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New song


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Let me start by saying I didn't post this under the "performances" thread because I didn't want to mis-label. This is the very first rough cut of my latest newborn. It's the recording I'll need to listen to a million times, just to learn the song myself. (If you've ever done this, you prolly know what I mean.)


I had a feel for this one for the last couple of days, but it didn't declare itself until just this morning. Everything here will one day be re-done (the playing is a bit stumbly, the vocals are hanging on, and the prod is off), but it'll do for present purposes, I 'spect. (Pretend you're in my living room with me, listening.)


Anyhoo...I hope no one minds me sharing while it's still brand new to the world. Take a listen, if you like. [wink]


Keep My Peace




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Anne, really nice material. I listened to each of your songs this morning. Good lyrics and you sing well also. Really folksy stuff. Easy-to-listen-to. The Tulsa Queen and You and It's Only Time are really sweet songs. Keep My Peace is a poignant "slice of life" song. Nicely done. Nice guitar work too.

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You guys are awesome! Thank you SO much for taking the time to listen and to post--it really does my heart good, both to share the tunes and to hear such nice comments. Generous hearts, one and all--I'm touched. [blush]

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