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Kidney Stones


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Just got back from the Doctor. After seeing my x-rays he told me I don't have kidney stones... [confused] So now I have to go for more tests... They made an appointment for me torrow afternoon for a CAT scan. Another first for me...


Well what kind of pain is it? Back Pain? or Stomach Pain?

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Same as if it were kidney stones, lower gut right side... It's not as bad now but I still need to find out what was going on...


I'm not a Doctor but it doesn't sound like you have kidney stones cause the symptoms don't much. It sounds more like appendix pain symptoms.






Kidney Stones


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I've been battling kidney stones for a week now. Pretty painful and uncomfortable feeling. I'm going for a contrast X-ray tomorrow to see if they can find it and how to deal with it... [scared]


I had 5 gallstones in my gallbladder last year and had it to have it removed. That was a pain like nothing ive ever felt, 7 hours of agony and my meme' told my mother that it was the worst pain she's ever felt too. Even worse then childbirth, i assume kidney stones are just as painful, so i definately feel for ya! Hope you can get rid of it soon and as others have suggested check some websites about diet to hopefully prevent future outbreaks if at all possible.


Stones in your vital organs are definately not fun.

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Just got back from the Doctor. After seeing my x-rays he told me I don't have kidney stones... [confused] So now I have to go for more tests... They made an appointment for me torrow afternoon for a CAT scan. Another first for me...


Ask for an Ultra Sound, that is how they check for Gallstones. If the pain is kinda higher on your side it could be gallstones, lower toward the groin could be appendix but only your doctor could tell.

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I've been battling kidney stones for a week now. Pretty painful and uncomfortable feeling. I'm going for a contrast X-ray tomorrow to see if they can find it and how to deal with it... [scared]


Just try getting them past customs.......darn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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