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Illumination Festival update...


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So the scoop is that I'm going to Red Bluff, California later this month to participate in the talent contest.


But here's where things get better... I get to play on the mainstage with other musicians after all. I'll be playing to accompany the Illumination parade before Jars of Clay Friday night.


And I get to do it again on Saturday night. That's twice! The headliner for that evening is Phil Joel.


Plus, the icing on the cake was that when I talked to the promoter about upgrading our tickets from frontstage to backstage, he did so without charging us the extra $200. I know these are all blessings from Him to those who are obedient. And then there are the doors that might be opened by this awesome experience....


Well, I just wanted to share about what had transpired since the end of the voting. Thanks for your votes, once again...

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It proves one thing...


When GOD says this guy is playing the stage, that's the vote that counts.


AND...we all have skills and abilities to contribute. Obviously, WAHKEEN has skills and the mojo and the spirit to fill the slot.


Sounds like overall this is going to be a great show with lots of great music all over the board.

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Thank you Matt, et al. It seems like the contest is almost irrelevant, since just playing on the mainstage was my goal, but still gonna give it all. I'm just grateful for this trip.


I think we got a pretty good deal for two flight tickets, round trip, for $750 from Austin, Tx, to Sacramento. I don't fly often, but I hear it's a good deal. Someone said they paid $1,500 from Austin to South Carolina last year... Wow, that seems to be too steep. Anyway, I had William Shatner doing the negotiation for me....

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