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Lost My Hero Today


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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. He will still talk to you when he needs to, I know because I hear my parents in my head from time to time.


Peace be with you and yours for the tough few days ahead.

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Cookieman - So sorry to hear about your loss. Lost my father suddenly in 2002 and not a day goes by that I do not think about him.


I want to give you a little advice that I did not get until weeks after my father passed away and I wish I had had sooner. Not sure if this is the first time you lost someone really close to you, but please give yourself time to grieve. Grieving can be a long process where you feel blah or tired (grieving can be very fatiguing and you might sigh a lot at odd times), so please go easy on yourself, brother.

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Very sorry to hear about your loss CookieMan. I left a very successful job in Texas to move back home. My wife and I wanted to be close to our families. When my son was born my dad was the proudest grampa you'd ever see. I remember one time we went to eat and left our son with our dad. He fell asleep on my dad's arms just before we left. When we came back about 4 hours later my son was still in my dad's arms. I told my dad he didn't to hold him for that long (his arms fell asleep!) but he didn't care because it was his grandson. My dad past away a few years later. But it made feel better knowing that he got to spend quality time with his family. I'm sure spending quality time with your dad will comfort you through this time too.

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