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This is the best album review, ever.


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Miopic? I'm not so sure about that...




I agree with your post but I think you've got this small matter backwards. Exhorder was doing their 'Slaughter In the Vatican' material when Pantera was trying to sort out their hair metal identity crisis. In fact Pantera's singer lifted Kyle Thomas's singing style 101%. Pantera sold more records and Anselmo tipped his hat to them by producing Exhorder's 2nd album 'The Law' (which turned out to be pretty crappy). On a side note, Anselmo is a self-conscious poseur. Csb: A crew of my delinquent friends & I were hanging out in the French Quarter up to no damn good when here comes Phil Anselmo, Mr. MTV, strutting down Decatur St. "Are you 'F%cking Hostile' Phillip?" we asked him. "No, no" he squeaked and about faced to walk back the way he came. We would have bought him a beer if he'd have said "you fukkin right" but like they say in Texas, he's all hat no cattle. We figured him right.


Anyway, I agree with the long rambling review. Good stuff.


Nah dude, we're saying the same things but in different ways. I meant that the influence was from Exhorder by extension because Exhorder's influence wasn't primary on the metal scene--because Pantera ripped them off, basically. What I mean is that it's by extension because, although Exhorder's style came before Pantera did it, they lacked the national mainstream recognition to really be influential on the scale of Pantera--although, by way of Pantera, their influence continued by extension. I know Exhorder was doing their stuff earlier, but they missed out on the chance for mainstream commercial success, meaning that they are only responsible for it "by extension," because they were so influential on Pantera.


Um...I didn't explain it too well. Sorry. Hope that cleared it up. [thumbup]


(Funny story by the way. Sort of confirms what I had always thought about him.)

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It's a very biased 'review' that doesn't reflect history as I see it.


Most good bands tend to evolve from raw beginnings to a more polished, produced and experimental/commercial style. Those that last the test of time eventually return to their earlier roots when both they and their audience decide to rediscover lost youth. I'm a big fan of Megadeth and they have followed that very pattern. Their music has always been a lot more technically complex and creative than that of Metallica. However, it was Master of Puppets, Kill 'em All and Ride the Lightening that got me in to this style of music back in the mid-80s. I still like them to this day although I only own the first 5 Metallica albums whereas I've got virtually all of the Megadeth Catalogue. Prior to the last 5 years or so, I only owned up to Rust in Peace.


What actually killed '80s Metal was the LA Glam scene that everybody else eventually followed, including many big '70s stars. The music scene was crying out for something fresh and it was Mr. Cobain and co that stepped in. Thankfully, Metallica and Megadeth's legacy was the preservation of metal which just grew in to something else.


Anyway, here's some up-to-date therapy for you:





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Dude can't probably play a note... There are few albums where every song is "Gold", unique and inspiring and of course that depends on the "ear of the beholder". I hate what Metallica has become but it is almost inevitible.


I saw Metallica on the Ride The Lightning tour ( Armored Saint and WASP opened for them) at an under 21 club that held about 500 people. That was pretty amazing at the time. It always took me a while to warm up to their "new" albums. MOP, AJFA were great albums but as I said it took me a while to get in to them... Kind of lost interest after that....


I dunno... I guess you either like it or you don't. Apparently a lot of people did.... also, apparently this guy didn't...

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"That was pretty amazing at the time. It always took me a while to warm up to their "new" albums. MOP, AJFA were great albums but as I said it took me a while to get in to them... Kind of lost interest after that.... "


That about says it for me.


I have to wonder if the guy who wrote the review was even around when Master came out. If he was he would have known that the record really didn't get any radio play because it was too hard. It's only in the last 10 years or so that I have been hearing songs from that record on the radio.

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I was always confused by the reaction/reviews to Master of Puppets by the critics and it started even before the album came out.


After Ride the Lightning there was great anticipation and when MOP came out with a more polished, thick and darker sound with different song structures than previous albums a lot of critics did not support the album, then it became a classic for fans then the critics liked it later on and now it is regarded by some as the best of Metallica's albums.


To me all of the above was a bunch of bull, I liked the record when it came out and I was glad Metallica evolved and "changed keys" like they say. I hate metal bands that have the same sound, production, song structure, etc album after album. heck even AC/DC has changed their sound on some of their albums.


To me, going back to the review it sounds to me the guy wasn't there when MOP came out, sorry but if you are a Mustaine fan that hates Metallica and weren't around in the 80's your opinion has little value to me.


And for Dem00n to agree and praise it as the best review ever? don't even get me started.

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Both bands are great IMHO, but Megadeth did have the world's most talented guitarist, Chris Poland*.


I never thought MoP was a bad album, I mean I never really liked it that much, but the album that killed metal? Hell, I even enjoyed the the whole black album.

I don't see why Dave is getting so much hate because the guy who wrote the review loved him, he's a talented guy.

Sometimes I listen to Metallica, sometimes Megadeth. I am not 1/4 the guitarist of any member of either of the bands.


But hey, this is from the guy who's name is an acronym for Killing is My Business, and Business is Good.



*For those who do not know, Chris Poland is my idol, mainly for his post Megadeth work, rather than what he did in Megadeth.

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