrin] :


I wuz chillin' in the house

With the hommies from Gibson.

Then come Fuzzy Fred,

He say "Give this a listen."

But the tune, it was stale

Like beer from last Thursday.

I shoulda' said nuthin'

But I told him anyway.

So Shred whips out

The heavy artillery.

The jam of the Maestro,

He thinks it be killin' me.

I admit it was better,

But I'll never be a fan,

'Cause words like that

Come out of a can.

Now Shred better run

From this rapper duel,

Or fresh master Freaky

Will send him to school...


Isn't that basically the meter of most Rap?


But like milod says" "Whatever trips your trigger."



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I can't write for crap....i have only rapped once and it was only a few bars...you've heard it Nathan. It takes way more talent and creativity than many people think it does...


its ok, just throw in a ho, a few *****es, some ****s, and you got it done


on a serious note, it really does. people say its just someone saying random stuff but it really isn't.


Reggie Watts is still my favorite rapper with f_ck sh_t stack

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I don't dislike any genre of music, and I believe there is good and bad in every style, and I try to listen to everything with an open ear and an open mind.


Here is my opinion...


It has potential but it also has flaws.


First the good:


1) The groove is good, and played well (I like that part)


2) The opening melody is good


Now the flaws:


1) The same 4 bars of music are repeated over and over and over and over and over again with no release - this gets boring to my ears very quickly


2) The singer has intonation problems - as a singer who strives to sing in tune, this irritates me a bit (like chalk squeaking on a blackboard)


3) The rap part doesn't add anything to the 4 repeated bars, but instead without any melody at all, it just emphasizes how repetitive the 4 bar groove is.


These are why it doesn't work for me (it's boring after about 12 bars). If it works for you, it's fine.


When I was much younger, I listened to some music that bores me now so I can't condemn it.


If they added a "B" section that released the listener from the tonic key and the repetitiveness, eliminated the rap section, and hired a singer who could actually sing in tune, you could take this good potential and make a good song out of it.


To me a song has to be like playing with a cat with one of those objects on a string toys. If the cat can catch the toy too often, the cat will no longer play with the toy because it is bored. If the cat is never able catch the toy it will quit trying.


Same with the music, if the listener can predict where the music is going too often, the listener gets bored and quits listening - that's why this didn't work for me. If the listener can never predict where the music is going, the listener quits trying - this is not the case here.


For me, the song, and any melodic part in the song must have a balance between predictability and surprise to keep my interest. Then once it has this balance, it has to have some development of the music to keep my interest after a few listenings. And as I mature and learn to understand and appreciate more complex music, some of the simpler forms just end up boring me after a few bars.


So in my final opinion, this song wasn't made for my ears, it was made for the ears of another listener.


Just my 2 cents.

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Hahaha....ok just reading it was not great but can you deliver it with fat beat? Or will you sound like you're reading it?


The fattest! Also, I'll turn my baseball hat sideways. You can be a member of my posse and make menacing gestures.



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