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Lost My Hero Today


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I'm sorry for your loss, honor him by living the best life you can, thanks to his presence in your life.


I still talk to my grandfather, as if he's riding shotgun with me in my car when I want him to know I'm proud of what he did for his family and when I'm looking for clarity.

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Cookie, so sorry I know how painful the loss of your parents is. Nothing can take away that pain, just remember, that pain will soon turn into great memories that will always bring a smile to your face... Just takes time. My sincere condolences.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing,my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.Once the sorrow has passed it will be replaced by warm happy memories.God Bless and comfort you all at this difficult time.

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You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers. I am at an airport in Florida, just having said goodbye to my Dad after a short four day stay. I always treasure my time to be with him, no matter what the circumstances.


He will always be with you no matter how far and sure you will always be with him.

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Sorry man. Losing a loved one----its a hard pill to swallow. Just remember, your guitar is your medicene. Music makes me feel better. If you wanna let it out I suggest playing some mellow blues with your Strat. Your father is listening.



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It's 11:15 in the evening and after 2 days filled with the tears of friends and loved ones and very little sleep I am overwhelmed with all the kind words from all of you.


Thank you so very much. It touches my families heart to see such a caring response from people they've never met.


You guys are the best.



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I've been busy and just found this. It's been said that such is not a period that ends a sentence, nor a question mark, yet rather a comma that signifies a pause and then a continuation...


My best to you and your family at what certainly is a difficult time. Been there, done that.



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