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Kicked out of a Foo Fighters show


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HA! That's funny.


I was almost the guy in the stripe shirt at the last Alice In Chains show I went to. I mean... some people just need a good asskickn'... right?


in 2007 when I saw Rob Zombie and Ozzy I was in the lower bowl of our arena and some dude was in one of the club boxes about 5 feet behind me and he kept spilling beer on me and ashing his cigarettes on me, so I stood up on the back of my chair and started screaming at the guy, I'm about 6'2" and a good 220lb foaming at the mouth yelling at some like 19 year old string bean if he didnt stop pouring beer on me and ashing his smoke on me I was going to climb up there kick his *** and toss him out of the box, that dude was not a problem for the rest of the show. That show was awesome 3 people were taken out on stretchers from mosh pit injuries. Two dudes were smoking a joint in the washroom that only had one entrance or exit, it stank big time, I took a leak and as I was walking out of the washroom three cops were walking in, had to laugh at that one.

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As I ripen in age I realize more and more I'm a lover, not a fighter; totally apprecaite what Dave Grohl did there.


I agree I love it, why should anyone have to put up with some ****** bag ruining the show they probably paid at least $50 per ticket for.

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I agree I love it, why should anyone have to put up with some ****** bag ruining the show they probably paid at least $50 per ticket for.


That's exactly what I said to security as they threatened to toss me out. And I paid $120 for my seats. [rolleyes]

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Guest farnsbarns

Id still like to know what thefight was about and how this guy was fighting by himself.


If the chap had any reasonable explanations they'd be public by now. This was widely reported in the British press. It happened at the Roundhouse in Camden, London. It was a free concert, part of the itunes festival.


Thank Christ they didn't show my, I mean his, face! :P

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If the chap had any reasonable explanations they'd be public by now. This was widely reported in the British press. It happened at the Roundhouse in Camden, London. It was a free concert, part of the itunes festival.


Thank Christ they didn't show my, I mean his, face! :P


Damn Farns I had a feeling you were the dude in the stripped shirt!

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Dave couldn't have told him off better. That idiot deserved it, man! Ya know how many fights there were at Woodstock? NONE!!!! Sometimes when I play live, there is some fighting. Saving that last quote, " you dont come to my show to *******fight! You come to ******dance!! He couldnt have stated it better. As for that guy, all in all hes just another prick in the wall.[flapper] [flapper]



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Well, that sounds real cool but some folks don't get to dance much. And don't believe for a second there were no fights at WoodStock. That's just hippie BS. [cool]


At the AIC show I was at this ClownAss that was seated directly in front of my wife decided he was going to stand for the entire show. When I informed him that he was standing directly in front of the wheel chair seats and that my wife couldn't see the show he said "Eff You man! I paid $60 for this seat and I can stand if I want too." I tapped him on the shoulder again to try to reason with him and he spun around and stuck his middle finger in my face. So I walked around the end of the isle to join him in his seat. Standing toe to toe I put my nose against his, looked straight into his dark mirrored sunglasses, and told him I thought he was being very rude to the cripples behind him. He called me another bad word so I put my hands on his shoulders and helped him sit down in his seat. He jumped up out of the seat and ran off the get security who told me I better leave him alone and stop causing all this trouble. You see... expecting to see a show you paid $120 to see is causing trouble.

As I sat behind this little ***** staring at his pony tail s it bounced around against his *** for the rest of the night I knew I was good for the $1500 it would take for bail. My wife's deathlock on my right arm is all that grabbing his hair and yanking his head backward so I could adjust those glasses for him.


I can feel my blood pressure going up right now as I type this again.... [blink]


Dave's a cool guy and all. I had a little chat with him when FF was on The Van Tour with Watt but I'd still like to know how that guy was fighting by himself.

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Well, that sounds real cool but some folks don't get to dance much. And don't believe for a second there were no fights at WoodStock. That's just hippie BS. [cool]


At the AIC show I was at this ClownAss that was seated directly in front of my wife decided he was going to stand for the entire show. When I informed him that he was standing directly in front of the wheel chair seats and that my wife couldn't see the show he said "Eff You man! I paid $60 for this seat and I can stand if I want too." I tapped him on the shoulder again to try to reason with him and he spun around and stuck his middle finger in my face. So I walked around the end of the isle to join him in his seat. Standing toe to toe I put my nose against his, looked straight into his dark mirrored sunglasses, and told him I thought he was being very rude to the cripples behind him. He called me another bad word so I put my hands on his shoulders and helped him sit down in his seat. He jumped up out of the seat and ran off the get security who told me I better leave him alone and stop causing all this trouble. You see... expecting to see a show you paid $120 to see is causing trouble.

