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What ever happened to great instrumental's?


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Not I didn't say there weren't good ones out there - just that one doesn't hear them much any more on mass media.




Yeah...thats why its pointless to listen to mass media. They play what the masses want to hear. MOST casual music listeners NEED lyrics to enjoy music. Hell, a lot of musicians do too! There's no money in instrumental music because there's only a small market for it...so, radio stations and the like play what gets them paid.


I haven't listened to the radio in probably 10 years...for that reason specifically.

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There're still bands who do instrumentals, although you're perfectly right about the non-existant airplay. But then again, radio is purely a business nowadays, save for a few local and passionate stations. This causes somewhat of a dilemma for most unestablished bands, since they now do have the opportunity to upload their (sometimes stunning and self produced) tracks to the web, but who really goes on a scavenger hunt on MySpace or Facebook searching for bands that have gotten no recognition whatsoever? Sure, there are a few who do, but there's just such a copious amount of bands that it all comes down to luck. And, to reiterate my first point, since radio is a business and what they play is what the masses apparently buy, the hunt is down to a handful of individuals facing a mountain of music. Much like finding a needle in a haystack, I suppose.


As for good instrumentals, many have been mentioned already, but not a whole lot of contemporary ones. Here are two from one of my favourite bands, Cake:



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I think you nailed it on radio and few folks scavenging the Web.


That's why I keep saying that I think today's performing musician really needs to consider a different type of marketing than what might have been done even 20 years ago.



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Unfortunately the general public really doesn't *listen* to music anymore, much more emphasis is placed on image and what is currently fashionable - therein lies the problem.


Not since Mike Oldfield's first few albums has the genre seen any major success.


As Shred said, there is an absolute goldmine of instrumental music out there, still being produced today - you just gotta dig for it (or ask around!).

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