As I sat behind this little ***** staring at his pony tail s it bounced around against his *** for the rest of the night I knew I was good for the $1500 it would take for bail. My wife's deathlock on my right arm is all that grabbing his hair and yanking his head backward so I could adjust those glasses for him.


I can feel my blood pressure going up right now as I type this again.... [blink]


Dave's a cool guy and all. I had a little chat with him when FF was on The Van Tour with Watt but I'd still like to know how that guy was fighting by himself.



WRONG BOY!!!!!!!!!!! I have this book that just came out with Woodstock stories and stats. Tells how many arrests, deaths ( pretty much drug related ) and other things ( such as births, ticket sales, etc ). Do some f******n research before trying to prove me wrong. And the guy was probably beating up another dude or his girl that was a victim. Probably starting fights or yelling at people ( drunk talk ). Like I said, all in all hes just a-nother prick in the wall! Same goes for that idiot you mentioned! You come to my show to f*****n dance!

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Guest farnsbarns

WRONG BOY!!!!!!!!!!! I have this book that just came out with Woodstock stories and stats. Tells how many arrests, deaths ( pretty much drug related ) and other things ( such as births, ticket sales, etc ). Do some f******n research before trying to prove me wrong. And the guy was probably beating up another dude or his girl that was a victim. Probably starting fights or yelling at people ( drunk talk ). Like I said, all in all hes just a-nother prick in the wall! Same goes for that idiot you mentioned! You come to my show to f*****n dance!


Ok, I'm not being funny but just because it's in a book that no one got caught fighting doesn't mean it didn't happen.


No one tried to prove you wrong, just stated that they didn't believe it. Neither do I to be honest.

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WRONG BOY!!!!!!!!!!! I have this book that just came out with Woodstock stories and stats. Tells how many arrests, deaths ( pretty much drug related ) and other things ( such as births, ticket sales, etc ). Do some f******n research before trying to prove me wrong. And the guy was probably beating up another dude or his girl that was a victim. Probably starting fights or yelling at people ( drunk talk ). Like I said, all in all hes just a-nother prick in the wall! Same goes for that idiot you mentioned! You come to my show to f*****n dance!


Settle down sparky. I'm glad you read a book. So many kids today don't bother with books anymore and that's a damn shame. There were three deaths at WoodStock. Only one of them was a drug over dose. The other two were a burst appendix I believe and a kid that got run over by a tractor. Oh... and I didn't look that up in a book either. [biggrin]


Now... do you really believe that 500,000 stoned, drunk and tripping people who just had to abandon their cars and walk 5 miles to get into a free show they paid for, that had 1 bathroom for every 10,000 people, no food after the first day, rivers of **** flowing across the venue and delays in the entertainment caused by rock stars refusing to go on stage until they were paid huge sums, in cash, before the gig all got along with out anyone ever getting cross and taking a swing at someone? For three days??? Come on...



As far as my particular incident at the Alice in Chains acoustic show goes... the entire problem was that the guy wouldn't stop dancing. [cursing]


Peace and Love brother man! [thumbup]

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Settle down sparky. I'm glad you read a book. So many kids today don't bother with books anymore and that's a damn shame. There were three deaths at WoodStock. Only one of them was a drug over dose. The other two were a burst appendix I believe and a kid that got run over by a tractor. Oh... and I didn't look that up in a book either. [biggrin]


Now... do you really believe that 500,000 stoned, drunk and tripping people who just had to abandon their cars and walk 5 miles to get into a free show they paid for, that had 1 bathroom for every 10,000 people, no food after the first day, rivers of **** flowing across the venue and delays in the entertainment caused by rock stars refusing to go on stage until they were paid huge sums, in cash, before the gig all got along with out anyone ever getting cross and taking a swing at someone? For three days??? Come on...



As far as my particular incident at the Alice in Chains acoustic show goes... the entire problem was that the guy wouldn't stop dancing. [cursing]


Peace and Love brother man! [thumbup]

You're right on Searcy, about the Woodstock stuff. Also, the whole thing about the Who and Jimmy and all the other musicians of the time playing that show for free and the love of the music was bunk too, they were paid handsomely as far as I remember.

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